#' @include codonTable-class.R
#' @include genCode-class.R
#' @import data.table
.countsbyaa <- function(cTobject, gCobject)
counts <-
cl <- gCobject@cl
rbind(vapply(cl, function(x) counts[, Reduce('+',.SD), .SDcols = x],
numeric(length = nrow(counts))))
.normFrequencies <- function(cTobject, gCobject)
counts <-
csums <- .countsbyaa(cTobject, gCobject)
cl <- gCobject@cl
freqs <- lapply(seq_along(cl), function(x)
counts[,.SD/csums[,x], .SDcols = cl[[x]]])
fc <- setDT(unlist(freqs, recursive = FALSE))
setcolorder(fc, sort(gCobject@codons)) # sort codons alphabetically
.normSetFrequencies <- function(cTobject, gCobject)
csum <-
csumaa <- colSums(.countsbyaa(cTobject, gCobject))
cl <- gCobject@cl
out <- lapply(seq_along(cl), function(x)
csum[, .SD/csumaa[x], .SDcols = gCobject@cl[[x]]])
unlist(out)[sort(gCobject@codons)] # sort codons alphabetically
.effNc <- function(fa, deg) {
red <- unique(deg)[unique(deg) != 1]
favg <- vapply(red, function(x){
cols <- which(deg == x)
avg <- rowSums(fa[,.SD, .SDcols=cols], na.rm = TRUE) /
rowSums(fa[, .SD, .SDcols=cols] != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
# if any redundancy class but F3 is absent
if (x != 3)
avg <- replace(avg, which(, 1/x)
length(cols) / avg
}, numeric(length = nrow(fa)))
colnames(favg) <- red
# if F3 is absent, average F2 and F4
if (any([,"3"]))) {
n <- which([,"3"]))
if (all(favg[n, c("2","4")] > 0))
favg[n,"3"] <- vapply(n, function(i)
(favg[i, "2"]/sum(deg == 2) + favg[i, "4"]/sum(deg == 4)) / 2,
numeric(length = 1))
else favg[,"3"] <- 1/sum(deg == 3)
enc <- sum(deg==1)+rowSums(favg)
replace(enc, which(enc>61), 61)
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