# PUBLIC -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title The ImmuneSpaceConnection class
#' @name ImmuneSpaceConnection
#' @aliases
#' ImmuneSpaceConnection
#' listDatasets
#' listGEMatrices
#' listGEAnalysis
#' listParticipantGroups
#' listParticipantMatrices
#' listWorkspaces
#' listGatingSets
#' summarizeCyto
#' summarizeGatingSet
#' loadGatingSet
#' getDataset
#' getGEMatrix
#' getGEAnalysis
#' getGEFiles
#' getGEInputs
#' getParticipantData
#' getParticipantGEMatrix
#' addTreatmentt
#' mapSampleNames
#' @description
#' A connection respresents a study or a set of studies available on ImmuneSpace.
#' It provides function to download and display the data within these studies.
#' @details
#' The ImmuneSpaceConnection will initialize itself, and look for a
#' \code{.netrc} file in \code{"~/"} the user's home directory. The
#' \code{.netrc} file should contain a \code{machine}, \code{login}, and
#' \code{password} entry to allow access to ImmuneSpace, where \code{machine} is
#' the host name like "".
#' It can also use global variables \code{labkey.url.base}, and
#' \code{labkey.url.path}, to access a study. \code{labkey.url.base} should be
#' \code{}. \code{labkey.url.path} should be
#' \code{/Studies/studyname}, where 'studyname' is the accession number of the
#' study.
#' @return An instance of an ImmuneSpaceConnection for a study in
#' \code{labkey.url.path}.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \code{\link{CreateConnection}}
#' @section Fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{study}}{
#' A \code{character}. The study accession number. Use an empty string ("")
#' to create a connection at the project level.
#' }
#' \item{\code{availableDatasets}}{
#' A \code{data.table}. The table of datasets available in the connection
#' object.
#' }
#' \item{\code{cache}}{
#' A \code{list}. Stores the data to avoid downloading the same tables
#' multiple times.
#' }
#' \item{\code{config}}{
#' A \code{list}. Stores configuration of the connection object such as
#' URL, path and username.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{initialize()}}{
#' Initialize \code{ImmuneSpaceConnection} class.
#' See \code{\link{CreateConnection}}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{print()}}{
#' Print \code{ImmuneSpaceConnection} class.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listDatasets(output = c("datasets", "expression"))}}{
#' Lists the datasets available in the study or studies of the connection.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listGEMatrices(verbose = FALSE, reload = FALSE, participantIds = NULL)}}{
#' Lists available gene expression matrices for the connection.
#' \code{verbose}: A logical. If TRUE, whether to print the extra details
#' for troubleshooting.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If TRUE, retrieve the table of available gene
#' expression matrices whether a cached version exist or not.
#' \code{participantIds}: A character vector of participant ids to filter
#' by. Only matrices with data from \code{participantIds} will be returned.
#' If \code{NULL}, all matrices are returned.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listGEAnalysis()}}{
#' Lists available gene expression analysis for the connection.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listParticipantGroups()}}{
#' Lists available participant groups on the ImmuneSpace portal.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listParticipantGEMatrices(group, verbose = FALSE)}}{
#' Lists available gene expression matrices for participants in \code{group}.
#' \code{group}: A character or integer.
#' Call \code{con$listParticipantGroups()} to see available participants
#' groups. Use group_id or group_name as input.
#' \code{verbose}: A logical. If TRUE, whether to print the extra details
#' for troubleshooting.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listWorkspaces(reload = FALSE)}}{
#' Lists available workspaces for the connection.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If TRUE, download the table whether a cached
#' version exist or not.
#' }
#' \item{\code{listGatingSets(reload = FALSE)}}{
#' Lists available gating sets for the connection.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If TRUE, download the table whether a cached
#' version exist or not.
#' }
#' \item{\code{summarizeCyto()}}{
#' Prints a summary of cytometry data for the connection.
#' }
#' \item{\code{summarizeGatingSet(gatingSet)}}{
#' Prints a summary of a gating set. Note that this method currently works
#' only in the ImmuneSpace RStudio session.
#' \code{gatingSet}: A character. The name of the gating set to summarize.
#' }
#' \item{\code{loadGatingSet(gatingSet)}}{
#' Loads a gating set via \code{flowWorkspace::load_gs} to the
#' current environment. Note that this method currently works only in the
#' ImmuneSpace RStudio Docker session.
#' \code{gatingSet}: A character. The name of the gating set to load.
#' }
#' \item{\code{getDataset(x, original_view = FALSE, reload = FALSE,
#' colFilter = NULL, ...)}}{
#' Get a dataset form the connection.
#' \code{x}: A character. The name of the dataset to download.
#' \code{original_view}: A logical. If TRUE, download the original ImmPort
#' view; else, download the default grid view.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If TRUE, download the dataset whether a cached
#' version exist or not.
#' \code{colFilter}: A character. A filter as returned by Rlabkey's
#' \code{makeFilter} function.
#' \code{...}: Extra arguments to be passed to \code{labkey.selectRows}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{getGEMatrix(matrixName = NULL, cohortType = NULL,
#' outputType = "summary", annotation = "latest", reload = FALSE,
#' verbose = FALSE)}}{
#' Downloads a probe-level or gene-symbol summarized expression matrix from
#' ImmuneSpace and constructs an ExpressionSet. Use \code{experimentData()}
#' on the resulting ExpressionSet object to see version info for annotation.
#' \code{matrixName}: A character. The name of the gene expression matrix
#' to download.
#' \code{cohortType}: A character. The name of a cohortType that has an
#' associated gene expression matrix. Note that if this argument is not
#' NULL, then \code{matrixName} is ignored. CohortType is a concatenation of
#' "cohort" and "cell type" that allows the user to specify a matrix for the
#' cell type subset of a cohort.
#' \code{outputType}: A character. one of 'raw', 'normalized' or 'summary'.
#' If 'raw', returns an expression matrix of non-normalized values by probe.
#' 'normalized' returns normalized values by probe. 'summary' returns
#' normalized values averaged by gene symbol.
#' \code{annotation}: A character. one of 'default', 'latest', or 'ImmSig'.
#' Determines which feature annotation set (FAS) is used. 'default' uses the
#' FAS from when the matrix was generated. latest' uses a recently updated
#' FAS based on the original. 'ImmSig' is specific to studies involved in
#' the ImmuneSignatures project and uses the annotation from when the
#' meta-study's manuscript was created.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If set to TRUE, the matrix will be downloaded
#' again, even if a cached copy exists in the ImmuneSpaceConnection object.
#' \code{verbose}: A logical. If set to TRUE, notes on how the expressionSet
#' object was created will be printed, including normalization, summarization,
#' feature_annotation_set, and alias2symbol mapping version of
#' }
#' \item{\code{getGEAnalysis(...)}}{
#' Downloads data from the gene expression analysis results table.
#' \code{...}: A list of arguments to be passed to \code{labkey.selectRows}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{getGEInputs()}}{
#' Downloads data from the gene expression input samples table.
#' }
#' \item{\code{getParticipantData(group, dataType, original_view = FALSE,
#' ...)}}{
#' Returns a data.table with data subset by participant group.
#' \code{group}: A character or integer.
#' Call \code{con$listParticipantGroups()} to see available participants
#' groups. Use group_id or group_name as input.
#' \code{dataType}: A character. Use \code{con$availableDatasets} to see
#' available dataset names.
#' }
#' \item{\code{getParticipantGEMatrix(group, outputType = "summary",
#' annotation = "latest", reload = FALSE)}}{
#' Downloads probe-level or gene-symbol summarized expression matrices for all
#' participants within \code{group} from ImmuneSpace and constructs an
#' ExpressionSet containing observations for each participant in \code{group}
#' where gene expression data is available.
#' \code{group}: A character or integer.
#' Call \code{con$listParticipantGroups()} to see available participants
#' groups. Use group_id or group_name as input.
#' \code{outputType}: A character. one of 'raw', 'normalized' or 'summary'.
#' If 'raw', returns an expression matrix of non-normalized values by probe.
#' 'normalized' returns normalized values by probe. 'summary' returns
#' normalized values averaged by gene symbol.
#' \code{annotation}: A character. one of 'default', 'latest', or 'ImmSig'.
#' Determines which feature annotation set (FAS) is used. 'default' uses the
#' FAS from when the matrix was generated. latest' uses a recently updated
#' FAS based on the original. 'ImmSig' is specific to studies involved in
#' the ImmuneSignatures project and uses the annotation from when the
#' meta-study's manuscript was created.
#' \code{reload}: A logical. If set to TRUE, matrices will be downloaded
#' again, even if a cached copy exists in the ImmuneSpaceConnection object.
#' }
#' \item{\code{downloadGEFiles(files, destdir = ".")}}{
#' Downloads gene expression raw data files.
#' \code{files}: A character. Filenames as shown on the
#' gene_expression_files dataset.
#' \code{destdir}: A character. The local path to store the downloaded
#' files.
#' }
#' \item{\code{addTreatment(expressionSet)}}{
#' Adds treatment information to the phenoData of an ExpressionSet.
#' \code{expressionSet}: An ExpressionSet. The ExpressionSet object that has
#' been downloaded from the connection.
#' }
#' \item{\code{mapSampleNames(EM = NULL, colType = "participant_id")}}{
#' Changes the sampleNames of an ExpressionSet fetched by \code{getGEMatrix}
#' using the information in the phenodData slot.
#' \code{EM}: An ExpressionSet, as returned by \code{getGEMatrix}.
#' \code{colType}: A character. The type of column names. Valid options are
#' 'expsample_accession' and 'participant_id'.
#' }
#' \item{\code{plot(...)}}{
#' Visualizes a selected dataset. This method is used by the DataExplorer
#' module on the ImmuneSpace portal.
#' \code{dataset}: A character. The name of the dataset to plot, as
#' displayed by the listDataset method.
#' \code{normalize_to_baseline}: A logical. If TRUE, the values are plotted
#' as log2 fold-change from baseline.
#' \code{type}: A character. The type of plot. Valid choices are 'auto',
#' 'heatmap', 'boxplot', 'lineplot', 'violinplot'. If set to 'auto', the
#' function will select an appropriate plot type for the selected data.
#' \code{filter}: A filter as created by the makeFilter function from
#' Rlabkey.
#' \code{facet}: The facetting for ggplot2 based plots. Valid choices are
#' 'grid' and 'wrap'.
#' \code{text_size}: The size of all text elements in the plot.
#' \code{legend}: A character. Columns of the dataset or demographics to be
#' added as legend on the heatmap. This argument is ignored if the plot type
#' isn't heatmap.
#' \code{show_virus_strain}: A logical. Should all the virus strains be
#' shown or should the values be averaged. Only used when dataset = 'hai'.
#' \code{interactive}: A logical. If TRUE, an interactive plot will be
#' created. The default is FALSE.
#' \code{...}: Extra argument to be passed to ggplot. e.g: shape = 'Age',
#' color = 'Race'.
#' }
#' \item{\code{clearCache()}}{
#' Clears the cache. Removes downloaded datasets and expression matrices.
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{CreateConnection}} \code{\link{ImmuneSpaceR-package}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a connection (Initiate a ImmuneSpaceConnection object)
#' sdy269 <- CreateConnection("SDY269")
#' # Print the connection object
#' sdy269
#' # Retrieve the HAI dataset
#' HAI <- sdy269$getDataset("hai")
#' # Fetch a summarized gene expresssion matrix with latest annotation
#' LAIV <- sdy269$getGEMatrix("LAIV_2008")
#' # Visualize the ELISA dataset
#' sdy269$plot("elisa")
#' }
#' sdy <- try(CreateConnection("SDY269"))
#' if (inherits(sdy, "try-error")) {
#' warning("Read the Introduction vignette for more information on how to set
#' up a .netrc file.")
#' }
#' @docType class
ISCon <- R6Class(
classname = "ImmuneSpaceConnection",
public = list(
study = character(),
config = list(),
availableDatasets = data.table(),
cache = list()
private = list(
.constants = list()
# Initialize the ISCon object
which = "public",
name = "initialize",
value = function(study = NULL,
login = NULL,
password = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
onTest = FALSE) {
if (length(study) > 1) {
stop("For multiple studies, use an empty string and filter the connection.")
# fetch config variables
labkey.url.base <- .get_url_base(onTest) <- .get_user_email()
labkey.url.path <- .get_url_path(study)
curlOptions <- .set_curl_options(login, password)
# set fields
self$config <- list(
labkey.url.base = labkey.url.base,
labkey.url.path = labkey.url.path, =,
curlOptions = curlOptions,
verbose = verbose
self$study <- basename(self$config$labkey.url.path)
private$.constants <- list(
matrices = "GE_matrices",
matrix_inputs = "GE_inputs"
# validate connection
.check_credential(labkey.url.base, verbose)
# fetch available datasets and expression matrices
# PRIVATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# HELPER -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# check internet connection
.check_internet <- function() {
if (!has_internet()) {
stop("No internet connection. Please connect to internet and try again.")
.get_host <- function(onTest = FALSE) {
ifelse(onTest, "", "")
# check if the portal is up
.check_portal <- function(onTest = FALSE) {
host <- .get_host(onTest)
if (is.null(nslookup(host, error = FALSE))) {
stop("The portal is currently down. Try again later.")
# Try to parse labkey options from global environment
# which really should have been done through option()/getOption() mechanism
# Here we do this to be compatible to labkey online report system
# that automatically assigns these variables in global environment
.get_url_base <- function(onTest = FALSE) {
labkey.url.base <- try(get("labkey.url.base", .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(labkey.url.base, "try-error")) {
labkey.url.base <- paste0("https://", .get_host(onTest))
if (!is.null(getOption("labkey.baseUrl"))) {
labkey.url.base <- getOption("labkey.baseUrl")
# Allow http (no SSL) for local
if (grepl("immunespace", labkey.url.base)) {
labkey.url.base <- gsub("http:", "https:", labkey.url.base)
if (length(grep("^https://", labkey.url.base)) == 0) {
labkey.url.base <- paste0("https://", labkey.url.base)
} else {
if (!grepl(":8080/*$", labkey.url.base)) {
labkey.url.base <- paste0(labkey.url.base, ":8080")
.get_user_email <- function() { <- try(get("", .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(, "try-error")) { <- "unknown_user at"
if (!is.null(getOption(""))) { <- getOption("")
.get_url_path <- function(study) {
labkey.url.path <- try(
get("labkey.url.path", .GlobalEnv),
silent = TRUE
if (inherits(labkey.url.path, "try-error")) {
if (is.null(study)) {
stop("study cannot be NULL")
pathStr <- ifelse(
grepl("^IS\\d{1,3}$", study),
labkey.url.path <- paste0(pathStr, study)
} else if (!is.null(study)) {
labkey.url.path <- file.path(dirname(labkey.url.path), study)
# set curoption for Rlabkey package
# Rlabkey stores the Curl options in its package environment through
# labkey.setCurlOptions call, so in theory we need to reset it prior to each
# Rlabkey query because multiple connections created by user individually may
# have different urls and ssl settings. Ideally labkey.selectRows should
# optionally parse the options from its argument besides package environment.
# For now, we assume they all share the same setting and init it only once here
.set_curl_options <- function(login = NULL, password = NULL) {
if (!is.null(login) & is.null(password)) {
"login = ",
" given without password. Please try again with password"
} else if (!is.null(login) & !is.null(password)) {
nf <- write_netrc(login, password)
} else {
nf <- try(get("labkey.netrc.file", .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE)
useragent <- paste0(
"R/", R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor,
" (",["sysname"], " ",["machine"], ")",
" Rlabkey/", packageVersion("Rlabkey"),
" ImmuneSpaceR/", packageVersion("ImmuneSpaceR")
if (!inherits(nf, "try-error") && !is.null(nf)) {
curlOptions <- labkey.setCurlOptions(
ssl_verifyhost = 2,
sslversion = 1,
netrc_file = nf,
useragent = useragent
} else {
curlOptions <- labkey.setCurlOptions(
ssl_verifyhost = 2,
sslversion = 1,
useragent = useragent
# check credential
.check_credential <- function(labkey.url.base, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) message("Checking credential...")
res <- GET(
url = paste0(labkey.url.base, "/login-whoami.view"),
config = Rlabkey:::labkey.getRequestOptions()
if (res$status_code == 200) {
if (grepl("json", res$headers$`content-type`)) {
parsed <- httr::content(res)
if (parsed$displayName == "guest" & !grepl("8080", labkey.url.base)) {
stop("Invalid credential or deactivated account. Check your account in the portal.")
} else {
stop("Something went wrong. Check the portal and try again.")
} else if (res$status_code == 401) {
stop("Invalid credential or deactivated account. Check your account in the portal.")
} else if (res$status_code == 403) {
stop("The portal is in admin-only mode. Please try again later.")
} else {
stop("Something went wrong. Check the portal and try again.")
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.