
#' \code{decomposition} of lmdme object
#' This function calculates the decomposition of variance or covariance
#' structure using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Partial Least
#' Squared Regression (PLSR), on the ANOVA decomposed lmdme object. In this
#' context, in a two factor experimental design with interaction, the linear
#' model of the i-th observation (gene) can be written: 
#' \cr \eqn{X=\mu+X_{A}+X_{B}+X_{AB}+\epsilon} \cr 
#' where \itemize{ 
#'   \item X stands for the observed value.
#'   \item the intercept \eqn{\mu}.
#'   \item \eqn{X_{A}}, \eqn{X_{B}} and \eqn{X_{AB}} are the first, second and
#'    interaction coefficients respectively.
#'   \item The error term \eqn{\epsilon ~ N(0,\sigma^2)}.
#' } 
#' The model is iteratively decomposed in a step by step fashion, decomposing 
#' one term each time by calling \code{\link{lmdme}} constructor: 
#' \enumerate{ 
#'   \item Step 1: \eqn{X=\mu+E_{1}} 
#'   \item Step 2: \eqn{E_{1}=X_{A}+E_{2}} 
#'   \item Step 3: \eqn{E_{2}=X_{B}+E_{3}} 
#'   \item Step 4: \eqn{E_{3}=X_{AB}+E_{4}}
#' } 
#' Then, if we apply PCA on the i-th step using \eqn{E_{i-1}} matrix it is
#' known as \emph{APCA} but if applied on the coefficients \eqn{X_{i}} it is
#' called \emph{ASCA}. The same decomposition schema can also be used with
#' PLSR.
#' @param object lmdme class object.
#' @param decomposition character to indicate the decomposition to be carried
#'  out, i.e., \emph{"pca"} or \emph{"plsr"}. Default value is "pca".
#' @param term character specifying the model term to perform the decomposition
#'  (e.g. "time" or "time:concentration" for interaction term). If the term is
#'  not specified (i.e. missing) it performs the analysis over all the model
#'  terms. 
#' @param subset subset of individuals (rows) to be included in the analysis.
#'  By default all the individuals are included.
#' @param type character to indicate on which regression matrix ("coefficient"
#'  or "residual") the decomposition will be performed. The intercept term is
#'  not included in the results, as it can be directly analyzed with the
#'  original M data.frame. Default value is "coefficient" a.k.a. ASCA. Note
#'  that "residual" performs PCA or PLS on the i-th residual
#'  \eqn{E_{i-1}=X_{i}+E_{i}} and not the residuals of the i-th model
#'  \eqn{E_{i}}.
#' @param scale character "row", "column" or "none" to indicate if the matrix
#'  should be scaled by the row, column or not  respectively. Default value
#'  is "none".
#' @param Omatrix the output matrix for PLSR only. If the parameter is missing,
#'  the output matrix  will be an identity matrix for the ASCA. Otherwise, is
#'  the design matrix corresponding to the specified term for APCA.
#' @param ... additional parameters for \code{\link{prcomp}} or
#'  \code{\link{plsr}} functions, according to the decomposition call.
#' @return Internal update of the "components" slot of the lmdme object, which
#'  is a list of \code{\link{prcomp}} or a list of mvr (\code{\link{plsr}})
#'  objects using the given term parameter. If missing(term), the length of the
#'  list equals the number of decomposed models minus the Intercept term for
#'  coefficients or the length of decomposed models for residual decomposition. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{prcomp}}, \code{\link{plsr}}
#' @author Cristobal Fresno and Elmer A Fernandez
#' @references 
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Smilde AK, Jansen JJ, Hoefsloot HCJ, Lamer RAN, Van der Greef
#'  J, Timmerman ME (2005) ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA): a
#'  new tool for analyzing designed meta-bolomics data, Bioinformatics
#'  21,13,3043 DOI:/10.1093/bioinformatics/bti476
#'  \item Zwanenburg G, Hoefsloot HCJ, Westerhuis JA, Jansen JJ, Smilde AK
#'  (2011) ANOVA Principal component analysis and ANOVA-simultaneous
#'  component analysis: a comparison J. Chemometrics 25:561-567
#'  DOI:10.1002/cem.1400
#'  \item Cristobal Fresno, Monica G. Balzarini, Elmer A. Fernandez (2014)
#'  lmdme: Linear Models on Designed Multivariate Experiments in R,
#'  Journal of Statistical Software, 56(7), 1-16.
#'  http://www.jstatsoft.org/v56/i07/.
#' }
#' @examples
#' {
#' data(stemHypoxia)
#' ##Just to make a balanced dataset in the Fisher sense (2 samples per 
#' ## time*oxygen levels) 
#' design<-design[design$time %in% c(0.5,1,5) & design$oxygen %in% c(1,5,21), ]
#' design$time<-as.factor(design$time)
#' design$oxygen<-as.factor(design$oxygen)
#' rownames(M)<-M[, 1]
#' #Keeping appropriate samples only
#' M<-M[, colnames(M) %in% design$samplename] 
#' ##ANOVA decomposition
#' fit<-lmdme(model=~time+oxygen+time:oxygen, data=M, design=design)
#' ##Just a copy of the same fit object and to perform analysis on those
#' ##subjects/genes where at least one interaction coefficient is statistically
#' ##different from zero (F-test on the coefficients).
#' asca<-fit
#' apca<-fit
#' id<-F.p.values(fit, term="time:oxygen")<0.001
#' ##ASCA and APCA decomposition for every available term.
#' decomposition(asca, decomposition="pca", subset=id, scale="row")
#' decomposition(apca, decomposition="pca", subset=id, scale="row",
#'   type="residual")
#' ##Let's get the components for asca/apca decomposed objects
#' asca<-components(asca) 
#' apca<-components(apca) 
#' ##Now let's try the PLSR decomposition for residuals and coefficients
#' plsr.residuals<-fit
#' plsr.coefficients<-fit
#' decomposition(plsr.coefficients, decomposition="plsr", subset=id,
#'   scale="row")
#' decomposition(plsr.residuals, decomposition="plsr", subset=id, scale="row",
#'   type="residual")
#' ##Obtain the coefficients for decomposed plsr objects
#' ##(coefficients/residuals)
#' plsr.coefficients<-components(plsr.coefficients) 
#' plsr.residuals <- components(plsr.residuals) 
#' }
#' @exportMethod decomposition
#' @docType methods
#' @name decomposition
#' @rdname lmdme-decomposition
#' @aliases decomposition-methods
setGeneric(name="decomposition", def = function(object,
  decomposition=c("pca","plsr"), term=NULL,
  subset=1:nrow(object@residuals[[1]]), type = c("coefficient", "residual"),
  scale=c("none","row","column"), Omatrix, ...){
#' @name decomposition
#' @rdname lmdme-decomposition
#' @inheritParams decomposition
#' @aliases decomposition,lmdme-method
setMethod(f="decomposition", signature = "lmdme", definition = function(object,
  decomposition=c("pca","plsr"), term=NULL,
  subset=1:nrow(object@residuals[[1]]), type=c("coefficient", "residual"),
  scale=c("none","row","column"), Omatrix, ...){
  ##Obtain object name for future update
  ##Check parameters
  stopifnot(scale[1] %in% c("none","row","column"))
  stopifnot(type[1] %in% c("coefficient", "residual"))
  stopifnot(decomposition[1] %in% c("pca","plsr"))
  #No sense to decompose the intercept
    if(term == "(Intercept)"){
      stop(paste("Error: does not make sense to decompose the intercept", 
      "coefficients/residuals. Use the centered original data object", sep=""))
       if(!any(term %in% names(object@modelDecomposition))){
        stop("ERROR: ", term, " not in model: ", object@model)

  ##Over which matrix is to be the carry the escalation and calculate it
    coefficient=coefficients(object, term, drop=FALSE), 
      ##Get the names of the term if missing
      ##Get the residual of the previous model
      lapply(datum, function(x){
        index<-which(names(object@modelDecomposition) == x)

        ##Get the previous residual
  ##Remove the intercept term if available
  if("(Intercept)" %in% names(data) & type[1] == "coefficient"){

  ##Scale if required
  data<-lapply(data, function(datum){

  ##decomposition calculation
  object@components<-lapply(index, function(datum){
      pca=prcomp(data[[datum]], ...),
        ##Check for Omatrix presence
            coefficient=diag(1, nrow(data.pls$X)),
              object@modelDecomposition[[names(data)[datum]]], object@design)
        plsr(formula=Y~X, data=data.pls, ...)
      }#from plsr
    )#from decomposition 
  })#from lapply

  ##Update lmdme object
    type=type[1], scale=scale[1])
  assign(nameObject, object, envir=parent.frame())


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lmdme documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:46 p.m.