Man pages for PharmacoGx
Analysis of Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Data

amccAdaptive Matthews Correlation Coefficient
availablePSetsReturn a table of PharmacoSets available for download
callingWaterfallDrug sensitivity calling using waterfall plots
CCLEsmallCancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) Example PharmacoSet
cellInfo-set-PharmacoSet-data.frame-methodcellInfo<- Generic
checkPsetStructureA function to verify the structure of a PharmacoSet
CMAPsmallConnectivity Map Example PharmacoSet
computeABCFits dose-response curves to data given by the user and...
computeAmaxFits dose-response curves to data given by the user and...
computeAUCComputes the AUC for a Drug Dose Viability Curve
computeICnComputes the ICn for any n in 0-100 for a Drug Dose Viability...
computeSlopeReturn Slope (normalized slope of the drug response curve)...
connectivityScoreFunction computing connectivity scores between two signatures
cosinePermCosine Permuations
dim-PharmacoSet-methodGet the dimensions of a PharmacoSet
dot-summarizeSensProfilesSummarize the sensitivity profiles when the sensitivity slot...
downloadPertSigDownload Drug Perturbation Signatures
downloadPSetDownload a PharmacoSet object
drugDoseResponseCurvePlot drug response curve of a given drug and a given cell for...
drugInfodrugInfo Generic
drugInfo-setdrugInfo<- Generic
drugNamesdrugNames Generic
drugNames-setdrugNames<- Generic
drugPerturbationSigCreates a signature representing gene expression (or other...
drugSensitivitySig-PharmacoSet-methodCreates a signature representing the association between gene...
filterNoisyCurvesViability measurements in dose-reponse curves must remain...
GDSCsmallGenomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Example PharmacoSet
geneDrugSensitivityCalcualte The Gene Drug Sensitivity
gwcGWC Score
HDAC_genesHDAC Gene Signature
intersectPSetIntersects objects of the PharmacoSet class, subsetting them...
logLogisticRegressionFits curves of the form E = E_inf + (1 - E_inf)/(1 +...
mccCompute a Mathews Correlation Coefficient
PharmacoSetPharmacoSet constructor
PharmacoSet-classA Class to Contain PharmacoGenomic datasets together with...
PharmacoSigContructor for the PharmacoSig S4 class
plot.PharmacoSigPlots a PharmacoSig object into a Volcano Plot
sensitivitySlotToLongTable-PharmacoSet-methodReconstruct the data in the @sensitivity slot list into a...
show-PharmacoSet-methodShow a PharamcoSet
show-PharmacoSig-methodShow PharmacoGx Signatures
showSigAnnot-PharmacoSig-methodShow the Annotations of a signature object
subsetTo-PharmacoSet-methodA function to subset a PharmacoSet to data containing only...
summarizeMolecularProfiles-PharmacoSet-methodTakes molecular data from a PharmacoSet, and summarises them...
summarizeSensitivityProfiles-PharmacoSet-methodTakes the sensitivity data from a PharmacoSet, and summarises...
PharmacoGx documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 2 a.m.