
# verifies that transScores agrees with snp.rhs.tests to obtain best
# trans scores


tenOn2021 = 
c( "GI_4557248-S",  "GI_15451784-S", "GI_4557678-S", "GI_9951914-S", "GI_21327679-S",
 "GI_7669476-I", "GI_7669478-A", "GI_4557290-I", "GI_4557294-A", "GI_41406053-S") 

tconf = new("TransConfig")
radius(tconf) = 2000000L
smpack(tconf) = "GGdata"
rhs(tconf) = ~1
snpchr(tconf) = "22"  # we get scores for all SNP on this chrom
chrnames(tconf) = c("20", "21")
gbufsize(tconf) = 4L
smFilter(tconf) = function(x) x[probeId(tenOn2021),]
snpannopk(tconf) = snplocsDefault()
schrpref(tconf) = "ch"
exFilter(tconf) = function(x)x
gchrpref = ""
batchsize(tconf) = 200L


t1 = transScores(tconf)

#"GGdata", rhs=~1, snpchr="22", chrnames=as.character(c(20,21)),
# all tests are trans, to verify buffering approach
#        radius = 2e+06,  K=4,
#    probesToKeep = tenOnSix, batchsize = 200, 
#    geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db", 
#    snpannopk = "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20111119", gchrpref = "", 
#    schrpref = "ch", exFilter = function(x) x) 

if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
  tt1 = transTab(t1)
  cleanup_transff = function(x) {
   fn = attr(attr(x@base$scores, "physical"), "filename")
   comps = strsplit(fn, "/")[[1]]
   nel = length(comps)
   unlink(comps[nel-1], recursive=TRUE)
  c22 = getSS("GGdata", "22")
  exl = lapply(tenOn2021, function(x) exprs(c22)[x,])
  rhst = lapply(1:length(exl), function(g) {
       ex = exl[[g]]
       snp.rhs.tests(ex~1, snp.data=smList(c22)[[1]], fam="gaussian", uncertain=TRUE) })
  csnp1 = sapply(rhst, function(x)chi.squared(x)[1])
  csnp50 = sapply(rhst, function(x)chi.squared(x)[50])
  #all(abs(floor(sort(csnp1, decreasing=TRUE)[1:4]*10)/10 - tt1[1:4,2]) < .01)
  #all(abs(floor(sort(csnp50, decreasing=TRUE)[1:4]*10)/10 - tt1[197:200,2]) < 0.01)
  ttdt = data.table(tt1)
  SS = sort(sapply(rhst, function(x) max(chi.squared(x), na.rm=TRUE))) 
  TT = sort(ttdt[,max(chisq),by="probeid"]$V1) 
  maxchk = (max(abs(SS-TT))<.01)
  # needs more work, tt1 is organized by snp
  #SS = sort(sapply(rhst, function(x) min(chi.squared(x), na.rm=TRUE))) 
  #TT = sort(ttdt[,min(chisq),by="probeid"]$V1) 
  #minchk = (max(abs(SS-TT))<.01)

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GGtools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:32 p.m.