Man pages for methVisual
Methods for visualization and statistics on DNA methylation data

cgInAlignAmount of CpGs
cgMethFinderMethylation status
CooccurrenceVisualization of binary methylation data
coversionGenomSequence conversion
findNonAlignedAligned CpG positions
heatMapMethHeatMap diagram over methylation data
makeDataMethGFFGFF methylation files
makeLocalExpDirSaving example data
makeTabFilePathTab delimited text file
matrixSNPCorrelation between methylation states
MethAlignNWSummary of methylation states
methCACA on methylation
methDataBiQAnalyzer dataset
MethDataInputSequences match control
methFisherTestFisher exact Test on methylation Data
MethLollipops"Lollipops" Methylation plot
methWhitneyUTestMann Whitney U-Test on methylation data
MethylQCQuality controle (QC) on Methylation Data
plotAbsMethylPlot number mathylation on CpGs positions
plotMatrixSNPPlot of methylation states dependencies
readBisulfFASTARead multiple FASTA file
selectRefSeqUploading genomic sequence
methVisual documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:08 p.m.