Data manipulation


All examples in this section will be done with the the aCML dataset as reference.

Modifying events and samples

TRONCO provides functions for renaming the events that were included in a dataset, or the type associated to a set of events (e.g., a Mutation could be renamed to a Missense Mutation).

dataset = rename.gene(aCML, 'TET2', 'new name')
dataset = rename.type(dataset, 'Ins/Del', 'new type'), type = 'new type')

and return a modified TRONCO object. More complex operations are also possible. For instance, two events with the same signature -- i.e., appearing in the same samples -- can be joined to a new event (see also Data Consolidation in Model Inference) with the same signature and a new name.

dataset =, 
    'gene 4',
    'gene 88',

where in this case we also created a new event type, with its own color.

In a similar way we can decide to join all the events of two distinct types, in this case if a gene x has signatures for both type of events, he will get a unique signature with an alteration present if it is either of the second or the second type

dataset = join.types(dataset, 'Nonsense point', 'Nonsense Ins/Del')

TRONCO also provides functions for deleting specific events, samples or types.

dataset = delete.gene(aCML, gene = 'TET2')
dataset = delete.event(dataset, gene = 'ASXL1', type = 'Ins/Del')
dataset = delete.samples(dataset, samples = c('patient 5', 'patient 6'))
dataset = delete.type(dataset, type = 'Missense point')

Modifying patterns

TRONCO provides functions to edit patterns, pretty much as for any other type of events. Patterns however have a special denotation and are supported only by CAPRI algorithm -- see Model Reconstruction with CAPRI to see a practical application of that.

Subsetting a dataset

It is very often the case that we want to subset a dataset by either selecting only some of its samples, or some of its events. Function samples.selection returns a dataset with only some selected samples.

dataset = samples.selection(aCML, samples = as.samples(aCML)[1:3])

Function events.selection, instead, performs selection according to a filter of events. With this function, we can subset data according to a frequency, and we can force inclusion/exclusion of certain events by specifying their name. For instance, here we pick all events with a minimum frequency of 5%, force exclusion of SETBP1 (all events associated), and inclusion of EZH1 and EZH2.

dataset = events.selection(aCML,  filter.freq = .05, = c('EZH1','EZH2'), 
    filter.out.names = 'SETBP1')

An example visualization of the data before and after the selection process can be obtained by combining the gtable objects returned by \Rfunction{oncoprint}. We here use gtable = T to get access to have a GROB table returned, and silent = T to avoid that the calls to the function display on the device; the call to grid.arrange displays the captured gtable objects.

    oncoprint(as.alterations(aCML, new.color = 'brown3'), 
        cellheight = 6, cellwidth = 4, gtable = TRUE,
        silent = TRUE, font.row = 6)$gtable,
    oncoprint(dataset, cellheight = 6, cellwidth = 4,
        gtable = TRUE, silent = TRUE, font.row = 6)$gtable, 
    ncol = 1)

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TRONCO documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:51 p.m.