gt <- function(response, alternative, null, data, test.value,
model = c("linear", "logistic", "cox", "poisson", "multinomial"), levels,
directional = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, permutations = 0,
subsets, weights, alias, x = FALSE, trace) {
# store the call
call <-
# avoid conflict between "levels" input and "levels" function
if (missing(levels)) levels <- NULL
# data default
if (missing(data)) {
if ((!missing(alternative)) && (is(alternative, "ExpressionSet"))) {
data <- pData(alternative)
} else
data <- NULL
if (is.matrix(data))
data <- data.frame(data)
# evaluate response, which may be one of the colnames of data
response <- eval(call$response, data, parent.frame())
# settle null, alternative and response if response is a formula
if (missing(null) || is.null(null)) {
if ((!missing(alternative)) && is(response, "formula"))
null <- response
null <- ~1
if (missing(alternative))
if (is(response, "formula"))
alternative <- response
stop("argument \"alternative\" is missing, with no default")
if (is(response, "formula")) {
name.response <- deparse(eval(response)[[2]])
response <- eval(attr(terms(response, data=data), "variables"), data, environment(response))[[attr(terms(response, data=data), "response")]]
} else {
name.response <- deparse(call$response)
# remove redundant levels from factor response
# and coerce response to factor in case of levels input
if (is.factor(response) || !is.null(levels))
response <- factor(response)
# get the model
if (missing(model)) {
if(is(response, "Surv"))
model <- "cox"
else if ((is.factor(response) && length(levels(response)) <= 2) || is.logical(response))
model <- "logistic"
else if (is.factor(response) && length(levels(response)) > 2)
model <- "multinomial"
model <- match.arg(tolower(model), c("linear", "logistic", "cox", "poisson", "multinomial"))
# if multinomial, coerce to factor and remove redundant level
if (model=="multinomial" && !is.factor(response))
response <- factor(response)
# if multinomial, coerce to logistic if possible
if (model=="multinomial" && nlevels(response)==2)
model <- "logistic"
# find the sample size
if (model == "cox") {
if (attr(response, "type") %in% c("right", "counting"))
n <- nrow(response)
stop("survival data of type", attr(response, "type"), "not supported")
} else {
n <- length(response)
# remove terms from alternative that are also in null
if (is(null, "formula") && is(alternative, "formula") &&
identical(environment(null), environment(alternative))) {
dup <- attr(terms(alternative, data=data), "term.labels") %in% attr(terms(null, data=data), "term.labels")
if (all(dup)) stop("all covariates in alternative also in null")
if (any(dup))
alternative <- formula(terms(alternative,data=data)[!dup])
# print a warning, when strata appear in alternative that do not appear in null, remove them from alternative
if (is(alternative, "formula")) {
if (length(attr(terms(alternative, specials = "strata", data=data), "specials")$strata) > 0) {
altterms <- terms(alternative, specials = "strata", data=data)
strata <- untangle.specials(altterms, "strata", 1)
strata.nrs <- strata$terms
alternative <- formula(altterms[-strata.nrs])
warning("there are strata in alternative, which do no appear in null. strata only appearing in alternative are ignored")
if (length(attr(terms(alternative, data=data), "term.labels")) == 0)
stop("all covariates in alternative also in null")
# extract strata out of null
if (is(null, "formula")) {
nullterms <- terms(null, specials = "strata", data=data)
if (length(attr(nullterms, "specials")$strata) > 0) {
if (model == "cox") {
strata <- untangle.specials(nullterms, "strata", 1)
strata.nrs <- strata$terms
strata.nrs2 <- attr(nullterms, "specials")$strata
if (missing(data))
strata <- strata(eval(attr(nullterms, "variables"),
environment(nullterms))[strata.nrs2], shortlabel = TRUE)
strata <- strata(eval(attr(nullterms,
"variables"), data, environment(nullterms))[strata.nrs2],
shortlabel = TRUE)
null <- formula(nullterms[-strata.nrs])
stop("strata only implemented for Cox model")
strata <- NULL
# get null and alternative
null <- .getNull(null, data, n, model)
alternative <- .getAlternative(alternative, data, n)
# Adjust input due to levels argument
if ((!is.null(levels)) && is.factor(response)) {
if (!all(levels %in% levels(response)))
stop("argument \"levels\" does not match levels(response)")
if (length(levels) > 1) {
select <- response %in% levels
response <- factor(response[select], levels=levels)
alternative <- alternative[select,,drop=FALSE]
null$null <- null$null[select,, drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(null$offset))
null$offset <- null$offset[select]
if (length(levels) == 2)
model <- "logistic"
} else {
response <- factor(response == levels)
levels(response) <- c("other", levels)
model <- "logistic"
# prepare legends for plots later
legend <- list()
if (model == "logistic") {
if (is.factor(response)) {
legend$cov <- paste("assoc. with", name.response, "=", rev(levels(response)))
legend$subj <- paste(name.response, "=", rev(levels(response)))
} else {
legend$cov <- paste("assoc. with", name.response, "=", 1:0)
legend$subj <- paste(name.response, "=", 1:0)
} else if (model == "multinomial") {
legend$cov <- paste("assoc. with", name.response, "=", levels(response))
legend$subj <- paste(name.response, "=", levels(response))
} else if (model %in% c("linear", "poisson")) {
legend$cov <- paste(c("pos. assoc. with", "neg. assoc. with"), name.response)
legend$subj <- paste(c("pos. residual", "neg. residual"), name.response)
} else { # model = "survival"
legend$cov <- c("pos. assoc. with survival", "neg. assoc. with survival")
legend$subj <- c("late event or censored", "early event")
#subsets and weigths
if (!missing(subsets) && !is.list(subsets))
subsets <- list(subsets)
many.subsets <- !missing(subsets)
one.weight <- (!missing(weights)) && (!is.list(weights)) && (length(weights)==ncol(alternative)) && many.subsets
many.weights <- (!missing(weights)) && (!one.weight)
if (many.weights && !is.list(weights))
weights <- list(weights)
# if a test.value was specified, adjust the offset term
# NOTE: test.value is interpreted relative to alternative BEFORE standardizaton and weighting
if (!missing(test.value)) {
if (length(test.value) == ncol(alternative))
test.offset <- drop(alternative %*% test.value)
else if ((length(subsets)==1) && (length(test.value) == length(subsets[[1]])))
test.offset <- drop(alternative[,subsets[[1]], drop=FALSE] %*% test.value)
stop("the length of \"test.value\" (",length(test.value), ") does not match the the number of covariates in \"alternative\" (", ncol(alternative), ")")
if (!is.null(null$offset))
offset <- null$offset + test.offset
offset <- test.offset
} else
offset <- null$offset
null <- null$null
if (model == "multinomial" && !is.null(offset))
stop("offset term and test.value not yet implemented for the multinomial model")
# conservatively impute missing values in alternative <- apply(, 2, all) <- apply(, 2, any) & !
if (ncol(null) == 0) {
if (model == "cox") {
alternative[,] <- apply(alternative[,, drop=FALSE], 2, function(cov) {
cov[] <- mean(cov, na.rm=TRUE)
} else
alternative[] <- 0
} else {
alternative[,] <- apply(alternative[,, drop=FALSE], 2, function(cov) {
fit <- lm(cov ~ 0 + null, x = TRUE)
coefs <- coef(fit)
coefs[] <- 0
cov[] <- drop(null %*% coefs)[]
alternative[,] <- 0
# deafult alias
if (missing(alias)) alias <- NULL
# check weights and subsets lengths
if (many.subsets && many.weights) {
if (length(subsets) != length(weights))
stop("lengths of \"subsets\" and \"weights\" do not match")
if ((!is.null(names(subsets))) && (!is.null(names(weights))) && (!all(names(subsets)==names(weights))))
if (is.null(alias))
alias <- names(weights)
warning("names of subsets and weights do not match")
# make sure subsets is a list of names, compatible with colnames(alternative)
if (many.subsets && gt.options()$trim) {
osl <- sapply(subsets, length)
subsets <- lapply(subsets, function(sst) {
if (!is.character(sst))
intersect(sst, colnames(alternative))
# make sure that weights is a named list, compatible with colnames(alternative)
if (many.weights) {
names.weights <- names(weights)
weights <- lapply(1:length(weights), function (i) {
wt <- weights[[i]]
if (!is.null(names(wt)))
wt <- wt[names(wt) %in% colnames(alternative)]
if (many.subsets && length(wt) == length(subsets[[i]]))
names(wt) <- subsets[[i]]
else if (length(wt) == ncol(alternative))
names(wt) <- colnames(alternative)
names(weights) <- names.weights
if (any(sapply(lapply(weights, names), is.null)))
stop("weights input is not compatible with covariates input.")
# make subsets and weights compatible
if (many.subsets && many.weights) {
weights <- lapply(1:length(weights), function(i) {
if (all(subsets[[i]] %in% names(weights[[i]])))
stop("names of weights input incompatible with subsets input.")
# trim zero weights
if (many.weights) {
if (any(unlist(weights)==0)) {
weights <- lapply(weights, function(wt) wt[wt != 0])
many.subsets <- FALSE # to redo subsets
# make subsets in case of short named weights
if (many.weights && !many.subsets && any(sapply(weights, length) != ncol(alternative))) {
subsets <- lapply(weights, names)
many.subsets <- TRUE
# check missing values in subsets
if (many.subsets && any(sapply(subsets, function(x) any( {
stop("missing values in \"subsets\"")
# prepare progress info
if (missing(trace)) trace <- gt.options()$trace && (many.weights || many.subsets)
if (trace && (many.subsets || many.weights)) {
if (many.subsets)
K <- length(subsets)
K <- length(weights)
digitsK <- trunc(log10(K))+1
# standardize and weight
if (standardize || one.weight) {
if (one.weight) {
if (length(weights) != ncol(alternative))
stop("length of \"weights\" does not match column count of \"alternative\"")
all.weights <- weights
} else
all.weights <- rep(1, ncol(alternative))
if (standardize) {
vars <- apply(alternative,2,var) * (n-1)/n
vars[vars == 0] <- 1
all.weights <- all.weights / vars
alternative <- alternative * matrix(sqrt(all.weights), nrow(alternative), ncol(alternative), byrow=TRUE)
# Make the test function
funs <- switch(model,
linear = .lineartest(response, Z=null, X=alternative, offset=offset, dir = directional, perms = permutations),
logistic = .glmtest(response, Z=null, X=alternative, offset=offset, family = "binomial", dir = directional, perms=permutations),
poisson = .glmtest(response, Z=null, X=alternative, offset=offset, family = "poisson", dir = directional, perms=permutations),
multinomial = .multinomialtest(response, Z=null, X=alternative, dir = directional, perms=permutations),
cox = .coxtest(response, Z=null, X=alternative, offset=offset, dir = directional, perms=permutations, strat=strata)
test <- funs$test
# Do the test
if ((!many.subsets) && (!many.weights)) { # single weighting; single subset
res <- test()
} else {
L <- if (many.subsets) length(subsets) else length(weights)
res <- sapply(1:L, function (i) {
if (trace && L>1) {
cat(rep("\b", 2*digitsK+3), i, " / ", K, sep="")
if (!many.weights) { # single weighting; many subsets
uit <- test(subset=subsets[[i]])
} else if (!many.subsets) { # many weightings; single subset
uit <- test(weights=weights[[i]])
} else { # many weightings; many subsets
uit <- test(subset=subsets[[i]], weights=weights[[i]])
if (many.subsets && !is.null(names(subsets)))
colnames(res) <- names(subsets)
else if (many.weights && !is.null(names(weights)))
colnames(res) <- names(weights)
if (trace && (many.subsets || many.weights) && L>1) cat("\n")
res <- t(res)
# return
out <- new("gt.object")
out@call <- call
colnames(res) <- c("p-value", "Statistic", "Expected", "", "#Cov")
out@result <- res
out@functions <- funs
if (many.subsets) out@subsets <- subsets
if (many.weights) out@weights <- weights
out@directional <- directional > 0
out@legend <- legend
out@model <- model
if (!is.null(alias)) alias(out) <- alias
if (x) {
out@null <- null
out@alternative <- alternative
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