
Defines functions ewce_expression_data

Documented in ewce_expression_data

#' Bootstrap celltype enrichment test for transcriptome data
#' \code{ewce_expression_data} takes a differential expression table and determines the probability of cell-type enrichment in the up & down regulated genes
#' @param sct_data List generated using \code{\link{read_celltype_data}}
#' @param tt Differential expression table. Can be output of limma::topTable function. Minimum requirement is that one column stores a metric of increased/decreased expression (i.e. log fold change, t-statistic for differential expression etc) and another contains either HGNC or MGI symbols.
#' @param sortBy Column name of metric in tt which should be used to sort up- from down- regulated genes. Default="t"
#' @param thresh The number of up- and down- regulated genes to be included in each analysis. Dafault=250
#' @param reps Number of random gene lists to generate (default=100 but should be over 10000 for publication quality results)
#' @param sub a logical indicating whether to analyse sub-cell type annotations (TRUE) or cell-type annotations (FALSE). Default is FALSE.
#' @param useHGNC a logical indicating whether HGNC or MGI gene symbols are provided. Dafault=TRUE
#' @return A list containing five data frames:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{results}: dataframe in which each row gives the statistics (p-value, fold change and number of standard deviations from the mean) associated with the enrichment of the stated cell type in the gene list. An additional column *Direction* stores whether it the result is from the up or downregulated set.
#'   \item \code{hit.cells.up}: vector containing the summed proportion of expression in each cell type for the target list
#'   \item \code{hit.cells.down}: vector containing the summed proportion of expression in each cell type for the target list#'
#'   \item \code{bootstrap_data.up}: matrix in which each row represents the summed proportion of expression in each cell type for one of the random lists
#'   \item \code{bootstrap_data.down}: matrix in which each row represents the summed proportion of expression in each cell type for one of the random lists
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Load the single cell data
#' data(celltype_data)
#' # Set the parameters for the analysis
#' reps=100 # <- Use 100 bootstrap lists so it runs quickly, for publishable analysis use >10000
#' subCellStatus=0 # <- Use subcell level annotations (i.e. Interneuron type 3)
#' if(subCellStatus==1){subCellStatus=TRUE;cellTag="SubCells"}
#' if(subCellStatus==0){subCellStatus=FALSE;cellTag="FullCells"}
#' # Load the gene list and get human orthologs
#' data("tt_alzh")
#' # Bootstrap significance testing, without controlling for transcript length and GC content
#' tt_results = ewce_expression_data(sct_data=celltype_data,tt=tt_alzh)
#' @export
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM
#' @importFrom biomaRt listMarts
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart
# @import reshape2
# @import plyr
ewce_expression_data <- function(sct_data,tt,sortBy="t",thresh=250,reps=100,sub=FALSE,useHGNC=TRUE){
    # Check the arguments
    if(!sortBy %in% colnames(tt)){stop("ERROR: tt does not contain a column with value passed in sortBy argument")}
    if(dim(tt)[1]<(thresh*2)){stop("ERROR: length of table is less than twice the size of threshold")}

        if(!"HGNC.symbol" %in% colnames(tt)){stop("ERROR: tt does not contain an 'HGNC.symbol' column")}
        # Load the ortholog data
        mouse_to_human_homologs=NULL # <-- THIS LINE ONLY INCLUDED TO FOOL devtools::check()
        data("mouse_to_human_homologs", envir = environment())
        m2h = unique(mouse_to_human_homologs[,c("HGNC.symbol","MGI.symbol")])

        # Drop genes without orthologs
        tt2 = merge(tt,m2h,by="HGNC.symbol") # Obtain MGI orthologs
        if(!"MGI.symbol" %in% colnames(tt)){stop("ERROR: tt does not contain an 'MGI.symbol' column")}
        tt2 = tt

    # Sort from down-->up regulated
    tt3 = tt2[order(tt2[,sortBy]),] # Sort by t-statistic

    # Select the up/down-regulated gene sets
    mouse.upreg.hits = unique(tt3[dim(tt3)[1]:(dim(tt3)[1]-250),"MGI.symbol"])
    mouse.downreg.hits = unique(tt3[1:thresh,"MGI.symbol"])

    # Select the background gene set
    mouse.bg = unique(tt3$MGI.symbol)

    # Do EWCE analysis
    full_res_up = bootstrap.enrichment.test(sct_data=sct_data,mouse.hits=mouse.upreg.hits,mouse.bg=mouse.bg,reps = reps,sub=sub,geneSizeControl=FALSE)
    full_res_down = bootstrap.enrichment.test(sct_data=sct_data,mouse.hits=mouse.downreg.hits,mouse.bg=mouse.bg,reps = reps,sub=sub,geneSizeControl=FALSE)
    joint_results = rbind(cbind(full_res_up$results,Direction="Up"),cbind(full_res_down$results,Direction="Down"))
    hit.cells.up = full_res_up$hit.cells
    hit.cells.down = full_res_down$hit.cells
    bootstrap_data.up = full_res_up$bootstrap_data
    bootstrap_data.down = full_res_down$bootstrap_data


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EWCE documentation built on May 31, 2017, 3:16 p.m.