Man pages for TarSeqQC
TARgeted SEQuencing Experiment Quality Control

ampliPanelAn amplicon panel example for use the TarSeqQC R package.
ampliPanel2An amplicon panel example for use the TarSeqQC R package.
checkBedFastaFunction to control Bed and FASTA files compatibility.
myCountsA pileup matrix example for use the TarSeqQC R package.
objectA set of two amplicon panels example for use the TarSeqQC R...
pileupCountsFunction to obtain the pileup counts for a bam file.
plotInOutFeaturesFunction to explore read percentages in targeted regions and...
TargetExperiment-biasExplorationPlot attribute density and boxplot for each bias source...
TargetExperiment-buildFeaturePanelFunction to build a feature panel based on specific genomic...
TargetExperiment-buildReportTargetExperiment auxiliar function.
TargetExperiment-classTargetExperiment S4 class implementation in R
TargetExperiment-constructorTargetExperiment constructor
TargetExperiment-gettersGetters for TargetExperiment and TargetExperimentList...
TargetExperiment-initializeTargetExperiment object constructor.
TargetExperimentList-classTargetExperimentList S4 class implementation in R
TargetExperimentList-constructorTargetExperimentList constructor
TargetExperimentList-initializeTargetExperimentList object constructor.
TargetExperimentList-plotGlobalAttrExplPlot attribute exploration of a TargetExperimentList object.
TargetExperimentList-plotPoolPerformancePlot pool performance of a TargetExperimentList object.
TargetExperiment-plotPlot TargetExperiment object overview.
TargetExperiment-plotAttrExplPlot attribute exploration of a...
TargetExperiment-plotAttrPerformPlot feature performance of a TargetExperiment object.
TargetExperiment-plotFeatPerformPlot feature performance of a TargetExperiment object.
TargetExperiment-plotFeaturePlot read profiles for a particular feature.
TargetExperiment-plotGeneAttrPerFeatPlot the attribute value for all the features of a selected...
TargetExperiment-plotMetaDataExplGraphical exploration of a specific metadata column.
TargetExperiment-plotNtdPercentagePlot nucleotide read percentages for a particular feature.
TargetExperiment-plotRegionPlot read profiles for a particular genomic region.
TargetExperiment-printPrint a TargetExperiment/TargetExperimentList object.
TargetExperiment-readFrequenciesFunction to explore read frequencies in targeted regions and...
TargetExperiment-settersSetters for the TargetExperiment slots
TargetExperiment-showShow method for the TargetExperiment and TargetExperimentList...
TargetExperiment-statisticsTargetExperiment and TargetExperimentList summary methods.
TargetExperiment-summarizePanelFunction to summarize a featurePanel slot at a gene level.
TarSeqQC-packageTarSeqQC: Targeted Sequencing Experiment Quality Control R...
TEListA set of two amplicon panels example for use the TarSeqQC R...
TarSeqQC documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:03 p.m.