Man pages for MinimumDistance
A Package for De Novo CNV Detection in Case-Parent Trios

acf2Function for computing autocorrelations
calculateMindistDeprecated function to calculate the minimum distance
coercion-methodsCoercion methods in MinimumDistance package
DefunctDefunct functions/classes/methods in the MinimumDistance...
denovoFilter the genomic intervals for denovo copy number states
DeprecatedDeprecated functions and methods
DNAcopyParamConstructor for DNAcopyParam class
exampleTrioSetListAn example 'TrioSetList' object
filterExperimentMethods for filtering MinDistExperiment objects
FilterParamMDParameters for filtering results from the segmentation and...
FilterParamMD-classA class for filtering genomic intervals called by...
mad2Deprecated wrapper for computing the median absolute...
MAPComputes the maximum a posteriori trio copy number state for...
MAP2Computes maximum a posteriori estimate for the trio copy...
md_expAn example 'MinDistExperiment'
md_grAn example 'MinDistGRanges' object
mdLegendText summary of information encapculated in a MDRanges object...
MDRanges-classA 'GRanges'-derived class
mindistGetter and setter for the minimum distance statistic
MinDistExperimentConstructor for 'MinDistExperiment' class
MinDistExperiment-classClass and methods for MinDistExperiment
MinDistGRangesConstructor for 'MinDistGRanges' class
MinDistGRanges-classA container for storing segmentation data for members in a...
MinDistParamConstructor for 'MinDistParam' class
MinDistParam-classClass and methods for parameters of minimum distance...
MinDistPosterior-classContainer for the segmentation results from a...
MinimumDistanceDe novo copy number alterations in parent-offspring trios
nMADSetter and getter for number of median absolute deviations...
ParentOffspring-classObject containing the sample identifiers for members in a...
ParentOffspringList-classA list of 'ParentOffspring' objects
PedigreeDeprecated function for constructing an instance of class...
Pedigree-classDeprecated class for storing pedigree data
pedigreeGridPlot the log R ratios and BAFs on a grid given by precomputed...
pedigreeNameAccessor for pedigree name
pedigreeViewportsDefault viewports for plotting log R ratios, BAFs, chromosome...
PennParamConstructor for class 'PennParam'
plotDenovoPlot marker-level summaries for a genomic interval of...
range-ILimit-methodcompute the range of an ILimit instance
segment2A wrapper for DNAcopy's segment function
TrioSetDeprecated constructor for 'TrioSet' class
TrioSet-classDeprecated class for storing low-level genomic data for trios
TrioSetListConstructor for 'TrioSetList' class
TrioSetList-classDeprecated class for storing low-level genomic data for trios
TrioSetListLDDeprecated TrioSetList constructor for large data
MinimumDistance documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:11 p.m.