Man pages for clippda
A package for the clinical proteomic profiling data analysis

aclinicalProteomicsData-classClass "aclinicalProteomicsData"
aclinicalProteomicsData-methodsS4 method for the aclinicalProteomicsData class
betweensampleVarianceA generic function for computing the biological variance and...
betweensampleVariance-methodsMethods for Function betweensampleVariance
checkNo.replicatesA function to detect disparity in the number of replicates...
clippda-packageA package for clinical proteomics profiling data analysis
fA function to compute adjustments for the effct of covariates...
fisherInformationA generic function to compute the heterogeneity correction...
fisherInformation-methodsMethods for Function fisherInformation
liverdataA dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information,...
liver_phenoA dataframe of phenotypic information
liverRawDataA dataframe of the protein expression data, peak information...
mostSimilarTwoA function which indentifies two columns of a matrix, or...
negativeIntensitiesCorrectionA function to correct the data for the negative intensities...
phenoDataFrameA generic function to set classes for the variables in the...
pheno_urineA dataframe of phenotypic information
preProcRepeatedPeakDataA function to pre-process repeated raw peak data
proteomicsExprsDataA generic fuction to extract duplicate SELDI data from an...
proteomicsExprsData-methodsMethods for Function proteomicsExprsData
proteomicspDataA function to extract a dataframe of phenotypic information...
proteomicspData-methodsMethods for Function proteomicspData
replicateCorrelationsA generic function to compute intraclass correlations
replicateCorrelations-methodsMethods for Function replicateCorrelations
sampleClusteredDataA function to arrange the data in sample-wise pairs
sampleSizeA function for sample size calculations
sampleSize3DscatterPlotsA function for 3D display of sample size in a multi parameter...
sampleSizeContourPlotsA function to construct a grid with contours for calculating...
sampleSize-methods~~ Methods for Function sampleSize
sampleSizeParametersA generic function to calculate sample size parameters
sampleSizeParameters-methods~~ Methods for Function sampleSizeParameters
sample_technicalVarianceA generic function for computing the technical variance
sample_technicalVariance-methodsMethods for Function sample_technicalVariance
show-methodsMethods for Function show in Package 'methods'
spectrumFilterA function to filter out samples with conflicting pair-wise...
ztwoA function to compute Z values when there are no covariates...
ZvaluescasesVcontrolsPlotsA function for ploting the odds of being a case vs control...
ZvaluesfrommultinomPlotsA generic functon to plot Density of Z values from a...
clippda documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.