TarSeqQC-package: TarSeqQC: Targeted Sequencing Experiment Quality Control R...

Description Author(s)


The package models targeted sequencing experiment output using previous packages. This package includes the new following features:

  1. Panel model:

    • Model customizable feature panels.

    • Evaluation of the sequencing run performance at median or coverage level for each feature.

    • Exploration of sequenced features.

  2. Quality Control of the sequencing run:

    • General overview of the run performance.

    • Statistical indicators at median or coverage level.

    • Xlsx report.

  3. Customizable scan bam file parameters.

  4. Customizable pileup build parameters.

  5. Incorporation of fasta sequence.

  6. Fast exploration of read profile for particular features or genomic regions, coloring SNPs occurrences.


Gabriela A. Merino gmerino@bdmg.com.ar, Cristobal Fresno cfresno@bdmg.com.ar, Yanina Murua ymurua@leloir.org.ar, Andrea S. Llera allera@leloir.org.ar and Elmer A. Fernandez efernandez@bdmg.com.ar

TarSeqQC documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:03 p.m.