
Defines functions group_map

Documented in group_map

#' model color map
#' group_map makes a color map of alpha and beta equivalence groups by model. Similar colors in a row indicate constrained parameter equivalence between treatements. Gray indicates values of 0.
#' @param decaydata 5 column data.frame with colnames "geneID","treatment","t.decay","rep","value"
#' @param path write path and file name, must end in ".pdf"
#' @param nEquivGrp number of equivalence groups based on number of treatments
#' @param groups equivalence group matrix
#' @param mods alpha beta equivalence group usage index (matrix)
#' @return creates a model colormap and writes it to a pdf file named \code{path}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' group_map(decaydata=data.frame(geneID=paste0("gene",1:4),
#'                     treatment=as.factor(rep(paste0("treat",1:2),2)),
#'                     t.decay=0:3,
#'                     rep=rep("rep1"),
#'                     value=c(1,0.5,0.25,0.12)),
#'          path=paste0(tempdir(),"/parameter equivalence colormap.pdf"),
#'          nEquivGrp = 2,
#'          groups = t(matrix(c(1,2,1,1,NA,NA),nrow=2,
#'                     dimnames=list(c("treat1","treat2"),c("grp1","grp2","grp3")))),
#'          mods = t(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,2,2,3),nrow=2,
#'                          dimnames=list(c("a","b"),paste0("mod",1:6)))))

group_map <- function(decaydata,
                    nEquivGrp = nEquivGrp,
                    groups = groups,
                    mods = mods) {
  nTreat <- length(unique(decaydata$treatment))
  groupingsA <- t(matrix(rep(groups[1,], nEquivGrp + 1), nrow = nTreat))
  for (i in 2:nEquivGrp) {
    groupingsA <- rbind(groupingsA, t(matrix(rep(
      groups[i,], nEquivGrp + 1
    ), nrow = nTreat)))
  colnames(groupingsA) <- paste0("alpha_", unique(decaydata$treatment))
  groupingsB <- rbind(groups[1:nEquivGrp,] + nTreat, rep(NA, nTreat))
  rownames(groupingsB)[nEquivGrp + 1] <- paste0("grp", nEquivGrp + 1)
  groupingsB <- t(matrix(rep(t(groupingsB), nEquivGrp), nrow = nTreat))
  colnames(groupingsB) <- paste0("beta_", unique(decaydata$treatment))
  groupings <- cbind(groupingsA, groupingsB)
  rm(groupingsA, groupingsB)
  rownames(groupings) <- rownames(mods)
  grDevices::pdf(path, width = 8, height = 10)
  heats <- c("darkblue",
            "darkgray")[1:(nTreat * 2)]
    trace = "none",
    breaks = 1:(nTreat * 2 + 1) - 0.5,
    col = heats,
    Colv = FALSE,
    Rowv = FALSE,
    dendrogram = 'none',
    main = "Model groupings - similar colors within\n each model have constrained equivalence",
    margins = c(10, 5),
    lwid = c(0.25, 0.75),
    lhei = c(0.20, 0.8),
    # relative width and height of the box with the key vs the box with the heatmap
    cexRow = 0.25,
    key = FALSE

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RNAdecay documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:52 p.m.