#' MIGSA execution
#' \code{MIGSA} runs a MIGSA execution. Functional analysis is done for each
#' experiment by means of dEnricher and mGSZ.
#' @param igsaInputs list of IGSAinput objects to execute.
#' @param geneSets (optional) named list of GeneSetCollection objects to be
#' tested for enrichment (names must be unique). If provided then it will be
#' tested in every IGSAinput, if not, each IGSAinput object must have its own
#' list of GeneSetCollection.
#' @param ... not in use.
#' @return A MIGSAres object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name MIGSA
#' @rdname MIGSA
#' @seealso \code{\link{IGSAinput-class}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{MIGSAres-class}}
#' @exportMethod MIGSA
setGeneric(name = "MIGSA", def = function(igsaInputs, ...) {

#' @rdname MIGSA
#' @aliases MIGSA,list
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.warn
#' @include IGSA.R
#' @include IGSAinput.R
#' @include IGSAinput-class.R
#' @include IGSAinput-getterSetters.R
#' @include IGSAres.R
#' @include MIGSAres-class.R
#' @examples
#' ## Lets simulate two expression matrices of 1000 genes and 30 subjects.
#' nGenes <- 1000
#' # 1000 genes
#' nSamples <- 30
#' # 30 subjects
#' geneNames <- paste("g", 1:nGenes, sep = "")
#' # with names g1 ... g1000
#' ## Create random gene expression data matrix.
#' set.seed(8818)
#' exprData1 <- matrix(rnorm(nGenes * nSamples), ncol = nSamples)
#' rownames(exprData1) <- geneNames
#' exprData2 <- matrix(rnorm(nGenes * nSamples), ncol = nSamples)
#' rownames(exprData2) <- geneNames
#' ## There will be 40 differentialy expressed genes.
#' nDeGenes <- nGenes / 25
#' ## Lets generate the offsets to sum to the differentialy expressed genes.
#' deOffsets <- matrix(2 * abs(rnorm(nDeGenes * nSamples / 2)), ncol = nSamples / 2)
#' ## Randomly select which are the DE genes.
#' deIndexes1 <- sample(1:nGenes, nDeGenes, replace = FALSE)
#' exprData1[deIndexes1, 1:(nSamples / 2)] <-
#'   exprData1[deIndexes1, 1:(nSamples / 2)] + deOffsets
#' deIndexes2 <- sample(1:nGenes, nDeGenes, replace = FALSE)
#' exprData2[deIndexes2, 1:(nSamples / 2)] <-
#'   exprData2[deIndexes2, 1:(nSamples / 2)] + deOffsets
#' exprData1 <- new("MAList", list(M = exprData1))
#' exprData2 <- new("MAList", list(M = exprData2))
#' ## 15 subjects with condition C1 and 15 with C2.
#' conditions <- rep(c("C1", "C2"), c(nSamples / 2, nSamples / 2))
#' nGSets <- 200
#' # 200 gene sets
#' ## Lets create randomly 200 gene sets, of 10 genes each
#' gSets <- lapply(1:nGSets, function(i) sample(geneNames, size = 10))
#' names(gSets) <- paste("set", as.character(1:nGSets), sep = "")
#' myGSs <- as.Genesets(gSets)
#' fitOpts <- FitOptions(conditions)
#' igsaInput1 <- IGSAinput(
#'   name = "igsaInput1", expr_data = exprData1,
#'   fit_options = fitOpts, gene_sets_list = list(myGSs = myGSs)
#' )
#' igsaInput2 <- IGSAinput(
#'   name = "igsaInput2", expr_data = exprData2,
#'   fit_options = fitOpts, gene_sets_list = list(myGSs = myGSs)
#' )
#' experiments <- list(igsaInput1, igsaInput2)
#' ## Finally run MIGSA!
#' \dontrun{
#' migsaRes <- MIGSA(experiments)
#' }
  f = "MIGSA",
  signature = c("list"),
  definition = function(igsaInputs, geneSets = list()) {
    flog.info("Starting MIGSA analysis.")

    if (length(igsaInputs) <= 0) {
      stop("At least one IGSAinput must be provided")

    if (!all(unlist(lapply(igsaInputs, function(x) is(x, "IGSAinput"))))) {
      stop("igsaInputs must be a list of IGSAinput objects")

    # IGSAinput names must be unique
    exprs_names <- unlist(lapply(igsaInputs, name))
    if (length(exprs_names) != length(unique(exprs_names))) {
      stop("IGSAinput names must be unique")

    # todo: check that geneSets is a list of GeneSetCollection, however
    # this might be already evaluated by IGSAinput's setter

    resDir <- tempdir()

    # for each IGSAinput
    actRes <- lapply(seq_along(igsaInputs), function(i) {
      igsaInput <- igsaInputs[[i]]
      resFile <- paste0(resDir, "/", igsaInput@name, ".RData")

      # if gene sets were provided then these must be used
      if (length(geneSets) > 0) {
        geneSetsList(igsaInput) <- geneSets

      # if it was already ran ok, then just return
      if (file.exists(resFile)) {

      igsaRes <- try({

      ranOk <- !inherits(igsaRes, "try-error")
      if (ranOk) {
        # save intermediate results
        save(igsaRes, file = resFile)

    if (!all(unlist(actRes))) {
      flog.warn(paste(sum(!unlist(actRes)), "experiments had errors"))

    actRes <- lapply(seq_along(igsaInputs), function(i) {
      igsaInput <- igsaInputs[[i]]
      resFile <- paste0(resDir, "/", igsaInput@name, ".RData")
      igsaRes <- NA
      if (file.exists(resFile)) {
        igsaRes <- get(load(resFile))
      } else {
        flog.warn(paste(igsaInput@name, "had errors"))


    # delete results which gave errors
    actRes <- actRes[!is.na(unlist(actRes))]

    migsaRes <- NA
    if (length(actRes) > 0) {
      # if we have any result then create the MIGSAres
      migsaRes <- MIGSAres(actRes)


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MIGSA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:26 p.m.