Man pages for methylInheritance
Permutation-Based Analysis associating Conserved Differentially Methylated Elements Across Multiple Generations to a Treatment Effect

calculateSignificantLevelCalculate significant level for hypo and hyper conserved...
createDataStructureExtract the number of conserved differentially methylated...
createOutputDirCreate directories that will contained the results of the...
demoForTransgenerationalAnalysisThe methylation information from samples over three...
extractInfoExtract the information specific to a subsection of the...
formatInputMethylDataPermute dataset
getGRangesFromMethylDiffTransform results from a CpG site or region analysis done on...
interGenerationCalculate the intersection of the differentially methylated...
isInterGenerationResultsVerify if a specific file containing intergenerational...
loadAllRDSResultsLoad all RDS files created by the permutation and observation...
loadConvergenceDataLoad convergence information from RDS files
mergePermutationAndObservationMerge the permutation results with the observation results.
methylInheritanceAllResultsPrint a 'methylInheritanceAllResults' object
methylInheritance-packagemethylInheritance: Permutation-Based Analysis associating...
methylInheritanceResultsAll observed and permutation results formatted in a...
plotConvergenceGraphGenerate a graph showing the convergence for a permutation...
plotGraphGenerate a graph for a permutation analysis
readInterGenerationResultsRead and return intergenerational results contained in a RDS...
runObservationRun a differential methylation analysis on multi-generational...
runOnePermutationOnAllGenerationsRun the analysis on one permutation dataset, including all...
runPermutationRun all permutations on the specified multi-generational...
samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysisAll samples information, formated by 'methylKit', in a...
saveInterGenerationResultsSave the result of on CpG site or tile analysis on all...
validateExtractInfoValidation of some parameters of the 'extractInfo' function
validateLoadConvergenceDataValidation of some parameters of the 'loadConvergenceData'...
validateMergePermutationAndObservationValidation of some parameters of the...
validateRunObservationValidation of some parameters of the 'runObservation'...
validateRunPermutationParameters validation for the 'runPermutation' function
methylInheritance documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:21 p.m.