
Defines functions .correlate_reads correlateReads

Documented in correlateReads

#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpmapply bpisup bpstart bpstop SerialParam
correlateReads <- function(bam.files, max.dist=1000, cross=TRUE, param=readParam(), BPPARAM=SerialParam()) 
# Calculates the cross-correlation between reads of different strands (or autocorrelations between reads in general)
# Note that the BAM files must be sorted, and usually duplicate reads should be removed for best performance.
# I haven't used R's native acf/ccf() function because it doesn't handle the large inputs from BAM efficiently.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 2 July 2012
    max.dist <- as.integer(max.dist)
    if (max.dist <=0) { 
        stop("maximum distance must be positive") 
    total.cor <- numeric(max.dist+1L)
    total.read.num <- 0L

    if (!bpisup(BPPARAM)) {

    bam.files <- .make_BamFiles(bam.files)
    extracted.chrs <- .activeChrs(bam.files, param$restrict)

    for (i in seq_along(extracted.chrs)) {
        chr <- names(extracted.chrs)[i]
        where <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(1L, extracted.chrs[i]))
        total.len <- extracted.chrs[i] + 1L # Length of the conceptual vector to compute the correlations.
        if (total.len < 2L) { # No way to compute variance if the vector's too small.

        # Reading in the reads for the current chromosome for all the BAM files.
        bp.out <- bpmapply(FUN=.correlate_reads, bam.file=bam.files, 
            MoreArgs=list(where=where, param=param, total.len=total.len),

        all.f <- lapply(bp.out, "[[", "forward")
        all.r <- lapply(bp.out, "[[", "reverse")
        if (!cross) {
            all.f <- mapply("c", all.f, all.r, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        forward.reads <- sum(vapply(bp.out, FUN="[[", i="nforward", FUN.VALUE=0L))
        num.reads <- forward.reads + sum(vapply(bp.out, FUN="[[", i="nreverse", FUN.VALUE=0L))

        # Assembling RLEs (with some protection from empties). We need reads for any correlation and 
        # reads on both strands to get cross-correlations. If we're doing cross-correlations, then
        # we compare between strands; if we're doing autocorrelations, we compare within all reads.        
        if (num.reads==0L) { 
        if (cross && (forward.reads==0L || forward.reads==num.reads)) { # correlations undefined, so they don't contribute to total.read.num.
        all.f <- rle(sort(do.call(c, all.f)))
        if (cross) {
            all.r <- rle(sort(do.call(c, all.r)))
        } else {
            all.r <- all.f

        # We call the C++ function to compute correlations. 
        ccfs <- .Call(cxx_correlate_reads, all.f$values, all.f$lengths, all.r$values, all.r$lengths, max.dist, total.len)

        # Returning some output. Note that the coefficient is weighted according to the number
        # of reads on each chromosome, as described in Kharchenko et al. (2008).
        total.read.num <- total.read.num + num.reads
        total.cor <- total.cor + ccfs*num.reads

    # Cleaning up and returning the correlations.
    if (total.read.num) { 
        total.cor <- total.cor/total.read.num 

.correlate_reads <- function(bam.file, where, param, total.len) {
    if (param$pe=="both") {
        reads <- .extractPE(bam.file, where=where, param=param, with.reads=TRUE)
    } else {
        reads <- .extractSE(bam.file, where=where, param=param)
    forward.pos <- reads$forward$pos
    forward.pos[forward.pos < 1L] <- 1L
    reverse.pos <- reads$reverse$pos + reads$reverse$qwidth
    reverse.pos[reverse.pos > total.len] <- total.len

    num.reads <- length(forward.pos)+length(reverse.pos)
    forward.reads <- length(forward.pos)
    return(list(forward=forward.pos, reverse=reverse.pos, 
                nforward=length(forward.pos), nreverse=length(reverse.pos)))

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