
Defines functions calculateDetection

Documented in calculateDetection

calculateDetection = function(BSData, status=fData(BSData)$Status, negativeLabel="negative"){
  detScores = matrix(nrow=nrow(exprs(BSData)),ncol=ncol(exprs(BSData)))
  ##Use the fData to find which the negative IDS are 
  negInd = which(status == negativeLabel)
  detect= function(x) 1 - (sum(x>negvals)/(length(negvals)))
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max=ncol(exprs(BSData)),style=3)
  for(i in 1:ncol(exprs(BSData))){
    negvals = exprs(BSData)[negInd,i]
    M = median(negvals, na.rm=TRUE)
    MAD = mad(negvals, na.rm=TRUE)
    negvals = negvals[negvals < M+3*MAD]
    negvals = negvals[!is.na(negvals)]
    detScores[,i] = sapply(exprs(BSData)[,i], detect)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  colnames(detScores) =sampleNames(BSData)
  rownames(detScores) = featureNames(BSData)

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beadarray documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:51 p.m.