
setwd(file.path(getwd(), "testdata"))

context("Test that getSeqsAcrossBSJs() function works correctly")
test_that("getSeqsAcrossBSJs() retrieves the correct sequences", {
    gtf <- formatGTF(pathToGTF = "gencodeVM16.gtf")

    # Create the backSplicedJunctions data frame
    backSplicedJunctions <- getBackSplicedJunctions(gtf)
    mergedBSJunctions <- mergeBSJunctions(backSplicedJunctions, gtf)
    # Retrive the genomic features
    annotatedBSJs <- annotateBSJs(mergedBSJunctions, gtf)

    if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10", quietly = TRUE)){
        # Get BSgenome object
        genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10")
        # retrieve target sequences
        targets <- getSeqsAcrossBSJs(annotatedBSJs,
        # For positive strand
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$id[11], "Arhgap5:+:chr12:52516079:52542636")
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$length[11], 22)
        # The back-spliced sequences should be the one reported below
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$seq[11],  "UGAAGACACAGAGGAAGAUGAU")
        #For negative strand
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$id[7], "Eps15l1:-:chr8:72380306:72367904")
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$length[7], 22)
        # The back-spliced sequences should be the one reported below
        expect_equal(targets$bsj$seq[7], "AGAUGUCCAAGAUCUCAUCAUU") 
            "Missing package BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.
            Use BiocManager to install it."


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circRNAprofiler documentation built on March 6, 2021, 2 a.m.