
Defines functions .gather_current_memory .create_export_observers .create_tour_observer .create_general_observers

.generalLinkGraph <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_link_graph"
.generalLinkGraphPlot <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_link_graph_plot"
.generalTrackedCode <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_tracked_code"

.generalPanelSettings <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_panel_settings"
.generalTourSteps <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_tour_steps"
.generalVignetteOpen <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_open_vignette"

.generalSessionInfo <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_session_info"
.generalCitationInfo <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_citation_info"

.generalCodeTracker <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_tracked_code"
.generalMemoryTracker <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_tracked_memory"
.generalMemoryExport <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_memory_export"
.generalMemoryIncludeSE <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_memory_se"
.generalMemoryIncludeECM <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_memory_ecm"
.generalMemoryCustomSave <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_custom_save"

.generalExportOutput <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content"
.generalExportOutputUI <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content_ui"
.generalExportOutputDownload <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content_download"
.generalExportOutputAll <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content_all"
.generalExportOutputNone <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content_none"
.generalExportOutputChoices <- "iSEE_INTERNAL_export_content_choices"

#nocov start

#' General observers for \code{\link{iSEE}}
#' A function to set up observers for general (i.e., not panel-specific) observers used in the app.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param mod_commands A character vector of commands performed to modify \code{se} before running the app proper.
#' @inheritParams .initialize_server
#' @return Observers are created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @importFrom utils read.delim sessionInfo citation browseURL capture.output
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent showModal modalDialog HTML br tagList showNotification p pre downloadButton
#' checkboxInput actionButton
#' @importFrom shinyAce aceEditor
#' @rdname INTERNAL_general_observers
.create_general_observers <- function(se, runLocal, se_name, ecm_name, mod_commands, saveState, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) {
    observeEvent(input[[.generalTrackedCode]], {
        all_cmds <- .track_it_all(pObjects, se_name, ecm_name, mod_commands)
        all_cmds <- paste(all_cmds, collapse="\n")

            title="My code", size="l",fade=TRUE,
            footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
            p("You can click anywhere in the code editor and select all the code using",
              "a keyboard shortcut that depends on your operating system (e.g. Ctrl/Cmd + A",
              "followed by Ctrl/Cmd + C).",
              "This will copy the selected parts to the clipboard."),
            aceEditor(.generalCodeTracker, mode="r", theme="solarized_light", autoComplete="live",
                value=all_cmds, height="600px")
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalPanelSettings]], {
            title="Panel settings", size="l", fade=TRUE,
            footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
            checkboxInput(.generalMemoryIncludeSE, "include SummarizedExperiment", value=TRUE),
            checkboxInput(.generalMemoryIncludeECM, "include ExperimentColorMap", value=TRUE),
            downloadButton(.generalMemoryExport, "Download RDS"),
            if (!is.null(saveState)) {
                actionButton(.generalMemoryCustomSave, "Save application state")
            br(), br(),
            aceEditor(.generalMemoryTracker, mode="r", theme="solarized_light", autoComplete="live",
                value=paste(.report_memory(pObjects$memory), collapse="\n"),
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    # Arbitrary function to save the content.
    if (!is.null(saveState)) {
        observeEvent(input[[.generalMemoryCustomSave]], {
            saveState(.gather_current_memory(se, input, pObjects))
        }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalSessionInfo]], {
            title="Session information", size="l",fade=TRUE,
            footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
            pre(paste(capture.output(sessionInfo()), collapse="\n"))
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalCitationInfo]], {
            title="About iSEE", size="m", fade=TRUE,
            footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
                iSEE_info, br(), br(),
                HTML("If you use this package, please use the following citation information:"),
                pre(paste(capture.output(citation("iSEE")), collapse="\n"))
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalLinkGraph]], {
            title="Graph of inter-panel links", size="l",
            fade=TRUE, footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    if (runLocal) {
        observeEvent(input[[.generalVignetteOpen]], {
            path <- system.file("doc", "basic.html", package="iSEE")
            if (path=="") {
                showNotification("vignette has not been built on this system", type="error")
            } else {
        }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    .create_export_observers(input, session, pObjects)


#' Tour observer for \code{\link{iSEE}}
#' A function to set up the observers for the tour.
#' @inheritParams .initialize_server
#' @param memory A list of \linkS4class{Panel} objects specifying the current memory of the app.
#' @return An observer is created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @importFrom rintrojs introjs
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_tour_observer
.create_tour_observer <- function(se, memory, tour, input, session) {
    observeEvent(input[[.generalTourSteps]], {
        if (is.null(tour)) {
            tour <- .assemble_tour(se, memory)
        introjs(session, options=list(steps=tour))
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    if (!is.null(tour)) {
        # Only triggers _after_ panels are fully setup, so observers are properly ID'd.
        session$onFlushed(function() { introjs(session, options=list(steps=tour)) })

#' Create the export observers
#' Create observers that are dedicated to exporting panel content (e.g., as PDFs or CSVs).
#' @inheritParams .create_general_observers
#' @return Observers are created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_export_observers
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent showModal modalDialog updateCheckboxGroupInput uiOutput
.create_export_observers <- function(input, session, pObjects) {
    observeEvent(input[[.generalExportOutput]], {
            title="Download panel contents", size="m",
            fade=TRUE, footer=NULL, easyClose=TRUE,
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalExportOutputAll]], {
        all_options <- .define_export_choices(pObjects$memory)
        updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, .generalExportOutputChoices,
            choices=all_options, selected=all_options)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    observeEvent(input[[.generalExportOutputNone]], {
        all_options <- .define_export_choices(pObjects$memory)
        updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, .generalExportOutputChoices, selected=character(0))
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)


#nocov end

#' Gather current memory state
#' Gather the bits and pieces necessary to describe the current state of the application.
#' @inheritParams .create_general_observers
#' @return A list containing \code{memory}, the list of \linkS4class{Panel} describing the current app state;
#' and possibly \code{se} and \code{colormap}, depending on whether their respective options are checked.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_gather_current_memory
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
.gather_current_memory <- function(se, input, pObjects) {
    args <- list(memory=pObjects$memory)
    if (input[[.generalMemoryIncludeSE]]) {
        args$se <- se
    if (input[[.generalMemoryIncludeECM]]) {
        args$colormap <- metadata(se)$colormap

Try the iSEE package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

iSEE documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 2:01 a.m.