

.ARITH_MEMBERS <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%")
.COMPARE_MEMBERS <- c("==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">")
.LOGIC_MEMBERS <- c("&", "|")  # currently untested

### Toy integer 3D SparseArraySeed.
.make_toy_sas1 <- function()
    dim1 <- c(5L, 10L, 3L)
    nzindex1 <- Lindex2Mindex(1:prod(dim1), dim1)
    nzindex1 <- nzindex1[sample(nrow(nzindex1), 30), , drop=FALSE]
    nzdata1 <- 24:-5
    nzdata1[2:3] <- NA
    nzdata1[4:5] <- 0L
    SparseArraySeed(dim1, nzindex1, nzdata1)

### Toy integer 3D SparseArraySeed with no zeroes or NAs.
.make_toy_sas1b <- function()
    dim1b <- c(5L, 10L, 3L)
    nzindex1b <- Lindex2Mindex(1:prod(dim1b), dim1b)
    nzindex1b <- nzindex1b[sample(nrow(nzindex1b)), , drop=FALSE]
    nzdata1b <- sample(10L, nrow(nzindex1b), replace=TRUE)
    SparseArraySeed(dim1b, nzindex1b, nzdata1b)

### Toy numeric 3D array with one NA and plenty of zeroes, Inf's, -Inf's,
### and NaN's.
.make_toy_a2 <- function()
    a1b <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1b())
    a2 <- 2:-2 / (a1b - 5)
    a2[2, 9, 2] <- NA  # same as a2[[92]] <- NA

### Toy character 3D SparseArraySeed.
.make_toy_sas3 <- function()
    sas1 <- .make_toy_sas1()
    nzdata3 <- paste0(sas1@nzdata, "aXb")
    nzdata3[2:3] <- NA
    nzdata3[4:5] <- ""
    SparseArraySeed(dim(sas1), sas1@nzindex, nzdata3)

.BLOCK_SIZES1 <- c(12L, 20L, 50L, 15000L)

test_DelayedArray_unary_iso_ops <- function()
    do_tests <- function(.Generic, a, A) {
        GENERIC <-
        current <- GENERIC(A)
        checkTrue(is(current, "DelayedArray"))
        checkIdentical(dim(a), dim(current))
        checkIdentical(GENERIC(a), as.array(current))

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())  # integer 3D array
    A1 <- realize(a1)
    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    A2 <- realize(a2)
    for (.Generic in c("", "is.finite", "is.infinite", "is.nan")) {
        do_tests(.Generic, a1, A1)
        do_tests(.Generic, a2, A2)

    a3 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas3())  # character 3D array
    A3 <- realize(a3)
    for (.Generic in c("nchar", "tolower", "toupper")) {
        do_tests(.Generic, a3, A3)

test_DelayedArray_Math_ans_Arith <- function()
    toto1 <- function(a) { 100 / floor(abs((5 * log(a + 0.2) - 1)^3)) }
    toto2 <- function(a) { 100L + (5L * (a - 2L)) %% 7L }
    do_tests <- function(a, A) {
        current1 <- toto1(A)
        checkTrue(is(current1, "DelayedArray"))
        checkIdentical(dim(a), dim(current1))
        ## Supress "NaNs produced" warnings.
        target1 <- suppressWarnings(toto1(a))
        checkIdentical(target1, suppressWarnings(as.array(current1)))

        current2 <- toto2(A)
        checkTrue(is(current2, "DelayedArray"))
        checkIdentical(dim(a), dim(current2))
        target2 <- toto2(a)
        checkIdentical(target2, as.array(current2))

        current <- toto2(current1)
        checkTrue(is(current, "DelayedArray"))
        checkIdentical(dim(a), dim(current))
        ## Supress "NaNs produced" warnings.
        checkIdentical(toto2(target1), suppressWarnings(as.array(current)))

        current <- toto1(current2)
        checkTrue(is(current, "DelayedArray"))
        checkIdentical(dim(a), dim(current))
        checkIdentical(toto1(target2), as.array(current))

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())  # integer 3D array
    A1 <- realize(a1)
    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    A2 <- realize(a2)
    do_tests(a1, A1)
    do_tests(a2, A2)

    a <- a1[ , 10:4, -2]
    A <- A1[ , 10:4, -2]
    do_tests(a, A)
    do_tests(a, realize(A))
    a <- a2[ , 10:4, -2]
    A <- A2[ , 10:4, -2]
    do_tests(a, A)
    do_tests(a, realize(A))

    ## with a numeric matrix
    m <- a2[ , , 2]
    M <- A2[ , , 2]
    do_tests(m, M)
    do_tests(m, realize(M))
    do_tests(t(m), t(M))
    do_tests(t(m), realize(t(M)))
    checkIdentical(t(toto1(m)), as.matrix(t(toto1(M))))

test_DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_or_right_vector <- function()
    do_tests <- function(.Generic, a, A, m, M) {
        GENERIC <-

        target_current <- list(
            list(GENERIC(a, m[ , 1]), GENERIC(A, M[ , 1])),
            list(GENERIC(m[ , 1], a), GENERIC(M[ , 1], A)),

            list(GENERIC(a, a[ , 1, 1]), GENERIC(A, A[ , 1, 1])),
            list(GENERIC(a[ , 1, 1], a), GENERIC(A[ , 1, 1], A)),

            list(GENERIC(a, a[[1]]), GENERIC(A, A[[1]])),
            list(GENERIC(a[[1]], a), GENERIC(A[[1]], A))
        for (i in seq_along(target_current)) {
            target <- target_current[[i]][[1L]]
            current <- target_current[[i]][[2L]]
            checkIdentical(target, as.array(current))
            checkIdentical(target[5:3, , -2], as.array(current[5:3, , -2]))
            checkIdentical(target[0, 0, 0], as.array(current[0, 0, 0]))
            checkIdentical(target[0, 0, -2], as.array(current[0, 0, -2]))
            checkIdentical(target[ , 0, ], as.array(current[ , 0, ]))
            for (block_size in .BLOCK_SIZES2) {
                checkEquals(sum(target, na.rm=TRUE), sum(current, na.rm=TRUE))

    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    A2 <- realize(a2)
    m <- a2[ , , 2]
    M <- realize(m)
    for (.Generic in c(.ARITH_MEMBERS, .COMPARE_MEMBERS))
        do_tests(.Generic, a2, A2, m, M)

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())  # integer 3D array
    a <- a1 >= 1L  # logical 3D array
    A <- realize(a)
    m <- a[ , , 2]
    M <- realize(m)
    for (.Generic in .LOGIC_MEMBERS)
        do_tests(.Generic, a2, A2, m, M)

test_DelayedArray_Ops_with_conformable_args <- function()
    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())  # integer 3D array
    A1 <- realize(a1)
    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    A2 <- realize(a2)
    a3 <- array(sample(5L, 150, replace=TRUE), c(5, 10, 3))
    a3[2, 9, 2] <- NA  # same as a3[[92]] <- NA
    A3 <- realize(a3)
    for (.Generic in c(.ARITH_MEMBERS, .COMPARE_MEMBERS)) {
        GENERIC <-
        target1 <- GENERIC(a1, a2)
        target2 <- GENERIC(a2, a1)
        target3 <- GENERIC(a1, a3)
        checkIdentical(target1, as.array(GENERIC(A1, A2)))
        checkIdentical(target2, as.array(GENERIC(A2, A1)))
        checkIdentical(target3, as.array(GENERIC(A1, A3)))

    x <- a1 >= 6L  # logical 3D array
    X <- realize(x)
    y <- a1 >= 1L & a1 <= 10L  # logical 3D array
    Y <- realize(y)
    for (.Generic in .LOGIC_MEMBERS) {
        GENERIC <-
        target <- GENERIC(x, y)
        checkIdentical(target, as.array(GENERIC(X, Y)))
        checkIdentical(target, as.array(GENERIC(Y, X)))

test_DelayedArray_anyNA <- function()
    BLOCK_anyNA <- DelayedArray:::.BLOCK_anyNA

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())   # integer 3D array
    A1 <- realize(a1)
    a1b <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1b()) # integer 3D array with no zeroes or NAs
    A1b <- realize(a1b)

    for (block_size in .BLOCK_SIZES1) {
        checkIdentical(TRUE, anyNA(A1))
        checkIdentical(TRUE, BLOCK_anyNA(a1))
        checkIdentical(FALSE, anyNA(A1b))
        checkIdentical(FALSE, BLOCK_anyNA(a1b))

test_DelayedArray_which <- function()
    BLOCK_which <- DelayedArray:::BLOCK_which

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())  # integer 3D array
    a <- a1 >= 1L  # logical 3D array
    A <- realize(a)
    target1 <- which(a)
    target2 <- which(a, arr.ind=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)
    for (block_size in .BLOCK_SIZES1) {
        checkIdentical(target1, which(A))
        checkIdentical(target2, which(A, arr.ind=TRUE))
        checkIdentical(target1, BLOCK_which(a))

    a <- a1 == -100L    # all FALSE
    A <- realize(a)
    target1 <- integer(0)
    target2 <- matrix(integer(0), ncol=3)
    for (block_size in .BLOCK_SIZES1) {
        checkIdentical(target1, which(A))
        checkIdentical(target2, which(A, arr.ind=TRUE))
        checkIdentical(target1, BLOCK_which(a))

test_DelayedArray_Summary <- function()
    do_tests <- function(.Generic, a, block_sizes, checkFun) {
        BLOCK_Summary <- DelayedArray:::.BLOCK_Summary

        GENERIC <-
        target1 <- GENERIC(a)
        target2 <- GENERIC(a, na.rm=TRUE)
        A <- realize(a)
        for (block_size in block_sizes) {
            checkFun(target1, GENERIC(A))
            checkFun(target1, BLOCK_Summary(.Generic, a))
            checkFun(target1, GENERIC(aperm(A)))
            checkFun(target2, GENERIC(A, na.rm=TRUE))
            checkFun(target2, BLOCK_Summary(.Generic, a, na.rm=TRUE))
            checkFun(target2, GENERIC(aperm(A), na.rm=TRUE))

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())   # integer 3D array
    a1b <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1b()) # integer 3D array with no zeroes or NAs
    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    for (.Generic in c("max", "min", "range")) {
        do_tests(.Generic, a1, .BLOCK_SIZES1, checkIdentical)
        do_tests(.Generic, a1b, .BLOCK_SIZES1, checkIdentical)
        do_tests(.Generic, a1b - 0.5, .BLOCK_SIZES2, checkIdentical)
        do_tests(.Generic, a2, .BLOCK_SIZES2, checkIdentical)
    for (.Generic in c("sum", "prod")) {
        do_tests(.Generic, a1, .BLOCK_SIZES1, checkIdentical)
        do_tests(.Generic, a1b, .BLOCK_SIZES1, checkEquals)
        do_tests(.Generic, a1b - 0.5, .BLOCK_SIZES2, checkEquals)
        do_tests(.Generic, a2, .BLOCK_SIZES2, checkEquals)

    ## on a logical array
    a <- array(c(rep(NA, 62), rep(TRUE, 87), FALSE), c(5, 10, 3))
    for (.Generic in c("any", "all"))
        do_tests(.Generic, a, .BLOCK_SIZES1, checkIdentical)

test_DelayedArray_mean <- function()
    do_tests <- function(a, block_sizes) {
        BLOCK_mean <- DelayedArray:::.BLOCK_mean

        target1 <- mean(a)
        target2 <- mean(a, na.rm=TRUE)
        target3 <- mean(a[ , 10:4, -2])
        A <- realize(a)
        for (block_size in block_sizes) {
            checkEquals(target1, mean(A))
            checkEquals(target1, BLOCK_mean(a))
            checkEquals(target1, mean(aperm(A)))
            checkEquals(target2, mean(A, na.rm=TRUE))
            checkEquals(target2, BLOCK_mean(a, na.rm=TRUE))
            checkEquals(target2, mean(aperm(A), na.rm=TRUE))
            checkEquals(target3, mean(A[ , 10:4, -2]))
            checkEquals(target3, BLOCK_mean(a[ , 10:4, -2]))
            checkEquals(target3, mean(aperm(A[ , 10:4, -2])))

    a1 <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1())   # integer 3D array
    a1b <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1b()) # integer 3D array with no zeroes or NAs
    a2 <- .make_toy_a2()  # numeric 3D array
    do_tests(a1, .BLOCK_SIZES1)
    do_tests(a1b, .BLOCK_SIZES1)
    do_tests(a1b - 0.5, .BLOCK_SIZES2)
    do_tests(a2, .BLOCK_SIZES2)

test_DelayedArray_apply <- function()
    do_tests <- function(a) {
        A <- realize(a)
        for (MARGIN in seq_along(dim(a))) {
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, dim),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, dim))
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, sum),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, sum))
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, sum, na.rm=TRUE),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, sum, na.rm=TRUE))
            ## row/colSums and row/colMeans don't work yet in that case.
            if (dim(A)[[MARGIN]] == 0L && length(dim(A)) >= 3L)
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, rowSums),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, rowSums))
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, rowSums, na.rm=TRUE),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, rowSums, na.rm=TRUE))
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, colMeans),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, colMeans))
            checkIdentical(apply(a, MARGIN, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE),
                           apply(A, MARGIN, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE))

    a1b <- as.array(.make_toy_sas1b()) # integer 3D array with no zeroes or NAs
    do_tests(a1b[ , , 0])

    dimnames(a1b) <- list(NULL, NULL, LETTERS[1:3])
    do_tests(a1b[ , , 0])

    dimnames(a1b) <- list(NULL, letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:3])
    do_tests(a1b[ , , 0])

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DelayedArray documentation built on March 25, 2021, 6:01 p.m.