
Defines functions write.newick.tree VERSO

Documented in VERSO write.newick.tree

#' Perform the inference of the maximum log-likelihood VERSO phylogenetic tree.
#' @title VERSO
#' @examples
#' data(variants)
#' set.seed(12345)
#' inference = VERSO(D = variants, 
#'                   alpha = c(0.01,0.05), 
#'                   beta = c(0.01,0.05), 
#'                   check_indistinguishable = TRUE, 
#'                   num_rs = 5, 
#'                   num_iter = 100, 
#'                   n_try_bs = 50, 
#'                   num_processes = 1, 
#'                   verbose = FALSE)
#' @param D Input data for the inference reporting presence (as 1), absense (as 0) or missing 
#' information (as NA) for a set of variants.
#' @param alpha False positive error rate provided as a verctor; if a vector of alpha (and beta) 
#' is provided, the inference is performed 
#' for multiple values and the solution at maximum-likelihood is returned.
#' @param beta False negative error rate provided as a verctor; if a vector of beta (and alpha) 
#' is provided, the inference is performed 
#' for multiple values and the solution at maximum-likelihood is returned.
#' @param check_indistinguishable Boolean. Shall I remove any indistinguishable variant 
#' from input data prior inference?
#' @param num_rs Number of restarts during MCMC inference.
#' @param num_iter Maximum number of MCMC steps to be performed during the inference.
#' @param n_try_bs Number of steps without changes in likelihood of best solution after which to stop the MCMC.
#' @param num_processes Number of processes to be used during parallel execution. To execute in single process mode, 
#' this parameter needs to be set to either 1, NA or NULL.
#' @param verbose Boolean. Shall I print to screen information messages during the execution?
#' @return A list of 8 elements: B, C, phylogenetic_tree, corrected_genotypes, genotypes_prevalence, 
#' genotypes_summary, log_likelihood and error_rates. Here, B returns the maximum likelihood variants tree 
#' (inner nodes of the phylogenetic tree), C the attachment of patients to genotypes and phylogenetic_tree VERSO 
#' phylogenetic tree, including both variants tree and patients attachments to variants; corrected_genotypes is the 
#' corrected genotypes, which corrects D given VERSO phylogenetic tree, genotypes_prevalence the number of patients 
#' and observed prevalence of each genotype and genotypes_summary provide a summary of association of mutations 
#' to genotypes; finally log_likelihood and error_rates return the likelihood of the inferred phylogenetic moldel and 
#' best values of alpha and beta as estimated by VERSO.
#' @export VERSO
#' @import ape
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom Rfast rowMaxs rowsums
#' @importFrom stats runif dist
VERSO <- function( D, alpha = NULL, beta = NULL, check_indistinguishable = TRUE, num_rs = 10, num_iter = 10000, n_try_bs = 1000, num_processes = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) {
    # set storage mode to integer
    storage.mode(D) <- "integer"
    # remove any indistinguishable variant from input data prior inference
    if(check_indistinguishable) {
        D <- check.indistinguishable(D)
        storage.mode(D) <- "integer"

    # initialize error rates alpha and beta if not provided as inputs
    if(is.null(alpha)) {
        alpha = c(0.01,0.05,0.10)
        beta = c(0.01,0.05,0.10)
    if(verbose) {
        message("Performing inference for a total of ",length(alpha)," different values of alpha and beta.")

    # setting up parallel execution
    parallel <- NULL
    close_parallel <- FALSE
    if(is.null(parallel)&&length(alpha)>1) {
        if(is.na(num_processes)||is.null(num_processes)||num_processes==1) {
            parallel <- NULL
        else if(num_processes==Inf) {
            cores <- as.integer((detectCores()-1))
            if(cores < 2) {
                parallel <- NULL
            else {
                num_processes <- min(num_processes,length(alpha))
                parallel <- makeCluster(num_processes,outfile="")
                close_parallel <- TRUE
        else {
            num_processes <- min(num_processes,length(alpha))
            parallel <- makeCluster(num_processes,outfile="")
            close_parallel <- TRUE
        if(verbose && !is.null(parallel)) {
            message("Executing ",num_processes," processes in parallel.")

    # set initial tree from where to start MCMC search
    data <- D
    data[which(is.na(data))] <- 0
    marginal_probs <- matrix(colSums(data,na.rm=TRUE)/nrow(data),ncol=1)
    rownames(marginal_probs) <- colnames(data)
    colnames(marginal_probs) <- "Frequency"
    joint_probs <- array(NA,c(ncol(data),ncol(data)))
    rownames(joint_probs) <- colnames(data)
    colnames(joint_probs) <- colnames(data)
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
        for (j in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
            val1 <- data[,i]
            val2 <- data[,j]
            joint_probs[i,j] <- (t(val1)%*%val2)
    joint_probs <- joint_probs/nrow(data)
    adjacency_matrix <- array(0,c(ncol(data),ncol(data)))
    rownames(adjacency_matrix) <- colnames(data)
    colnames(adjacency_matrix) <- colnames(data)
    pmi <- joint_probs
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(pmi))) {
        for(j in seq_len(ncol(pmi))) {
            pmi[i,j] <- log(joint_probs[i,j]/(marginal_probs[i,"Frequency"]*marginal_probs[j,"Frequency"]))
    ordering <- names(sort(marginal_probs[,"Frequency"],decreasing=TRUE))
    adjacency_matrix <- adjacency_matrix[ordering,ordering]
    adjacency_matrix[1,2] = 1
    if(nrow(adjacency_matrix)>2) {
        for(i in 3:nrow(adjacency_matrix)) {
            curr_c <- rownames(adjacency_matrix)[i]
            curr_candidate_p <- rownames(adjacency_matrix)[seq_len((i-1))]
            adjacency_matrix[names(which.max(pmi[curr_candidate_p,curr_c]))[1],curr_c] <- 1
    adjacency_matrix <- rbind(rep(0,nrow(adjacency_matrix)),adjacency_matrix)
    adjacency_matrix <- cbind(rep(0,nrow(adjacency_matrix)),adjacency_matrix)
    adjacency_matrix[1,2] = 1
    initialization <- as.B(adj_matrix=adjacency_matrix,D=D)

    # now start the inference
    if(is.null(parallel)) {

        # sequential computation
        inference <- list()
        for(i in seq_len(length(alpha))) {
            if(verbose) {
                message(paste('Performing inference for alpha =',paste0(alpha[i],collapse=" | "),'and beta =',paste0(beta[i],collapse=" | ")))

            inference[[i]] <- learn.VERSO.phylogenetic.tree(D = D, 
                                                            alpha = alpha[i], 
                                                            beta = beta[i], 
                                                            initialization = initialization, 
                                                            num_rs = num_rs, 
                                                            num_iter = num_iter, 
                                                            n_try_bs = n_try_bs, 
                                                            verbose = verbose)

    else {

        # parallel computation
        res_clusterEvalQ <- clusterEvalQ(parallel,library("Rfast"))
        inference <- parLapply(parallel,seq_len(length(alpha)),function(x) {
            if(verbose) {
                message(paste('Performing inference for alpha =',paste0(alpha[x],collapse=" | "),'and beta =',paste0(beta[x],collapse=" | ")))
            inference <- learn.VERSO.phylogenetic.tree(D = D, 
                                                       alpha = alpha[x], 
                                                       beta = beta[x], 
                                                       initialization = initialization, 
                                                       num_rs = num_rs, 
                                                       num_iter = num_iter, 
                                                       n_try_bs = n_try_bs, 
                                                       verbose = verbose)

    # close parallel
    if(close_parallel) {

    # return the solution at maximum log-likelihood among the inferrend ones
    lik <- NULL
    for(i in seq_len(length(inference))) {
        lik <- c(lik,inference[[i]][["log_likelihood"]])
    best <- which(lik==max(lik))[1]
    inference <- inference[[best]]
    B <- inference$B
    storage.mode(B) <- "integer"
    C <- inference$C
    log_likelihood <- inference[["log_likelihood"]]
    error_rates <- list(alpha=alpha[best],beta=beta[best])

    # compute corrected genotypes
    C_matrix <- array(0,c(nrow(D),ncol(B)))
    rownames(C_matrix) <- rownames(D)
    colnames(C_matrix) <- colnames(B)
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(C_matrix))) {
        C_matrix[i,which(rownames(B)==C[rownames(C_matrix)[i],"Genotype"])] <- 1
    corrected_genotypes <- C_matrix %*% B
    corrected_genotypes <- corrected_genotypes[,colnames(D)]
    storage.mode(corrected_genotypes) <- "integer"

    # compute genotypes prevalence
    genotypes_prevalence <- array(NA,c(nrow(B),2))
    rownames(genotypes_prevalence) <- rownames(B)
    colnames(genotypes_prevalence) <- c("#Patients","Prevalence")
    patients <- table(C[,"Genotype"])
    prevalence <- patients/nrow(C)
    genotypes_prevalence[names(patients),"#Patients"] <- as.numeric(patients)
    genotypes_prevalence[names(prevalence),"Prevalence"] <- as.numeric(prevalence)

    # compute genotypes summary
    genotypes_summary <- list()
    i = 1
    for(genotypes in rownames(B)) {
        mut_list <- colnames(B)[B[i,]==1]
        genotypes_summary[[genotypes]] <- mut_list
        i = i + 1

    # finally build VERSO phylogenetic tree
    phylogenetic_tree <- get.phylo(adjacency_matrix=as.adj.matrix(B),valid_genotypes=B,samples_attachments=C)

    # return results of the inference
    results <- list(B=B,C=C,phylogenetic_tree=phylogenetic_tree,corrected_genotypes=corrected_genotypes,genotypes_prevalence=genotypes_prevalence,genotypes_summary=genotypes_summary,log_likelihood=log_likelihood,error_rates=error_rates)


#' Write a phylogenetic tree as inferred by VERSO to a newick format file.
#' @title write.newick.tree
#' @examples
#' data(inference)
#' write.newick.tree(phylogenetic_tree = inference, 
#'                   phylogeny_file = "inference_tree.new")
#' @param phylogenetic_tree Inference results by VERSO.
#' @param phylogeny_file File where to save the phylogenetic tree in newick format.
#' @return A phylogenetic tree as inferred by VERSO in newick format.
#' @export write.newick.tree
#' @import ape
write.newick.tree <- function( phylogenetic_tree, phylogeny_file = "phylogenetic_tree.new" ) {



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VERSO documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:52 p.m.