
Defines functions stat_position.list stat_position.filterList stat_position.filter .fixInf stat_position

Documented in stat_position stat_position.filter stat_position.filterList stat_position.list

#' Compute the positions of the population statistics based on the geometic gate centroid for a ggcyto plot.
#' It is usually not called directly by user but mainly used by compute_stats function (which is called by ggcyto add method when geom_states layer is added).
#' @name stat_position
#' @aliases stat_position.filter stat_position.filterList stat_position.list
#' @param gate a flowCore filter
#' @param negated logical indicating whether position needs to be moved to negative side of gate
#' @param limits used to fix the gate range
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @param adjust adjust the position of the centroid. This can be a length-2 vector with an adjustment in each dimension.
#' @param abs logical
#' @param data_range a two-row data.frame representing the actual data range. Each column is a a range for a specific channel. First row is min, Second row is max.
#' @return a data.table of gate centroid coordinates
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(GvHD)
#' fs <- GvHD[1:4]
#' rect.g <- rectangleGate(list("FSC-H" =  c(300,500), "SSC-H" = c(50,200)))
#' rect.gates <- sapply(sampleNames(fs), function(sn)rect.g)
#' stat_position(rect.gates)
stat_position <- function(gate, ...)UseMethod("stat_position")

.range_intersect <- function (r1, r2) 
  c( max(c(min(r1), min(r2))) 
   , min(c(max(r1), max(r2)))

#' replace infinite values 
#' @noRd 
.fixInf <- function(x)

  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    y <- x[i]
    if(is.infinite(y) && y<0)
      x[i] <- -.Machine$integer.max
    else if(is.infinite(y) && y>0)
      x[i] <- .Machine$integer.max

#' @rdname stat_position
#' @export
 stat_position.filter  <- function(gate, negated = FALSE, adjust = 0.5, abs = FALSE, data_range = NULL, limits = NULL, ...){
  params <- parameters(gate)
  if(abs)#plot label whithin the boundary by default 
    gate_range <- data_range
  }else #specify location by absolute position of the current window
    df <- fortify(gate, data = data_range)
    gate_range <- apply(df, 2, range)

    #fix the gate range with limits
      gate_range <- sapply(colnames(limits), function(dim){
        dr <- limits[[dim]]
        if(!dim %in% params){
          #the current data dimension is not present gate range
          #i.e. 1-d gate
          gr <- dr
          gr <- gate_range[,dim]
          #fix inf value
          gr <- .fixInf(gr)
          gr <- .range_intersect(gr, dr) 
            margins <- abs(dr - gr)
            if(which.max(margins) == 1)#use lower margin
              gr <- c(dr[1], gr[1])
              gr <- c(gr[2], dr[2]) # use higher margin

  #calculate centroid
  centroids <- colMeans(gate_range)
  # adjust the position
  #   adjust <- rep(adjust, length=2)[1:2]
  diffs <- apply(gate_range,2, diff)
  not_density <- names(centroids) != "density"
  centroids[not_density] <- centroids[not_density] + diffs[not_density] * (adjust - 0.5)

# stat_position.rectangleGate <- function(gate){
#   param <- parameters(gate)
#   nDim <- length(param)
#   if (nDim ==  2){
#     stat_position.polygonGate(gate)
#   }else if(nDim ==  1){
#  }
# }

#' @export
stat_position.filterList<- function(gate, ...){
  .ldply(gate, stat_position, ..., .id = ".rownames")

#' @export
stat_position.list<- function(gate, ...){
  stat_position(filterList(gate), ...)

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ggcyto documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:30 p.m.