### -------------------------
### classes
### -------------------------
#' @import methods
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import DelayedArray
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute
setClassUnion("VcfFile_OR_RangedVcfStack", c("VcfFile", "RangedVcfStack"))
contains = "Array",
slots = c(vcffile = c("VcfFile_OR_RangedVcfStack"),
pfix = "character",
name = "character",
dim = "integer",
dimnames = "list",
gr = "GRanges",
pos = "integer"))
.extract_array_from_VCFArraySeed <- function(x, index)
ans_dim <- DelayedArray:::get_Nindex_lengths(index, dim(x))
pfix <- x@pfix
name <- x@name
if (any(ans_dim == 0L)){
tp <- .get_VCFArraySeed_type(x, pfix, name)
ans <- get(tp)(0) ## return integer(0) / character(0) for 0
## dim.
dim(ans) <- ans_dim
} else {
vcf <- vcffile(x)
for(i in seq_along(index)) {
## if(is.null(index[[i]]))
## index[[i]] <- seq_len(ans_dim[i])
gr <- x@gr
## set basic params
param <- .get_VCFArraySeed_basic_param(x, pfix, name)
if (! is.null(index[[1]]))
vcfWhich(param) <- gr[x@pos %in% index[[1]] ] ## FIXME: diff dims if NULL for "ALT"
if (pfix == "geno" && length(ans_dim) > 1) {
vcfSamples(param) <- colnames(x)[ index[[2]] ]
## read array data from VcfFile/RangedVCfStack object.
ans <- .readVcf_for_class(vcf, param, pfix, name)
## final touch to return array (1D) / to subset >2D arrays.
if (length(ans_dim) == 1) {
dim(ans) <- ans_dim
} else if (length(ans_dim) > 2) {
index.ext <- c(vector("list", 2), index[-c(1:2)])
ans <- extract_array(ans, index.ext)
#' VCFArray constructor and coercion methods.
#' @name extract_array
#' @export
#' @description \code{extract_array}: the function to extract data
#' from a \code{VCF} file, by taking \code{VCFArraySeed} as
#' input. This function is required by the \code{DelayedArray} for
#' the seed contract.
#' @param x the VCFArraySeed object
#' @param index in \code{extract_array()}, an unnamed list of
#' subscripts as positive integer vectors, one vector per
#' dimension in \code{x}. Empty and missing subscripts
#' (represented by \code{integer(0)} and \code{NULL} list
#' elements, respectively) are allowed. The subscripts can contain
#' duplicated indices. They cannot contain NAs or non-positive
#' values.
#' @aliases extract_array,VCFArraySeed-method
#' @rdname VCFArray-classes
setMethod("extract_array", "VCFArraySeed",
### ---------------------------
### VCFArraySeed constructor
### ---------------------------
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
VCFArraySeed <- function(file, vindex = character(),
name = character(), pfix = NULL)
## check "file" argument
if (!(isSingleString(file) || is(file, "VcfFile_OR_RangedVcfStack"))) {
stop("The \"file\" argument must be either character string ",
"(indicating the VCF file path), ",
"or \"VcfFile\" object, or \"RangedVcfStack\" object. ")
## check "vindex" argument
if(isSingleString(file)) file <- VcfFile(file)
if (is(file, "VcfFile")) {
if (! && length(vindex)) {
stop("\"vindex\" cannot be used when ",
"input already has the index file.")
} else if ( {
if (length(vindex)) {
index(file) <- vindex
} else {
if (file.exists(path(file))) {
file <- indexVcf(file)
} else {
stop("Please specify the ",
"\"vindex\" file for the remote VCF file.")
## check "name" argument (case sensitive)
avail <- vcfFields(file)
if (missing(name) || !name %in% unname(unlist(avail)))
stop(.availableNames_msg(file), "Please specify correctly!")
## lightweight filter. Only return REF, rowRanges
if (is(file, "RangedVcfStack")) {
param <- ScanVcfParam(fixed = NA, info = NA, geno = NA,
which = rowRanges(file))
readvcf <- readVcfStack(file, param = param)
} else {
param <- ScanVcfParam(fixed = NA, info = NA, geno = NA)
readvcf <- readVcf(file, genome = "hg19", param = param)
gr <- granges(rowRanges(readvcf))
pos <- seq_along(gr)
## check the category of geno/info/fixed
## check if identical name in multipe categories.
if (is.null(pfix)) {
pfix <- names(unlist(avail)[unlist(avail) == name])
if (length(pfix) > 1)
stop(wmsg("Multiple records of '", name, "' are found in '",
paste(pfix, collapse = ", "), "'.",
"Please specify in: VCFArray(pfix = \"\")."))
## header
header <- .header(file)
## dims
nvars <- length(gr)
nsamps <- length(samples(header))
dims <- nvars
dimnames <- list(names(gr))
if (pfix == "geno") {
dims[2] <- nsamps
dimnames[[2]] <- samples(header)
extradim <- as.integer(geno(header)[name, "Number"])
## convert into integer, "G/A/R/." will be NA.
if (! && extradim != 1) {
dims <- c(dims, extradim)
dimnames <- c(dimnames,
vcffile = file,
pfix = pfix,
name = name,
dim = dims, dimnames = dimnames,
gr = gr,
pos = pos
### --------------------------------
### VCFArray and VCFMatrix objects
### --------------------------------
### We define these classes only for cosmetic reasons i.e. to hide the
### DelayedArray and DelayedMatrix classes from the user. The user
### will see and manipulate VCFArray and VCFMatrix objects instead of
### DelayedArray and DelayedMatrix objects.
#' @exportClass VCFArray
#' @rdname VCFArray-classes
#' @aliases VCFArray-class matrixClass,VCFArray-method
#' @param file takes values for charater string (specifying the VCF
#' file path), \code{VcfFile} object, and \code{RangedVcfStack}
#' object.
#' @param vindex in \code{VCFArray()}, the character string specifying
#' the index file path. This argument is required if an remote VCF
#' file is used for the \code{file} argument.
#' @param name the data entry from VCF file to be read into
#' VCFArraySeed / VCFArray. For \code{VCFArray}. This argument
#' should always be specified.
#' @param pfix the category that the \code{name} belongs to. Available
#' values are \code{fixed}, \code{info}, and \code{info}. Can also
#' Check \code{vcfFields(file)} for matching \code{name} and
#' \code{pfix}.
#' @return \code{VCFArray} class object.
setClass("VCFArray", contains = "DelayedArray")
#' @name VCFMatrix
#' @exportClass VCFMatrix
#' @aliases VCFMatrix-class
#' @rdname VCFArray-classes
setClass("VCFMatrix", contains=c("DelayedMatrix", "VCFArray"))
## for internal use only.
setMethod("matrixClass", "VCFArray", function(x) "VCFMatrix")
### Automatic coercion method from VCFArray to VCFMatrix (muted for
### higher dimensions) this function works only when VCFArray is
### 2-dimensional, otherwise, it fails.
#' @name coerce
#' @export
#' @aliases coerce,VCFArray,VCFMatrix-method
#' coerce,VCFMatrix,VCFArray-method coerce,ANY,VCFMatrix-method
#' @rdname VCFArray-classes
setAs("VCFArray", "VCFMatrix", function(from) new("VCFMatrix", from))
setAs("VCFMatrix", "VCFArray", function(from) from)
"ANY", "VCFMatrix",
function(from) as(as(from, "VCFArray"), "VCFMatrix"))
### -----------------
### Validity check
### -----------------
.validate_VCFArray <- function(x)
if (!is(x@seed, "VCFArraySeed"))
return(wmsg("'x@seed' must be a VCFArraySeed object"))
setValidity2("VCFArray", .validate_VCFArray)
### --------------
### VCFArray constructor
### --------------
"DelayedArray", "VCFArraySeed",
function(seed) new_DelayedArray(seed, Class="VCFArray")
#' @description \code{VCFArray}: The function to convert data entries
#' inside VCF file into the \code{VCFArray} instance.
#' @export
#' @aliases VCFArray-method
#' @rdname VCFArray-classes
#' @examples
#' fl <- system.file("extdata", "chr22.vcf.gz",
#' package="VariantAnnotation")
#' va <- VCFArray(fl, name = "GT")
#' va
#' vcf <- VariantAnnotation::VcfFile(fl)
#' va1 <- VCFArray(vcf, name = "GT")
#' va1
#' all.equal(va, va1)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## RangedVcfStack class
#' extdata <- system.file(package = "GenomicFiles", "extdata")
#' files <- dir(extdata, pattern="^CEUtrio.*bgz$", full=TRUE)[1:2]
#' names(files) <- sub(".*_([0-9XY]+).*", "\\1", basename(files))
#' seqinfo <- as(readRDS(file.path(extdata, "seqinfo.rds")), "Seqinfo")
#' stack <- GenomicFiles::VcfStack(files, seqinfo)
#' gr <- as(GenomicFiles::seqinfo(stack)[rownames(stack)], "GRanges")
#' ## RangedVcfStack
#' rgstack <- GenomicFiles::RangedVcfStack(stack, rowRanges = gr)
#' rgstack
#' va2 <- VCFArray(rgstack, name = "SB")
#' va2
#' }
#' ## coercion
#' as(va[1:10, ], "array")
VCFArray <- function(file, vindex = character(),
name=NA, pfix = NULL)
if (is(file, "VCFArraySeed")) {
if (!missing(name))
"VCFArray() must be called with a single argument ",
"when passed an VCFArraySeed object"))
seed <- file
else {
seed <- VCFArraySeed(file, vindex = vindex, name = name,
pfix = pfix)
DelayedArray(seed) ## does the automatic coercion to VCFMatrix
## if 2-dim.
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