
Defines functions isMSnbaseFastLoad setMSnbaseFastLoad setMSnbaseParallelThresh setMSnbaseVerbose isMSnbaseVerbose MSnbaseOptions

Documented in isMSnbaseFastLoad isMSnbaseVerbose MSnbaseOptions setMSnbaseFastLoad setMSnbaseParallelThresh setMSnbaseVerbose

##' MSnbase defined a few options globally using the standard R
##' options mechanism. The current values of these options can be
##' queried with `MSnbaseOptions`. The options are:
##' + `verbose`: defines a session-wide verbosity flag, that
##'   is used if the `verbose` argument in individual functions is
##'   not set. 
##' + `PARALLEL_THRESH`: defines the minimum number of spectra per file
##'   necessary before using parallel processing.
##' + `fastLoad`: `logical(1)`. If `TRUE` performs faster data loading for all
##'   methods of [OnDiskMSnExp] that load data from the original files (such as
##'   [spectrapply()]). Users experiencing data I/O errors (observed mostly
##'   on macOS systems) should set this option to `FALSE`.
##' `isMSnbaseVerbose` is one wrapper for the verbosity flag,
##' also available through `options("MSnbase")$verbose`.
##' There are also setters to set options individually. When run
##' without argument, the verbosity setter inverts the current value
##' of the option.
##' @title MSnbase options
##' @param opt The value of the new option
##' @return A `list` of MSnbase options and the single option
##'     values for the individual accessors.
##' @md
MSnbaseOptions <- function()

##' @rdname MSnbaseOptions
isMSnbaseVerbose <- function()

##' @rdname MSnbaseOptions
setMSnbaseVerbose <- function(opt) {
    if (missing(opt))
        opt <- !isMSnbaseVerbose()
    oldopts <- opts <- MSnbaseOptions()
    opts$verbose <- opt
    options("MSnbase" = opts)

##' @rdname MSnbaseOptions
setMSnbaseParallelThresh <- function(opt = 1000) {
    oldopts <- opts <- MSnbaseOptions()
    opts$PARALLEL_THRESH <- opt
    options("MSnbase" = opts)

##' @rdname MSnbaseOptions
setMSnbaseFastLoad <- function(opt = TRUE) {
    oldopts <- opts <- MSnbaseOptions()
    opts$fastLoad <- opt
    options("MSnbase" = opts)

##' @rdname MSnbaseOptions
isMSnbaseFastLoad <- function() {
    fast_load <- MSnbaseOptions()$fastLoad
    ## For some odd reasons we get also NULL back - parallel processing?
    if (!length(fast_load))
        fast_load <- FALSE

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MSnbase documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 2 a.m.