#' Connection to google cloud storage
#' This function creates an R connection to a file on google cloud
#' storage. A service account credentials is required for accessing
#' private data, the credentials can be set via `gcs_cloud_auth`. If
#' the bucket requires Requester Pays, a billing project needs to be
#' set in `gcs_set_billing_project`.
#' @param description A google uri to the file that you want to connect
#' to or a FileClass object returned by `gcs_dir`. If the value is a
#' path(e.g. "folder1/folder2/myfile") and the argument `bucket` is
#' missing, it will be treated as a google uri without the common
#' header `gs://`. If the argument `bucket` is not missing,
#' the value in `description` will be treated as a relative path.
#' @param open character(1). A description of how to open the
#' connection. See details for possible values. the default
#' is "rb".
#' @param encoding character(1). The encoding of the input/output
#' stream of a connection. Currently the parameter `encoding`
#' should be either `native.enc` or `UTF8`. see `?connections` for
#' more detail.
#' @param bucket character(1). The name of the bucket that the file is
#' located in. If a google uri to the file is provided in
#' `description`, this parameter will be ignored.
#' @param billing_project logical(1) or character(1). If logical,
#' whether users
#' should pay the cost for accessing the data. The
#' billing project is the project ID in `gcs_get_billing_project()`.
#' If character, it represents the project ID that will be charged
#' by Google.
#' @details Possible values for the argument `open` are the
#' combination of the following characters:
#' "r" or "w" : read or write mode. The GCS connection cannot be in
#' both read and write modes.
#' "t" or "b" : text or binary mode. If not specified, the default is
#' text mode.
#' @examples
#' ## Open for reading the public Landsat data # on google cloud
#' ## storage in text mode
#' f <- "gs://genomics-public-data/NA12878.chr20.sample.DeepVariant-0.7.2.vcf"
#' con <- gcs_connection(description = f, open = "rt")
#' readLines(con, n = 4L)
#' close(con)
#' @return A connection
#' @export
gcs_connection <-
open = "rb",
encoding = getOption("encoding"),
bucket = NULL,
billing_project = gcs_get_requester_pays())
# Convert any non-character object to character
temp <- nonchar_to_char(description,
billing_project = billing_project,
missing_billing_project = missing(billing_project))
description <- temp$x
billing_project <- temp$billing_project
## if bucket is not NULL
## we need to update the uri in description
"argument `bucket` must be NULL when a google URI is provided"
description <- get_google_uri(bucket, description)
file_info <- decompose_google_uri(description, is_folder = FALSE)
bucket <- file_info$bucket
file <- file_info$path_string
description <- file_info$uri
UTF8 <- identical(encoding, "UTF8")
is_text <- !grepl("b", open, fixed = TRUE)
is_read <- grepl("r", open, fixed = TRUE)
is_write <- grepl("w", open, fixed = TRUE)
if (is_read && is_write) {
stop("connection must be in either read or write mode, but not both.")
if (is_read) {
buff_length <- gcs_get_read_buff()
} else {
buff_length <- gcs_get_write_buff()
## add the billing project
billing_project <- get_billing_project(billing_project)
description <- paste0(description,"(Billing project enabled)")
auto_open <- TRUE
bucket = bucket,
file = file,
is_read = is_read,
is_text = is_text,
UTF8 = UTF8,
auto_open = auto_open,
buff_length = buff_length,
description = description,
open_mode = open,
billing_project = billing_project
#' copy files to and from buckets
#' The function supports moving files or folders from bucket to
#' bucket, disk to bucket and bucket to disk. Note that the existing
#' destination file will be overwritten.
#' @param from,to the character path to a bucket/folder/file or
#' a FolderClass/FileClass object returned by `gcs_dir`. At least
#' one path must be a google URI. It is recommended to explicitly
#' add a trailing "/" if the parameter is a path to a folder.
#' @param recursive logical(1). Whether to recursively copy the files in
#' the subfolders.
#' @inheritParams gcs_connection
#' @return No return value
#' @examples
#' tmp_path <- tempdir()
#' ## Download a file to a disk
#' gcs_cp("gs://genomics-public-data/NA12878.chr20.sample.bam", tmp_path)
#' ## Check the file existance
#' file.exists(file.path(tmp_path, "NA12878.chr20.sample.bam"))
#' ## Download all files in a path.
#' ## The files in the subfolders will not be copied due to `recursive = FALSE`
#' folder_path <- file.path(tmp_path, "example")
#' gcs_cp("gs://genomics-public-data/", folder_path, recursive = FALSE)
#' ## Check the file existance
#' list.files(folder_path)
#' @export
gcs_cp <- function(from, to, recursive = TRUE, billing_project = gcs_get_requester_pays()) {
missing_billing_project <- missing(billing_project)
## Convert any non-character object to character
temp <- nonchar_to_char(to,
billing_project = billing_project,
missing_billing_project = missing_billing_project)
to <- temp$x
billing_project <- temp$billing_project
## If both from and to are File_or_Folder objects,
## the setting in from has a higher priority
temp <- nonchar_to_char(from,
billing_project = billing_project,
missing_billing_project = missing_billing_project)
from <- temp$x
billing_project <- temp$billing_project
## Convert logical value to billing project ID
billing_project <- get_billing_project(billing_project)
from_cloud <- is_google_uri(from)
to_cloud <- is_google_uri(to)
if (!from_cloud && !to_cloud) {
"This function is for the google cloud platform, ",
"it cannot manage your disk file."
from <- standardize_file_path(from, billing_project = billing_project)
to <- standardize_file_path(to, billing_project = billing_project)
## The path has been standardized
from_folder <- is_folder_path(from)
to_folder <- is_folder_path(to)
if (from_folder && !to_folder) {
to <- paste0(to, "/")
to_folder <- TRUE
if (!from_folder && to_folder) {
file_name <- basename(from)
to <- paste0(to, file_name)
to_folder <- FALSE
if (from_folder) {
gcs_cp_folder(from = from, to = to,
from_cloud = from_cloud, to_cloud = to_cloud,
recursive = recursive, billing_project = billing_project)
} else {
gcs_cp_file(from = from, to = to,
from_cloud = from_cloud, to_cloud = to_cloud,
billing_project = billing_project)
#' List bucket/folder/object
#' list objects in a bucket/folder or get the description of a file.
#' You can change the current direction via `[[` or `$` operator. `..`
#' can be used to go to the parent folder. For reducing the number of
#' request sent to the network, it is recommended to add a trailing
#' slash if the path is a folder.
#' @param path The character path to a bucket/folder/file or
#' a FolderClass/FileClass object returned by `gcs_dir`.
#' @param delimiter Logical(1), whether to use `/` as a path
#' delimiter. If not, the path will be treated as the path to a
#' file even when it ends with `/`
#' @inheritParams gcs_connection
#' @examples
#' ## List files in a bucket
#' ## Equivalent: gcs_dir(path = "gs://genomics-public-data/")
#' gcs_dir(path = "genomics-public-data/")
#' ## List files in a folder
#' gcs_dir(path = "genomics-public-data/clinvar/")
#' ## List the information of a file
#' gcs_dir(path = "genomics-public-data/clinvar/README.txt")
#' @return
#' `FolderClass` object or a `FileClass` object
#' @export
gcs_dir <- function(path, delimiter = TRUE, billing_project = gcs_get_requester_pays()) {
## Convert any non-character object to character
temp <- nonchar_to_char(path,
billing_project = billing_project,
missing_billing_project = missing(billing_project))
path <- temp$x
billing_project <- temp$billing_project
## Convert logical value to billing project ID
billing_project <- get_billing_project(billing_project)
## If path is empty
length(path) == 0){
path = ""
info <- decompose_google_uri(path)
## If delimiter is not used, the path must be a file path
## Otherwise, we send a request to the cloud to
## Determine whether the path is a file path or a folder path
if(delimiter && exist_folder(info$full_path_vector, billing_project)){
is_folder <- TRUE
is_folder <- FALSE
info <- decompose_google_uri(path, is_folder = is_folder)
if (!is_folder) {
.makeFileClass(full_path_vector = info$full_path_vector,
billing_project = billing_project)
} else {
full_path_vector = info$full_path_vector,
billing_project = billing_project
#' Delete a file or a directory
#' Delete a file or a directory. The path to a directory
#' *must* have a tailing slash so that the function can
#' distinguish it from a file path.
#' @param quiet Whether to require the user's confirmation
#' before deleting a directory.
#' @inheritParams gcs_dir
#' @return No return value.
#' @examples
#' ## remove the entire content in a bucket
#' ## gcs_rm("myBucket")
#' ## remove a folder in a bucket
#' ## gcs_rm("myBucket/myFolder/")
#' ## remove a file in a bucket
#' ## gcs_rm("myBucket/myFolder/myFile")
#' @export
gcs_rm <- function(path, billing_project = gcs_get_requester_pays(),
quiet = FALSE){
## Convert any non-character object to character
temp <- nonchar_to_char(path,
billing_project = billing_project,
missing_billing_project = missing(billing_project))
path <- temp$x
billing_project <- temp$billing_project
## Convert logical value to billing project ID
billing_project <- get_billing_project(billing_project)
info <- decompose_google_uri(path)
exist_folder(info$full_path_vector, billing_project)){
results <- list_files(
delimiter = NULL,
billing_project = billing_project
all_files_uri <- paste0(info$uri, results$file_names)
all_files_uri <- paste0(info$uri, "/", results$file_names)
answer <- readline(
prompt = paste(
" files will be deleted,",
"are you sure to continue?[y/n]: "
answer <- tolower(answer)
if (answer == "n") {
for(i in all_files_uri){
cur_file_info <- decompose_google_uri(i)
delete_file(cur_file_info$full_path_vector, billing_project)
if(exist_file(info$full_path_vector, billing_project)){
delete_file(info$full_path_vector, billing_project)
#' Google credentials
#' Authenticate with Google Cloud Storage. You can download the JSON
#' credential file from Google Gloud Platform. The package will search
#' for the credentials from evironment variables
#' loaded in R. If both variables are not set, the package will try
#' to get your credentials from `gcloud` program. If it fails to find
#' `gcloud`, you will use anonymous credentials.
#' To redo the credentials initialization process after the
#' package is loaded. Simply call the `gcs_cloud_auth` function with
#' no argument.
#' @param json_file character(1). A JSON file that can be used to
#' authenticate with Google Cloud Storage. If the value is `NULL`,
#' the current credential will be erased.
#' @param gcloud logical. Whether use gcloud to authenticate with
#' Google Cloud Storage. If the value is `TRUE`, the parameter
#' `json_file` will be ignored. See details.
#' @param email character(1) or NULL. For gcloud only. Account to get
#' the access token for. If not specified, the current active
#' account in gcloud will be used.
#' @param billing_project character(1) or NULL. The project's ID which
#' the charges will be sent to. If the value is not NULL, it will
#' overwrite the default setting. See details.
#' @details
#' **Obtaining credentials**
#' When the package is loaded, it first searches the
#' credential file from the enviroment variable
#' `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`. If the credentials is not
#' found, the environment variable `GCS_AUTH_FILE` will be used
#' intead. If both variables are not specified. Users need to
#' specify the credentials by calling `gcs_cloud_auth` function.
#' The function also works with Google Cloud SDK. If you have initialized
#' the SDK and set up your google account, the credentials can be obtained
#' via `gcs_cloud_auth(gcloud = TRUE)`.
#' **Billing project**
#' Some buckets have enabled Requester Pays, which means users are responsible
#' for the charges associated with the data access. In this case, you must have
#' a billing project for receiving the bills. By default, if you are using a
#' service account to authenticate with Google Cloud, the billing project will
#' be set to the project associated with the service account.
#' If you are using Google Cloud SDK, the billing probject will be the default
#' project in `gcloud`. You can also manually set the billing project via
#' `gcs_set_billing_project`.
#' @rdname authentication
#' @seealso requester_pays
#' @return gcs_cloud_auth : No return value
#' gcs_get_cloud_auth : An S3 `auth` class containing credentials
#' information
#' @examples
#' ## Default authentication process
#' gcs_cloud_auth()
#' ## Show the credentials
#' gcs_get_cloud_auth()
#' ## Anonymous credential
#' gcs_cloud_auth(NULL)
#' gcs_get_cloud_auth()
#' ## Use gcloud to do the authentication
#' if(GCSConnection:::exists_gcloud()){
#' gcs_cloud_auth(gcloud = TRUE)
#' gcs_get_cloud_auth()
#' }
#' @export
gcs_cloud_auth <-
function(json_file, gcloud = FALSE, email = NULL, billing_project = NULL)
quiet <- FALSE
## If no argument is provided, we use the
## default authentication process, it do the
## following items in order
## 1. Find the credentials from the environment variable
## 2. gcloud
## 3. anonymous credential
if (missing(json_file) && !gcloud) {
json_file <- get_credentials_from_environment()
## If fail to find the JSON file and gcloud exist,
## use gcloud instead
gcloud <- TRUE
quiet <- TRUE
## If no gcloud can be found,
## gcloud = FALSE
## json_file = NULL
if (gcloud) {
gcs_set_billing_project(billing_project = billing_project, gcloud = TRUE)
success <- update_gcloud_token(quiet)
## If fail to get credentials from gcloud
## We use anonymous credential
} else {
scope <- ""
## if the json file exist
if (!is.null(json_file)) {
json_file <- normalizePath(json_file, mustWork = FALSE)
gar <- gar_auth_service(
json_file = json_file,
scope = scope
gcs_set_billing_project(billing_project = gar$secrets$project_id)
gcs_set_billing_project(billing_project = billing_project)
warning = function(w) {
"Authenticated with the following warning:\n",
error = function(e) {
"Failed to authenticate with the following message:\n",
} else {
## if json_file is NULL, clear out credentials
.billing_project(NULL, requester_pays = FALSE, showError = FALSE)
#' @rdname authentication
#' @export
gcs_get_cloud_auth <- function() {
token <- get_token()
x <- list(
token_exist = !is.null(token),
gcloud_auth = .is_gcloud(),
gcloud_account = .gcloud_account(),
billing_project = gcs_get_billing_project()
structure(x, class = "auth")
#' @param x Used for the S3 `print` function only
#' @param ... Used for the S3 `print` function only
#' @rdname authentication
#' @export
print.auth <- function(x, ...) {
## print token
if (x$token_exist) {
token <- "******"
} else {
token <- "NULL"
project <- x$billing_project
project <- "NULL"
## Authen source
if (x$gcloud_auth) {
source <- "gcloud"
if (is.null(x$gcloud_account)) {
account <- "Default"
} else {
account <- x$gcloud_account
} else {
source <- "JSON file"
account <- character(0)
cat("Token: ", token, "\n")
cat("Billing project ID: ", project, "\n")
cat("Auth source: ", source, "\n")
if (length(account)) {
cat("Auth account: ", account, "\n")
#' Requester Pays
#' These functions allow you to set billing project, change the default
#' billing target and check if a bucket has Requester Pays enabled. See
#' the details section in `?authentication` for more information.
#' @param x logical(1), whether the user should pay for the cost by default.
#' @param bucket character(1), the bucket name or uri
#' @param billing_project The project's ID which the bill will be sent to.
#' @param gcloud logical(1), whether to use the default billing project
#' in gcloud. If `gcloud = TRUE`, `billing_project` must be NULL.
#' @rdname requester_pays
#' @examples
#' gcs_get_billing_project()
#' gcs_get_requester_pays()
#' @return
#' gcs_get_billing_project: character(1) or NULL
#' gcs_get_requester_pays: logical(1)
#' @export
gcs_set_billing_project <- function(billing_project = NULL, gcloud = FALSE){
stop("The argument <billing_project> must be a character.\n",
"If you want to enable your billing project in every function call by default,\n",
"you need to call `gcs_set_requester_pays(TRUE)`")
if(gcloud && !is.null(billing_project)){
stop("billing_project is not NULL and gcloud is TRUE!")
system2("gcloud", c("config", "get-value", "project"), stdout = TRUE)
#' @rdname requester_pays
#' @export
gcs_get_billing_project <- function(){
.billing_project(showError = FALSE)
#' @rdname requester_pays
#' @export
gcs_get_requester_pays <- function(){
#' @rdname requester_pays
#' @export
gcs_set_requester_pays <- function(x){
#' @rdname requester_pays
#' @export
gcs_is_requester_pays <- function(bucket){
info <- decompose_google_uri(bucket)
bucket <- info$bucket
#' Get/Set read/write connection buffer size
#' Get/Set read/write connection buffer size, the buffer size can be
#' set at any time but only takes effect on the connections created
#' after the change. The default value is 1024 *1024 bytes (1 Mega
#' bytes) for both read and write connections.
#' @param buff_size Integer. The buffer size
#' @return
#' Get functions: the current buffer size.
#' Set functions: the previous buffer size.
#' @examples
#' gcs_get_read_buff()
#' gcs_get_write_buff()
#' @rdname buffer_size
#' @export
gcs_set_read_buff <- function(buff_size = 1024L * 1024L) {
old_size <- .input_buff_len()
if (buff_size < 256 * 1024) {
warning("The buffer size is too small, it may impact the performance")
#' @rdname buffer_size
#' @export
gcs_set_write_buff <- function(buff_size = 1024L * 1024L) {
old_size <- .output_buff_len()
buff_size <- as.integer(buff_size)
if (buff_size < 256 * 1024) {
warning("The buffer size must be at least 256Kb!")
buff_size <- 256L * 1024L
#' @rdname buffer_size
#' @export
gcs_get_read_buff <- function() {
#' @rdname buffer_size
#' @export
gcs_get_write_buff <- function() {
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