
Defines functions makeBranchpointWindowForSNP

Documented in makeBranchpointWindowForSNP

#' Makes a branchpointer formatted GRanges object from refsnp ids
#' Searches Biomart for refsnp ids, and pulls genomic location and sequence identity information
#' Reformats alleles so each query has only one alternative allele
#' @param refSNP Vector of refsnp ids
#' @param mart.snp biomaRt mart object specifying the BioMart database and dataset to be used
#' @param exons GRanges containing exon co-ordinates.
#' Should be produced by gtfToExons()
#' @param maxDist maximum distance a SNP can be from an annotated 3' exon.
#' @param filter remove SNP queries prior to finding finding nearest exons?
#' @return formatted SNP query GRanges
#' @export
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @examples
#' smallExons <- system.file("extdata","gencode.v26.annotation.small.gtf",package = "branchpointer")
#' exons <- gtfToExons(smallExons)
#' mart.snp <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", dataset="hsapiens_snp", host="www.ensembl.org")
#' query <- makeBranchpointWindowForSNP("rs587776767", mart.snp, exons)
#' @author Beth Signal

makeBranchpointWindowForSNP <- function(refSNP, mart.snp,exons,maxDist=50, filter=TRUE){
  snpInfo <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = c("refsnp_id",'refsnp_source', "chr_name",
                                   "chrom_start", "allele"),
                    filters = "snp_filter", values = refSNP, mart = mart.snp)

  #make sure each SNP has only 1 ref and 1 alternate allele
  multiAlleles <- which(nchar(snpInfo$allele) != 3)

  if (length(multiAlleles) > 0) {
    snpInfo.remade <- snpInfo[-multiAlleles,]
    snpInfo <- snpInfo[multiAlleles,]

    for (i in seq_along(snpInfo$refsnp_id)) {
      nts <- unlist(stringr::str_split(snpInfo$allele[i],"/"))
      ref <- nts[1]
      alt <- nts[-1]
      alleles <- paste0(ref,"/",alt)

      remade <- snpInfo[c(rep(i, length(alleles))),]
      remade$allele <- alleles
      snpInfo.remade <- rbind(snpInfo.remade, remade)
    snpInfo <- snpInfo.remade

  queryGRanges <- GRanges(seqnames=S4Vectors::Rle(paste0("chr",snpInfo$chr_name)),
                          ranges=IRanges::IRanges(start=snpInfo$chrom_start, width=1),

  #check for unstranded queries & replace with positive & negative
  unstranded <- which(as.logical(strand(queryGRanges) == "*"))
    queryGRanges.pos <- queryGRanges[unstranded]
    queryGRanges.pos$id <- 
      paste0(queryGRanges.pos$id, "_pos")
    strand(queryGRanges.pos) <- "+"
    queryGRanges.neg <- queryGRanges[unstranded]
    queryGRanges.neg$id <- 
      paste0(queryGRanges.neg$id, "_neg")
    strand(queryGRanges.neg) <- "-"
    queryGRanges <- do.call("c", list(queryGRanges[-unstranded],

  #check for duplicated query ids
    message(paste0(length(which(duplicated(queryGRanges$id)))," query ids are not unique"))
    message("Check output for new names or rename")
    queryGRanges$id <- make.names(queryGRanges$id, unique=TRUE)
  #find 3'/5'exons
  if(length(queryGRanges) > 0){
    queryGRanges.loc <- getQueryLoc(queryGRanges, queryType="SNP", 
                                    maxDist = maxDist, filter = filter,
                                    exons = exons)


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branchpointer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:16 p.m.