#' bsj_to_circRNA_sequence
#' Takes one BSJ coordinate and generates a predicted circular RNA sequence.
#' @param BSJ : BSJ coordinate in the format of chr_coordinate_chr_coorindate OR chr:coordinate-coorindate:strand.
#' @param geneID : The gene ID that the BSJ aligns to. Not essential as this can
#' be identified from the BSJ coordinate, however time performance of function improved
#' if this information can be provided.
#' @param genome : Is the length f the library fragment
#' @param TxDb : The sequence read length
#' @param annotationLibrary : annotation database. See details for example.
#' @return Returns a DNAstring object.
#' @examples
#' library('Ularcirc')
#' library('BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38')
#' library('TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene')
#' TxDb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
#' genome <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38
#' annotationLibrary <-
#' # Define BSJ. Following two formats are accepted
#' BSJ <- 'chr2:40430305-40428472:-' # SLC8A1
#' BSJ <- 'chr2_40430305_chr2_40428472' # SLC8A1
#' circRNA_sequence <- bsj_to_circRNA_sequence(BSJ, "SLC8A1", genome,TxDb, annotationLibrary)
#' # You can also retrieve sequence without passing gene annotation - but this is slower
#' # circRNA_sequence <- bsj_to_circRNA_sequence(BSJ, NULL, genome,TxDb, annotationLibrary)
#' @export
bsj_to_circRNA_sequence <- function(BSJ, geneID=NULL, genome, TxDb, annotationLibrary)
lookupID <- {}
BSJ_donor <- {}
BSJ_acceptor <- {}
# Need to distinguish the following formats
# chr10:100923974-100926020:+
# chr11_33286412_chr11_33287512
if (length(gregexpr("_",BSJ)[[1]]) == 3) # Ularcirc format
BSjuncDetails <- strsplit(BSJ, split = "_")
BSJ_donor <- as.numeric(min(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]))
BSJ_acceptor <- as.numeric(max(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]))
else if (length(gregexpr(":",BSJ)[[1]]) == 2) # generic format
BSjuncDetails <- strsplit(BSJ, split = ":")
coordinates <- unlist(strsplit(BSjuncDetails[[1]][2], split="-"))
BSJ_donor <- as.numeric(min(coordinates))
BSJ_acceptor <- as.numeric(max(coordinates))
warning("BSJ not in the correct format. Did not detect separating characters.")
if (is.null(geneID)) # Identify potential gene coordinate
g_GR <- GenomicFeatures::genes(TxDb)
strand <- "*"
bs_junc_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=BSjuncDetails[[1]][1], ranges = as.numeric(min(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]),min(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)])),strand = strand)
t_start <- GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(BiocGenerics::invertStrand(bs_junc_gr),g_GR, type=c("within"))
bs_junc_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=BSjuncDetails[[1]][1], ranges = as.numeric(max(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]),max(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)])),strand = strand)
t_end <- GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(BiocGenerics::invertStrand(bs_junc_gr),g_GR, type=c("within"))
entrezID <- c("Novel")
# browser()
if ((length(t_start) > 0) && (length(t_end) > 0))
{ entrezID_start <- g_GR[S4Vectors::subjectHits(t_start)]$gene_id
entrezID_end <- g_GR[S4Vectors::subjectHits(t_end)]$gene_id
entrezID <- intersect(entrezID_start, entrezID_end)
lookupID <- entrezID
# entrezID <- try(AnnotationDbi::select(annotationLibrary, keys = entrezID, columns=c("SYMBOL"),keytype="ENTREZID")[,'SYMBOL'],silent=TRUE) # Convert to Symbol
# if(length(grep(pattern = "Error in ", x = entrezID))) # This is start of error message when lookup is not linked
# { entrezID <- intersect(entrezID_start, entrezID_end)
# entrezID <- try(select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = entrezID, columns=c("SYMBOL"),keytype="ENSEMBL"),silent=TRUE)
# entrezID <- entrezID$SYMBOL
# if(length(grep(pattern = "Error in ", x = entrezID)))
# { entrezID <- c("Unknown") }
# }
# geneID <- paste(unique(entrezID),collapse=",")
if (! is.null(geneID)) # Gene name was provided. Trust this and obtain entrezID
a <- try(AnnotationDbi::select(annotationLibrary, keys = geneID, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL"),keytype="SYMBOL"),silent=TRUE)
if(length(grep(pattern = "Error", x = a)))
{ # cannot continue
warning(paste(a,"Error obtaining annotation information.","\n"))
lookupID <- a$ENTREZID # Default lookup
if (! is.null(lookupID))
# Create exon table
b <- try(AnnotationDbi::select(TxDb, keys = lookupID, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXCHROM', 'EXONSTART', 'EXONEND','TXID', 'EXONSTRAND'),keytype="GENEID"),silent=TRUE)
if(length(grep(pattern = "Error", x = b)))
{ # cannot continue
warning(paste(b,"Error obtaining annotation information.","\n"))
names(b) <- c('chrom', 'start', 'stop', 'gene','strand')
b <-
# Short list exons
# BSJ_donor <- as.numeric(min(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]))
# BSJ_acceptor <- as.numeric(max(BSjuncDetails[[1]][c(2,4)]))
idx <- b$start >= BSJ_donor & b$stop <= BSJ_acceptor
possible_exons <- b[idx,]
# select candidates. In some situations coordinates may be entered in 0 or 1 base.
true_candidates_stop <- which(abs(possible_exons$start - BSJ_donor) == 1 |
abs(possible_exons$start - BSJ_donor) == 0)
true_candidates_start <- which(abs(possible_exons$stop - BSJ_acceptor) == 1 |
abs(possible_exons$stop - BSJ_acceptor) == 0 )
true_candidate_IDs <- intersect(possible_exons$gene[true_candidates_start],
exon_idx <- possible_exons$gene %in% true_candidate_IDs
circRNA_exons <- possible_exons[exon_idx,]
if (nrow(circRNA_exons) < 1)
{ warning("No exons exist within these coordinates")
### Now to work out maximum length by sifting through tx entries and adding up exon lengths
circRNA_exon_lengths <-by(circRNA_exons,circRNA_exons$gene,identity ) # This makes a list of all transcripts
circRNA_sizes <- lapply(X = circRNA_exon_lengths,FUN = function(x) { return(abs(sum(x$start-x$stop)))})
circRNA_sizes_idx <- order(unlist(circRNA_sizes), decreasing = TRUE)
largest_transcript_ID <- names(circRNA_sizes[circRNA_sizes_idx])[1]
transcript_ID_idx <- which(names(circRNA_exon_lengths) == largest_transcript_ID) # Get Index of transcript ID name
transcript_ID_idx <- which(circRNA_exons$gene == names(circRNA_exon_lengths)[transcript_ID_idx]) # Get Row index(es) corresponding to transcript
Exons_of_Interest <- circRNA_exons[transcript_ID_idx,]
Exons_of_Interest <- Exons_of_Interest[ ! duplicated(Exons_of_Interest)] # Sometimes there is duplicated records.
circRNA_Sequence <- ''
FSJs <- c(1)# This will contain start positions for ALL Forward splice junctions
for (i in 1:nrow(Exons_of_Interest)) # Need to stitch together multiple exons
{ tmp <- as.character(Biostrings::getSeq(genome,Exons_of_Interest$chrom[i],
strand = Exons_of_Interest$strand[i]) )
FSJs <- c(FSJs, FSJs[i] + nchar(tmp))
circRNA_Sequence <- paste(circRNA_Sequence,tmp,sep="",collapse = "")
circRNA_Sequence <- Biostrings::DNAString(circRNA_Sequence)
warning("Cannot find or match gene ID")
#' bsj_fastq_generate
#' Takes a circRNA predicted sequence and generates synthetic short sequence reads
#' @param circRNA_Sequence : Linear sequence of a circRNA. i.e. the backspice junction
#' is the first and last base of this sequence
#' @param fragmentLength : Is the length the library fragment
#' @param readLength : The sequence read length
#' @param variations : Number of sequences returned for each read type. Note each
#' sequence variation will start at a unique location (where possible)
#' @param headerID : Character identifier that will be incorporated into sequence header
#' @return Returns a list of two DNAstring sets labelled "read1" and "read2" which correspond
#' to forward and reverse read pairs.
#' @examples
#' library('Ularcirc')
#' # Generate a 500nt sequence containing A" and which is flanked with GG and CC.
#' circRNA_Sequence <- paste(rep('A',500),collapse='')
#' circRNA_Sequence <- paste('GG',circRNA_Sequence, 'CC', sep='')
#' # The GG and CC ends of sequence represent ends of linear exons that are circularised.
#' # Therefore the backsplice junction (BSJ) is GGCC.
#' # Generate reads that alternate over this BSJ
#' fastqReads <- bsj_fastq_generate(circRNA_Sequence, fragmentLength=300, readLength=100,
#' variations = 4, # Four type I , II, III, and IV reads generated
#' headerID='circRNA_example') # Identifier incorporated in name of each sequence
#' # The following will indicate 12 sequences are present in each list entry
#' length(fastqReads$read1)
#' length(fastqReads$read2)
#' # Can create fastq file as follows
#' Biostrings::writeXStringSet( fastqReads$read1,"circRNA_Sample_R1.fastq.gz",
#' compress = TRUE, format="fastq")
#' Biostrings::writeXStringSet( fastqReads$read2,"circRNA_Sample_R2.fastq.gz",
#' compress = TRUE, format="fastq")
#' @import Biostrings
#' @export
bsj_fastq_generate <- function(circRNA_Sequence, fragmentLength=300, readLength=100, variations = 4, headerID='')
if (variations < 1)
{ warning("Number of fragment variations must be 1 or more. Resetting to 1")
variations <- 1
# Variations: Number of read variations prepared for each read type.
circ_length <- nchar(circRNA_Sequence)
if (fragmentLength > circ_length)
warning("Fragment length is larger than circRNA length. Please check input sequence. Returning NULL.")
circRNA_Sequence <- paste(circRNA_Sequence, circRNA_Sequence, sep = "")
typeII_III_offset_step_size <- round(readLength/(variations + 1))
typeIV_gap_size <- fragmentLength - (2 * readLength)
typeIV_offset_step_size <- round(typeIV_gap_size / (variations + 1))
if (fragmentLength <= readLength)
{ warning("fragment length is shorter than or equal to read length.
Increasing fragment length to read length + 1")
fragmentLength <- readLength + 1
# Calculate offset to generate the appropriate alignment types.
typeII_offset <- readLength - typeII_III_offset_step_size
typeIII_offset <- fragmentLength - typeII_III_offset_step_size
typeIV_offset <- readLength + typeIV_gap_size - typeIV_offset_step_size
common_label <- paste("_F",fragmentLength,"_R",readLength, sep="")
read_one <- {}; read_two <- {};
# Generate Type II reads
start_pos <- circ_length - typeII_offset
for (i in 1:variations)
{ read_one <- c(read_one, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos, stop = start_pos + readLength))
read_two <- c(read_two, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos+fragmentLength-readLength, stop = start_pos + fragmentLength))
names(read_one)[i] <- paste(headerID,"_typeII_",start_pos, common_label,sep="")
start_pos <- start_pos + typeII_III_offset_step_size
# Generate Type III reads
start_pos <- circ_length - typeIII_offset
for (i in 1:variations)
{ read_one <- c(read_one, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos, stop = start_pos + readLength))
read_two <- c(read_two, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos+fragmentLength-readLength, stop = start_pos + fragmentLength))
names(read_one)[length(read_one)] <- paste(headerID,"_typeIII_",start_pos,common_label,sep="")
start_pos <- start_pos + typeII_III_offset_step_size
if (fragmentLength > (readLength*2))
{ # Generate typeIV reads
if (typeIV_offset_step_size < 1) # Ensure we have a step increment.
{ typeIV_offset_step_size <- 1 }
else if (round(typeIV_gap_size/typeIV_offset_step_size) < variations)
{ warning("Requested number of fastq are more than what is possible, downsizing number of generated entries")
variations <- round(typeIV_gap_size/typeIV_offset_step_size)
start_pos <- circ_length - typeIV_offset
for (i in 1:variations)
{ read_one <- c(read_one, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos, stop = start_pos + readLength))
read_two <- c(read_two, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos+fragmentLength-readLength, stop = start_pos + fragmentLength))
names(read_one)[length(read_one)] <- paste(headerID,"_typeIV_",start_pos,common_label,sep="")
start_pos <- start_pos + typeIV_offset_step_size
names(read_two) <- names(read_one)
read_one <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(x=read_one)
read_two <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(x=read_two))
return(list(read1 =read_one, read2 = read_two))
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