
# Testing for the utility functions of the package

if(FALSE) {
  library( "RUnit" )
  library( "annmap" )

## SetUp is called before each test method
.setUp = function() {

## TearDown is called after each test method
.tearDown = function() {

.run.full.test.suite = function() {
  1 == length( grep( '',[ 'nodename' ] ) )

test.ANNMAP33 = function() {
  if( !capabilities()["http/ftp"] ) {
    print( '\nSkipping webservice tests, no http/ftp capabilities' )
  a = tryCatch( url( '', 'r' ), warning=function( w ) NULL, error=function( e ) NULL )
  if( is.null( a ) ) {
    print( '\nSkipping webservice tests, no route to annmap website' )
  close( a )
  if( require( 'rjson', quietly=T ) ) {
    db = paste( 'homo_sapiens', fromJSON( file='' )$items$homo_sapiens$currentVersion, sep='.' )
    annmapConnect( db, use.webservice=T )
    annmapSetParam( debug=T )
    exons = geneToExon( symbolToGene( 'tp53' ), as.vector=TRUE )
    checkTrue( length( exons ) > 1, 'Expected more than one exon from geneToExon via webservice' )

test.connection = function() {
  if( !capabilities()["http/ftp"] ) {
    print( '\nSkipping webservice tests, no http/ftp capabilities' )

  a = tryCatch( url( '', 'r' ), warning=function( w ) NULL, error=function( e ) NULL )
  if( is.null( a ) ) {
    print( '\nSkipping webservice tests, no route to annmap website' )
  close( a )

  if( require( 'rjson', quietly=T ) ) {
    db = paste( 'homo_sapiens', fromJSON( file='' )$items$homo_sapiens$currentVersion, sep='.' )
    annmapConnect( db, use.webservice=T )

    chrs = chromosomeDetails( allChromosomes() )
    checkTrue( length( chrs ) == 25, 'Should have got 25 rows via chromosomeDetails via WS' )


Try the annmap package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

annmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.