
Defines functions getLegendRadio getMean addDataCols prepGroup runLimma runEdgeR runDESeq2 runDE applyFiltersNew cutOffSelectionUI debrowserdeanalysis

Documented in addDataCols applyFiltersNew cutOffSelectionUI debrowserdeanalysis getLegendRadio getMean prepGroup runDE runDESeq2 runEdgeR runLimma

#' debrowserdeanalysis
#' Module to perform and visualize DE results.
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param output, output objects
#' @param session, session 
#' @param data, a matrix that includes expression values
#' @param columns, columns
#' @param conds, conditions
#' @param params, de parameters
#' @return DE panel 
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- debrowserdeanalysis()
debrowserdeanalysis <- function(input = NULL, output = NULL, session = NULL, 
    data = NULL, columns = NULL, conds = NULL, params = NULL) {
    if(is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    deres <- reactive({
        runDE(data, columns, conds, params)
    prepDat <- reactive({
        applyFiltersNew(addDataCols(data, deres(), columns, conds), input)
        dat <-  prepDat()[prepDat()$Legend == input$legendradio,]
        dat2 <- removeCols(c("ID", "x", "y","Legend", "Size"), dat)
        getTableDetails(output, session, "DEResults", dat2, modal=FALSE)
    list(dat = prepDat)
#' getDEResultsUI
#' Creates a panel to visualize DE results
#' @param id, namespace id
#' @return panel
#' @examples
#'     x <- getDEResultsUI("batcheffect")
#' @export
getDEResultsUI<- function (id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
            shinydashboard::box(title = "DE Results",
            solidHeader = T, status = "info",  width = 12, 
                    actionButtonDE("goMain", "Go to Main Plots", styleclass = "primary")

#' cutOffSelectionUI
#' Gathers the cut off selection for DE analysis
#' @param id, namespace id
#' @note \code{cutOffSelectionUI}
#' @return returns the left menu according to the selected tab;
#' @examples
#'     x <- cutOffSelectionUI("cutoff")
#' @export
cutOffSelectionUI <- function(id){
    ns <- NS(id)
        textInput(ns("padj"), "padj value cut off", value = "0.01" ),
        textInput(ns("foldChange"), "or foldChange", value = "2" )

#' applyFiltersNew
#' Apply filters based on foldChange cutoff and padj value.
#' This function adds a "Legend" column with "Up", "Down" or
#' "NS" values for visualization.
#' @param data, loaded dataset
#' @param input, input parameters
#' @return data
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- applyFiltersNew()
applyFiltersNew <- function(data = NULL, input = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    padj_cutoff <- as.numeric(input$padj)
    foldChange_cutoff <- as.numeric(input$foldChange)
    m <- data
    if (!("Legend" %in% names(m))) {
        m$Legend <- character(nrow(m))
        m$Legend <- "NS"
    m$Legend[m$foldChange >= foldChange_cutoff &
        m$padj <= padj_cutoff] <- "Up"
    m$Legend[m$foldChange <= (1 / foldChange_cutoff) &
        m$padj <= padj_cutoff] <- "Down"

#' runDE
#' Run DE algorithms on the selected parameters.  Output is
#' to be used for the interactive display.
#' @param data, A matrix that includes all the expression raw counts,
#'     rownames has to be the gene, isoform or region names/IDs
#' @param columns, is a vector that includes the columns that are going
#'     to be analyzed. These columns has to match with the given data.
#' @param conds, experimental conditions. The order has to match
#'     with the column order
#' @param params, all params for the DE methods
#' @return de results
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- runDE()
runDE <- function(data = NULL, columns = NULL, conds = NULL, params = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    de_res <- NULL

    if (startsWith(params[1], "DESeq2"))    
        de_res <- runDESeq2(data, columns, conds, params)
    else if (startsWith(params[1], "EdgeR"))    
        de_res <- runEdgeR(data, columns, conds, params)
    else if (startsWith(params[1], "Limma"))
        de_res <- runLimma(data, columns, conds, params)

#' runDESeq2
#' Run DESeq2 algorithm on the selected conditions.  Output is
#' to be used for the interactive display.
#' @param data, A matrix that includes all the expression raw counts,
#'     rownames has to be the gene, isoform or region names/IDs
#' @param columns, is a vector that includes the columns that are going
#'     to be analyzed. These columns has to match with the given data.
#' @param conds, experimental conditions. The order has to match
#'     with the column order
#' @param params, fitType: either "parametric", "local", or "mean" for the type 
#'     of fitting of dispersions to the mean intensity. 
#'     See estimateDispersions for description.
#'  betaPrior: whether or not to put a zero-mean normal prior
#'     on the non-intercept coefficients See nbinomWaldTest for 
#'     description of the calculation of the beta prior. By default, 
#'     the beta prior is used only for the Wald test, but can also be 
#'     specified for the likelihood ratio test.
#' testType: either "Wald" or "LRT", which will then use either 
#'     Wald significance tests (defined by nbinomWaldTest), or the 
#'     likelihood ratio test on the difference in deviance between a 
#'     full and reduced model formula (defined by nbinomLRT)
#' shrinkage: Adds shrunken log2 fold changes (LFC) and SE to a results 
#'     table from DESeq run without LFC shrinkage. For consistency with 
#'     results, the column name lfcSE is used here although what is 
#'     returned is a posterior SD. Three shrinkage estimators for 
#'     LFC are available via type (see the vignette for more details 
#'     on the estimators). The apeglm publication demonstrates that 
#'     'apeglm' and 'ashr' outperform the original 'normal' shrinkage 
#'     estimator.
#' @return deseq2 results
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- runDESeq2()
runDESeq2 <- function(data = NULL, columns = NULL, conds = NULL, params = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    if (length(params)<3)
        params <- strsplit(params, ",")[[1]]
    fitType <- if (!is.null(params[2])) params[2]
    betaPrior <-  if (!is.null(params[3])) params[3]
    testType <- if (!is.null(params[4])) params[4]
    shrinkage <-  if (!is.null(params[5])) params[5]

        showNotification("You cannot use DESeq2 if you don't have multiple samples per condition", type = "error")
    data <- data[, columns]

    data[, columns] <- apply(data[, columns], 2,
        function(x) as.integer(x))

    coldata <- prepGroup(conds, columns)
    # Filtering non expressed genes
    filtd <- data
    # DESeq data structure is going to be prepared
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = as.matrix(filtd),
        colData = coldata, design = ~group)
    # Running DESeq
    if (testType == "LRT")
        dds <- DESeq(dds, fitType = fitType, betaPrior = as.logical(betaPrior), test=testType, reduced= ~ 1)
        dds <- DESeq(dds, fitType = fitType, betaPrior = as.logical(betaPrior), test=testType)
    res <- results(dds)
    if (shrinkage != "None"){
        res <- lfcShrink(dds, coef=2, res=res, type = shrinkage)
        stat <- dds@rowRanges@elementMetadata[paste0(testType, "Statistic")]
        res <- cbind(res, stat)
        colnames(res)[colnames(res) == paste0(testType, "Statistic")] <- "stat"

#' runEdgeR
#' Run EdgeR algorithm on the selected conditions.  Output is
#' to be used for the interactive display.
#' @param data, A matrix that includes all the expression raw counts,
#'     rownames has to be the gene, isoform or region names/IDs
#' @param columns, is a vector that includes the columns that are going
#'     to be analyzed. These columns has to match with the given data.
#' @param conds, experimental conditions. The order has to match
#'     with the column order
#' @param params, normfact: Calculate normalization factors to scale the raw 
#'     library sizes. Values can be "TMM","RLE","upperquartile","none".
#' dispersion: either a numeric vector of dispersions or a character 
#'     string indicating that dispersions should be taken from the data 
#'     object. If a numeric vector, then can be either of length one or 
#'     of length equal to the number of genes. Allowable character 
#'     values are "common", "trended", "tagwise" or "auto". 
#'     Default behavior ("auto" is to use most complex dispersions 
#'     found in data object.
#' testType: exactTest or glmLRT. exactTest: Computes p-values for differential 
#'     abundance for each gene between two digital libraries, conditioning 
#'     on the total count for each gene. The counts in each group as a 
#'     proportion of the whole are assumed to follow a binomial distribution. 
#'     glmLRT: Fit a negative binomial generalized log-linear model to the read 
#'     counts for each gene. Conduct genewise statistical tests for a given 
#'     coefficient or coefficient contrast.
#' @return edgeR results
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- runEdgeR()
runEdgeR<- function(data = NULL, columns = NULL, conds = NULL, params = NULL){
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    if (length(params)<3)
        params <- strsplit(params, ",")[[1]]
    normfact <- if (!is.null(params[2])) params[2]
    dispersion <- if (!is.null(params[3])) params[3]
    testType <- if (!is.null(params[4])) params[4]

    data <- data[, columns]
    data[, columns] <- apply(data[, columns], 2,
        function(x) as.integer(x))

    if (!is.na(dispersion) && !(dispersion %in% c("common", "trended", "tagwise", "auto")))
        dispersion <- as.numeric(dispersion)

    conds <- factor(conds)
    filtd <- data
    d<- edgeR::DGEList(counts = filtd, group = conds)
    d <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(d, method = normfact)
    # If dispersion is 0, it will estimate the dispersions.
    de.com <- c() 
    cnum = summary(conds)[levels(conds)[1]]
    tnum = summary(conds)[levels(conds)[2]]
    des <- c(rep(1, cnum),rep(2, tnum))
    if(cnum == 1 && tnum == 1 && 
         (dispersion %in% c("common", "trended", "tagwise", "auto") ||
            dispersion == 0)){
        showNotification("You cannot use this dispersion with common, trended, tagwise, 
            auto, when there are 1 replicates for each condition. 
            Please use a numeric value if that's the case.", type = "error")
    design <- model.matrix(~des)
    d <- edgeR::estimateDisp(d, design)
    if (testType == "exactTest"){
        if (dispersion == 0){
            de.com <- edgeR::exactTest(d)
            de.com <- edgeR::exactTest(d, dispersion=dispersion)
        de.com$table<-topTags(de.com, n = nrow(de.com$table))$table
        colnames(de.com$table)[colnames(de.com$table) == "FDR"] <- "stat"
    }else if (testType == "glmLRT"){
        if (dispersion == 0){
            fit <- edgeR::glmFit(d, design)
            fit <- edgeR::glmFit(d, design, dispersion=dispersion)
        de.com <- edgeR::glmLRT(fit,coef=2)
        colnames(de.com$table)[colnames(de.com$table) == "LR"] <- "stat"


    padj<- p.adjust(de.com$table$PValue, method="BH")
    res <-data.frame(cbind(de.com$table$logFC/log(2),de.com$table$PValue, padj, de.com$table$stat))
    colnames(res) <- c("log2FoldChange", "pvalue", "padj", "stat")
    rownames(res) <- rownames(filtd)

#' runLimma
#' Run Limma algorithm on the selected conditions.  Output is
#' to be used for the interactive display.
#' @param data, A matrix that includes all the expression raw counts,
#'     rownames has to be the gene, isoform or region names/IDs
#' @param columns, is a vector that includes the columns that are going
#'     to be analyzed. These columns has to match with the given data.
#' @param conds, experimental conditions. The order has to match
#'     with the column order
#' @param params, normfact: Calculate normalization factors to scale the raw 
#'     library sizes. Values can be "TMM","RLE","upperquartile","none".
#' fitType, fitting method; "ls" for least squares or "robust" 
#'     for robust regression
#' normBet: Normalizes expression intensities so that the 
#'     intensities or log-ratios have similar distributions across a set of arrays.
#' @return Limma results
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- runLimma()
runLimma<- function(data = NULL, columns = NULL, conds = NULL, params = NULL){
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    if (length(params)<3)
        params <- strsplit(params, ",")[[1]]
    normfact = if (!is.null(params[2])) params[2]
    fitType = if (!is.null(params[3])) params[3]
    normBet = if (!is.null(params[4])) params[4]

    data <- data[, columns]
    data[, columns] <- apply(data[, columns], 2,
        function(x) as.integer(x))
    conds <- factor(conds)
    cnum = summary(conds)[levels(conds)[1]]
    tnum = summary(conds)[levels(conds)[2]]
    filtd <- data
    des <- factor(c(rep(levels(conds)[1], cnum),rep(levels(conds)[2], tnum)))
    names(filtd) <- des
    design <- cbind(Grp1=1,Grp2vs1=des)
    dge <- DGEList(counts=filtd, group = des)
    dge <- calcNormFactors(dge, method=normfact, samples=columns)
    v <- voom(dge, design=design, normalize.method = normBet, plot=FALSE)
    fit <- lmFit(v, design=design)
    fit <- eBayes(fit)
    tab <- topTable(fit,coef=2, number=dim(fit)[1],genelist=fit$genes$NAME)
    res <-data.frame(cbind(tab$logFC, tab$P.Value, tab$adj.P.Val, tab$t))
    colnames(res) <- c("log2FoldChange", "pvalue", "padj", "stat")
    rownames(res) <- rownames(tab)

#' prepGroup
#' prepare group table
#' @param cols, columns
#' @param conds, inputconds
#' @return data
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- prepGroup()
prepGroup <- function(conds = NULL, cols = NULL) {
    if (is.null(conds) || is.null(cols)) return (NULL)
    coldata <- data.frame(cbind(cols, conds))
    coldata$conds <- factor(coldata$conds)
    colnames(coldata) <- c("libname", "group")

#' addDataCols
#' add aditional data columns to de results
#' @param data, loaded dataset
#' @param de_res, de results
#' @param cols, columns
#' @param conds, inputconds
#' @return data
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- addDataCols()
addDataCols <- function(data = NULL, de_res = NULL, cols = NULL, conds = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data) || (nrow(de_res) == 0 && ncol(de_res) == 0)) return (NULL)
    norm_data <- data[, cols]
    coldata <- prepGroup(conds, cols)
    mean_cond_first <- getMean(norm_data, as.vector(coldata[coldata$group==levels(coldata$group)[1], "libname"]))
    mean_cond_second <- getMean(norm_data, as.vector(coldata[coldata$group==levels(coldata$group)[2], "libname"]))
    m <- cbind(rownames(de_res), norm_data[rownames(de_res), cols],
               log10(unlist(mean_cond_second) + 1),
               log10(unlist(mean_cond_first) + 1),
                      c("padj", "log2FoldChange", "pvalue", "stat")], 
               2 ^ de_res[rownames(de_res),
               -1 * log10(de_res[rownames(de_res), "padj"]))
    colnames(m) <- c("ID", cols, "x", "y",
                     "padj", "log2FoldChange", "pvalue", "stat",
                     "foldChange", "log10padj")
    m <- as.data.frame(m)
    m$padj[is.na(m[paste0("padj")])] <- 1
    m$pvalue[is.na(m[paste0("pvalue")])] <- 1

#' getMean
#' Gathers the mean for selected condition.
#' @param data, dataset
#' @param selcols, input cols
#' @return data
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- getMean()
getMean<-function(data = NULL, selcols=NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return (NULL)
    if (length(selcols) > 1)
        mean_cond <-list(rowMeans( data[, selcols]))
        mean_cond <-list(data[selcols])

#' getLegendRadio
#' Radio buttons for the types in the legend
#' @param id, namespace id
#' @note \code{getLegendRadio}
#' @return radio control
#' @examples
#'     x <- getLegendRadio("deprog")
#' @export
getLegendRadio <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
    types <- c("Up", "Down", "NS")
                 label="Data Type:",

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debrowser documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 2 a.m.