
Defines functions plotSegments

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liestřl and Ole Christian Lingjćrde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liestřl et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Function that plots segmentation results ; on top of existing plot or sets up a new plot

### type: what kind of plot is this? may be "sample","chromosome","genome" or "aspcf"
### segments: a matrix/data frame with segments to be plotted;  
### unit: the unit used to represent probe positions (bp / kbp / mbp)
### xaxis: a string indicating whether positions ("pos") or indeces ("index") should be plotted on xaxis
### k: the chromosome number being plotted; seems only applicable for type="sample"
### sampleID: the id of the sample being plotted; only applicable for type="chromosome" and type="genome"
### frame: the frame dimensions for this plot
### plot.ideo: will ideogram be plotted?
### add: should segments plot be added on top of an existing plot?
### col,lty,lwd : color,line type and line width for this segmentation
### new: has a new plot been started?
### print.xwarn: should a warning be printed if the input positions exceed the chromosome range in cytoband? at the moment always FALSE
### seg.lim:  ylimits for segments ; check whether this should be adjusted for q
### data.lim: ylimits for data points
### op:  other parameters
### xmax: maximum on x-axis, will be NULL if ideogram is not plotted

##Required by:
### plotAllele
### plotChrom
### plotGenome
### plotSample

### addChromlines
### addToPlot
### adjustSeg
### connectSeg
### updatePlotParameters

plotSegments <- function(type,segments,unit,xaxis,k=NULL,sampleID=NULL,frame=NULL,plot.ideo=FALSE,add=FALSE,col,lty,lwd,new=FALSE,
  #Check that segments contains any information, and retrieve info
  	#Retrieve segmentinfo
  	nSeg <- nrow(segments)
  	chrom <- segments[,2]
  	arms <- segments[,3]
  	start <- segments[,4]
  	stop <- segments[,5]
  	nPos <- segments[,6]
  	seg.mean <- segments[,7]
  	#Adjust start and stop according to plot type, xaxis, and connect
  	a <- adjustSeg(chrom,arms,start,stop,nPos,type,xaxis,unit,op$connect,op)
    use.start <- a$use.start
    use.stop <- a$use.stop
    sep.arm <- a$sep.arm
      xmax <- max(use.stop)
  		#add segments to existing plot:
  		#Should segments be connected? 
      #Set up plot; only segments are to be plotted
      #Update diverse plotparameters (ylim,xlim,main,ticks,mar)
      op <- updatePlotParameters(seg.lim,xmax,type,xaxis,op,data.lim=data.lim,sampleID=sampleID,k=k)
  		#Check if end of any segments is larger than max in ideogram; if this is the case
  		#a warning is printed
  		out.seg <- use.stop[use.stop>xmax]		
  		if(length(out.seg)>0 && print.xwarn){
  			#Print warning:
  			warning(paste("Chromosome",k,"ranges from position 0 to",paste(xmax,".",sep=""),length(out.seg),"segments are outside this range.",sep=" "),
  		#Empty plot with desired dimensions:
  		#Plot segments
      #Should segments be connected? 
  		#Add axes, labels, title and reference line
  		#Separate chromosomes by vertical lines (only done for type=="genome")

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copynumber documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:10 p.m.