
Defines functions dAllocate

Documented in dAllocate

#' Allocation of observations to pre-established cluster centers.
#' Here, observations of a dataset are allocated to a set of preestablished
#' cluster centers. This is intended to be used for the test set in train-test
#' dataset situations.
#' @importFrom moments kurtosis
#' @param inDataFrame A dataframe or matrix with the data that that the cluster
#' centers will be allocated to. This data should be scaled in the same way as
#' the data for the original depeche was scaled  when it entered the algorithm,
#' i.e. in the normal case, not at all.
#' @param clusterCenters A matrix that needs to be inherited from a depeche run.
#' It contains the information about which clusters and variables that have been
#' sparsed away and where the cluster centers are located for the remaining
#' clusters and variables.
#' @param log2Off If the automatic detection for high kurtosis, and followingly,
#' the log2 transformation, should be turned off.
#' @param noZeroNum For internal use. Controls the that the internal
#' algorithm returns a cluster with number 0.
#' @seealso \code{\link{depeche}}
#' @return A vector with the same length as number of rows in the inDataFrame,
#' where the cluster identity of each observation is noted.
#' @examples
#' # Retrieve some example data
#' data(testData)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Now arbitrarily (for the sake of the example) divide the data into a
#' # training- and a test set.
#' testDataSample <- sample(1:nrow(testData), size = 10000)
#' testDataTrain <- testData[testDataSample, ]
#' testDataTest <- testData[-testDataSample, ]
#' # Run the depeche function for the train set
#' x_depeche_train <- depeche(testDataTrain[, 2:15],
#'     maxIter = 20,
#'     sampleSize = 1000
#' )
#' # Allocate the test dataset to the centers of the train dataset
#' x_depeche_test <- dAllocate(testDataTest[, 2:15],
#'     clusterCenters = x_depeche_train$clusterCenters
#' )
#' # And finally plot the two groups to see how great the overlap was:
#' trainTablePerId <- apply(as.matrix(table(
#'     testDataTrain$ids,
#'     x_depeche_train$clusterVector
#' )), 1, function(x) x / sum(x))
#' trainTableCollapsed <- apply(trainTablePerId, 1, sum)
#' trainTableFraction <- trainTableCollapsed / sum(trainTableCollapsed)
#' testTablePerId <- apply(
#'     as.matrix(table(testDataTest$ids, x_depeche_test)),
#'     1, function(x) x / sum(x)
#' )
#' testTableCollapsed <- apply(testTablePerId, 1, sum)
#' testTableFraction <- testTableCollapsed / sum(testTableCollapsed)
#' xmatrix <- t(cbind(trainTableFraction, testTableFraction))
#' library(gplots)
#' barplot2(xmatrix, beside = TRUE, legend = rownames(xmatrix))
#' title(main = "Difference between train and test set")
#' title(xlab = "Clusters")
#' title(ylab = "Fraction")
#' }
#' @export dAllocate
dAllocate <- function(inDataFrame, clusterCenters, log2Off = FALSE,
                      noZeroNum = TRUE) {
    if (is.data.frame(inDataFrame)) {
        inDataFrame <- as.matrix(inDataFrame)

    if (log2Off == FALSE && kurtosis(as.vector(inDataFrame)) > 100) {
        kurtosisValue1 <- kurtosis(as.vector(inDataFrame))
        # Here, the log transformation is
        # performed. In cases where the lowest
        # value is 0, everything is simple. In
        # other cases, a slightly more
        # complicated formula is needed
        if (min(inDataFrame) >= 0) {
            inDataFrame <- log2(inDataFrame + 1)
        } else {
            # First, the data needs to be reasonably
            # log transformed to not too extreme
            # values, but still without loosing
            # resolution.
            inDataFrameLog <- log2(apply(
                inDataFrame, 2,
                function(x) x - min(x)
            ) + 1)
            # Then, the extreme negative values will
            # be replaced by 0, as they give rise to
            # artefacts.
            inDataFrameLog[which(is.nan(inDataFrameLog))] <- 0

        kurtosisValue2 <- kurtosis(as.vector(inDataFrame))
            "The data was found to be heavily tailed (kurtosis ",
            kurtosisValue1, "). Therefore, it was log2-transformed, ",
            "leading to a new kurtosis value of ", kurtosisValue2, "."

    # Here, all variables that do not
    # contribute to defining a single cluster
    # is removed.
    clusterCentersReduced <-
            which(rowSums(clusterCenters) != 0),
            which(colSums(clusterCenters) != 0)

    # If some variables have been excluded as
    # they did not contribute to construction
    # of any cluster, they are removed from
    # the inData here. The special case with only one variable is taken
    # into account.
    # There are two different methods here: one for external and one for
    # internal use. In the first case, there are no colnumn names, but the
    # properties of the cluster centers are also more raw and thus informative.
    if (length(colnames(clusterCenters)) > 0) {
        inDataFrameReduced <- inDataFrame[, colnames(clusterCenters)]
    } else {
        inDataFrameReduced <-
            inDataFrame[, which(colSums(clusterCenters) != 0)]

    # Here, a specific case, namely that only one variable contains
    # meaningful information, is taken into account.
    if (is.vector(inDataFrameReduced)) {
        clusterCentersReduced <- as.matrix(clusterCentersReduced)
        inDataFrameReduced <- as.matrix(inDataFrameReduced)

    clusterReallocationResult <- allocate_points(
        clusterCentersReduced, 1

    # As allocate_points spontaneously likes to throw out a cluster called 0,
    # this behaviour is controlled here
    if (noZeroNum) {
        clusterReallocationResult <- clusterReallocationResult + 1


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DepecheR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.