
Defines functions pvalues.manova

Documented in pvalues.manova

pvalues.manova <- function(Data, Labels){
    res <- list()
    res[["call"]] <- match.call()
    Data <- as.matrix(Data)
    fit <- manova(Data~as.factor(Labels))
    smry <- unlist(summary.aov(fit))
    ps <- smry[grep("F)1", names(smry))]
    pvals <- cbind(ps, p.adjust(ps, method="fdr"), 
                   p.adjust(ps, method="bonfer"))
    colnames(pvals) <- c("pValue", "FDR", "Bonferroni")
    rownames(pvals) <- colnames(Data)
    res[["pvals"]] <- pvals
    res[["manovaFit"]] <- fit

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Pigengene documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:47 p.m.