
Defines functions .doILP_steadyState

.doILP_steadyState <- function(obs, delta, lambda, b, n, K, T_=NULL, annot, delta_type, prior=NULL, 
																sourceNode=NULL, sinkNode=NULL, all.int=FALSE, all.pos=FALSE) {
  if (all.int)
		delta <- rep(1, n)

  # weight matrix of dim ((K*n)x(2n²+n)) (w_i^0)
  if (all.pos) {
		W <- matrix(0, nrow=K*n, ncol=n*n+n)
  else {
		W <- matrix(0, nrow=K*n, ncol=2*n*n+n)
  colnames(W) <- annot
  f.dir <- rep("<=",n*K)  # direction of inequation
  # convert observations into matrix-format
  # vector of numeric values for the right-hand sides of the constraints
  bvec <- rep(0, n*K)
  J <- seq(1, n)
  count <- 1
  # build lp problem
  if (delta_type == "perGene") {
		if (all.int)
			delta <- rep(1, n)
		for (k in 1:K) {
			for (i in 1:n) {
				if (b[count] == 1) {  # if b[count] == 0 gene count has been silenced and is not active after knockdown k
					if (!is.na(obs[i,k])) {  # if the observation=NA, just do nothing
						if (obs[i,k] >= delta[i]) {  # if observation of gene i after knockdown k is active
							if (all.pos) { 
								W[count,i+(n*n)] <- 1  # set offset parameter (baseline of gene i)
								for (j in J[J!=i]) {  # sum
									id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
									W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
							else {
								W[count,i+(2*n*n)] <- 1
								for (j in J[J!=i])  {# sum
									id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
									W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
									id <- which(annot == paste("w-", j, i, sep="_"))  # negative parameter
									W[count,id] <- -obs[j,k]
							f.dir[count] <- ">="
							bvec[count] <- delta[i]
						if (obs[i,k] < delta[i]) {  # if observation of gene i after knockdown k is NOT active
							if (all.pos) {
								W[count, i+(n*n)] <- 1  # set offset parameter (baseline of gene i)
								for (j in J[J!=i]) {  # sum
									id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
									W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
							else {
								W[count,i+(2*n*n)] <- 1
								for (j in J[J!=i]) {  # sum
									id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
									W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
									id <- which(annot == paste("w-", j, i, sep="_"))  # negative parameter
									W[count,id] <- -obs[j,k]
							f.dir[count] <- "<="
							bvec[count] <- 0
				count <- count+1
  else if (delta_type == "perGeneExp") {
		if (all.int)
			delta <- matrix(rep(1,n*K), nrow=n, ncol=K)
		for (k in 1:K) {
			for (i in 1:n) {

				if (b[count]==1) {  # if b[count] == 0 gene count has been silenced and is not active after knockdown k
				if (!is.na(obs[i,k])) {  # if the observation=NA, just do nothing

					if (obs[i,k]>= delta[i,k]) {  # if observation of gene i after knockdown k is active
						if (all.pos) {
							W[count, i+(n*n)] <- 1  # set offset parameter (baseline of gene i)

							for (j in J[J!=i]) {  # sum
								id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
								W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
						else {
							W[count, i+(2*n*n)] <- 1
							for (j in J[J!=i]) {
								id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i, sep="_"))  # positive parameter
								W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
								id <- which(annot == paste("w-", j, i, sep="_"))  # negative parameter
								W[count,id] <- -obs[j,k]
						f.dir[count] <- ">="
						bvec[count] <- delta[i,k]
					if (obs[i,k] < delta[i,k]) {  # if observation of gene i after knockdown k is NOT active
						if (all.pos) {
							W[count, i+(n*n)] <- 1  # set offset parameter (baseline of gene i)
							for(j in J[J!=i]){  # sum
								id <- which(annot == paste("w+", j, i,  sep="_"))  # positive parameter
								W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
							W[count, i+(2*n*n)] <- 1
							for (j in J[J!=i]) {  # sum
								id <- which(annot==paste("w+",j,i,sep="_"))  # positive parameter
								W[count,id] <- obs[j,k]
								id <- which(annot==paste("w-",j,i,sep="_"))  # negative parameter
								W[count,id] <- -obs[j,k]
						f.dir[count] <- "<="
						bvec[count] <- 0
				count <- count+1
  # now add slack varibles to W: 
  if (lambda != 0) {
		sl <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(W)[1], ncol=dim(W)[1])
		annot_s <- paste("s", seq(1,dim(W)[1]), sep="_")
		colnames(sl) <- annot_s
		# attention: for the constr. where observation is smaller than threshold
		xi <- vector()
		for (j in 1:length(f.dir)) {
			if (f.dir[j] == ">=")
				xi <- c(xi,0)
			if (f.dir[j] == "<=")
				xi <- c(xi,-1)
		diag(sl) <- xi
		W <- cbind(W,sl)
		if (all.pos) {
			cvec <- c(rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n), rep(1/lambda,dim(sl)[1]))
			id_self <- c(which(annot == paste("w+", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")))  # self-activation is not allowed
		else {
			cvec <- c(rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n), rep(1/lambda,dim(sl)[1]))
			id_self <- c(which(annot == paste("w+", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")), 
									 which(annot == paste("w-", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")))  # self-activation is not allowed
		cvec[id_self] <- 0
		names(cvec) <- c(annot, annot_s)
  else {
		if (all.pos) {
			cvec <- c(rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n)) 
			id_self <- c(which(annot == paste("w+", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")))  # self-activation is not allowed
		else {
			cvec <- c(rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n*n), rep(1,n)) 
			id_self <- c(which(annot==paste("w+", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")),
			             which(annot==paste("w-", seq(1,n), seq(1,n), sep="_")))  # self-activation is not allowed
		cvec[id_self] <- 0
		names(cvec) <- c(annot)

  if (!is.null(sinkNode)) {
		W_tmp1 <- vector()
		gene_tmp <- seq(1,n)[-sinkNode]
		for (i in gene_tmp) {
			tmp <- seq(1,n)[-i]  # outgoing edge can come from all nodes except itself
			if (length(tmp) > 1) {
				annot_pos <- paste("w+", i, tmp, sep="_")  # for negative and positive parameter
				if (!all.pos)
					annot_neg <- paste("w-", i, tmp, sep="_")
				add_row <- rep(0, length(cvec))
				add_row[which(annot %in% annot_pos)] <- 1
				if (!all.pos)
					add_row[which(annot %in% annot_neg)] <- 1
				W_tmp1 <- rbind(W_tmp1, as.double(add_row))
				bvec <- c(bvec, delta[i])
				f.dir <- c(f.dir, ">=")
		W <- rbind(W, W_tmp1)
  ## conditions that each node which is not Start has at least delta[i] incoming edges
  if (!is.null(sourceNode)) {
		W_tmp2 <- vector()
		gene_tmp <- seq(1,n)[-sourceNode]
		for (i in gene_tmp) {
			tmp <- seq(1,n)[-i]  # incoming edge can come from all nodes except itself
			if (length(tmp) > 1) {
				annot_pos <- paste("w+", tmp, i, sep="_")
					annot_neg <- paste("w-", tmp, i, sep="_")
				add_row <- rep(0, length(cvec))
				add_row[which(annot %in% annot_pos)] <- 1
					add_row[which(annot %in% annot_neg)] <- 1
				W_tmp2 <- rbind(W_tmp2, as.double(add_row))
				bvec <- c(bvec,delta[i])
				f.dir <- c(f.dir,">=")
		W <- rbind(W,W_tmp2)

  ## if there is a prior
  if (!is.null(prior)) {
		for (i in 1:length(prior)) {
			tmp <- rep(0, dim(W)[2])
			tmp[which(prior[[i]][1] == annot)] <- as.double(prior[[i]][2])
			W <- rbind(W, tmp)
			bvec <- c(bvec, as.double(prior[[i]][4]))
			f.dir <- c(f.dir, prior[[i]][3])
  # maximize the gross margin
  # min - direction of optimization
  # cvec - objective function (Numeric vector of coefficients of objective function)
  # W - Matrix of numeric constraint coefficients, one row per constraint, one column per variable
  # f.dir vector of character strings giving the direction of the constraint
  # bvec - vector of numeric values for the right-hand sides of the constraints
  res <- lp("min", cvec, W, f.dir, bvec, all.int=all.int)

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