setMethod ("initialize", ".ReferenceSpecies",
function(.Object, taxId, taxName, proteins, irefindex) {
#Load file
if (! {
message("Load interaction file and search for all relevant
irefindex <- read.table(irefindex, sep="\t", comment.char = "",
header=TRUE, quote="",
} else {
message("Search for all relevant interactions:")
message("0%", appendLF = FALSE)
#Only interspecies interactions
taxA <- grepl(taxId, irefindex$taxa)
taxB <- grepl(taxId, irefindex$taxb)
irefindex <-
irefindex[(taxA & taxB) | (grepl("-", irefindex$taxa) & taxB),]
#Temporary remove duplicates (due different DBs)
if (colnames(irefindex)[1]=="X.uidA")
interactions <-
irefindex[!duplicated(irefindex[, c("X.uidA", "uidB")]),]
interactions <-
irefindex[!duplicated(irefindex[, c("uidA", "uidB")]),]
rownames(interactions) <- 1:nrow(interactions)
message("--25%", appendLF = FALSE)
#Interactor A
if (colnames(irefindex)[1]=="X.uidA")
idA <- apply(interactions[,
c("X.uidA", "altA",
"aliasA")], 1, paste, collapse="|")
idA <- apply(interactions[,
c("uidA", "altA",
"aliasA")], 1, paste, collapse="|")
idA <- strsplit(idA, "|", fixed=TRUE)
idA <- data.frame(ref=rep(rownames(interactions),
lapply(idA,length)), temp=unlist(idA),
idA <- cbind(idA,,
strsplit(idA$temp, ":", fixed=TRUE)))
idA <- idA[, -2]
colnames(idA) <- c("ref", "database", "accession")
idA <- idA[!duplicated(idA[, c("ref", "accession")]),]
message("--50%", appendLF = FALSE)
#Interactor B
idB <- apply(interactions[, c("uidB", "altB",
1, paste,collapse="|")
idB <- strsplit(idB, "|", fixed=TRUE)
idB <- data.frame(
ref=rep(rownames(interactions), lapply(idB,length)),
temp=unlist(idB), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
idB <- cbind(idB,,
strsplit(idB$temp, ":", fixed=TRUE)))
idB <- idB[,-2]
colnames(idB) <- c("ref", "database", "accession")
idB <- idB[!duplicated(idB[, c("ref", "accession")]),]
message("--75%", appendLF = FALSE)
#Find relevant complex ids using B interactors
inB <- idB[idB$accession %in%
c(rownames(proteins), proteins[,1]), "ref"]
inB <- unique(inB)
complexes <- as.character(
idA[(idA$ref %in% inB) &
(idA$database == "complex"), "accession"])
#All relevant lines in A
inA <- idA[idA$accession %in%
c(rownames(proteins),proteins[,1], complexes), "ref"]
#Combine all relavant lines
cmbn <- unique(c(inA, inB))
#Reduce A and B to the relevant lines...
idA <- idA[idA$ref %in% cmbn,]
idB <- idB[idB$ref %in% cmbn,]
idA[, 3] <- as.character(idA[, 3])
idA[, 2] <- as.character(idA[, 2])
idB[, 3] <- as.character(idB[, 3])
idB[, 2] <- as.character(idB[, 2])
#Additionally search for the aliases and replace with the
#original ids
for (i in 1:nrow(proteins)) {
temp <- which(idA[, 3] == proteins[i, 1])
idA[temp, 3] <- rownames(proteins)[i]
idA[temp, 2] <- "replaced"
temp <- which(idB[, 3] == proteins[i, 1])
idB[temp, 3] <- rownames(proteins)[i]
idB[temp, 2] <- "replaced"
#...and prepare for the filtering one id per entry
idA$inProtList <- idA$accession %in% rownames(proteins)
idB$inProtList <- idB$accession %in% rownames(proteins)
#First only keep non-duplicates, complexes and those in orgin list
idA <- idA[!duplicated(idA$ref) | (idA$database == "complex") |
idB <- idB[!duplicated(idB$ref) | idB$inProtList,]
#Then remove duplicates from last, this will keep those which are
#in origin list but not the major id (assign by irefindex)
idA <- idA[!duplicated(idA$ref, fromLast=TRUE),]
idB <- idB[!duplicated(idB$ref, fromLast=TRUE),]
both <- cbind(idA, idB)
both[, 1] <- interactions[both[, 1], "irigid"]
both <- both[, -5]
colnames(both) <- c("ref", "A.db", "A.accession",
"", "B.db", "B.accession",
irefindex <- irefindex[irefindex$irigid %in% both$ref,]
proteins$used <- rownames(proteins) %in%
not.used <- rownames(proteins[!proteins$used,])
if (length(not.used) > 0) {
message("Could not find interactions for",
" some of the proteins:\n",
paste(not.used,collapse=", "))
.Object@taxId <- taxId
.Object@taxName <- taxName
.Object@proteins <- proteins
.Object@interactions <- both
.Object@irefindex <- irefindex
setMethod ("initialize", ".ReferenceContainer",
function(.Object) {
setMethod ("initialize", ".TargetSpecies",
function(.Object, taxName, taxId) {
if (
stop("Please enter a title for the target species.")
.Object@taxName <- taxName
.Object@taxId <- taxId
setMethod ("initialize", "Path2PPI",
function(.Object, pathway, targetName, targetId) {
stop("Please specify a name for the pathway.")
stop("Please specify a name for the target species.")
stop("Please specify an identifier for the target species.")
.Object@referenceContainer <- .ReferenceContainer()
.Object@targetSpecies <- .TargetSpecies(targetName, targetId)
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