msaMuscle <- function(inputSeqs,
order=c("aligned", "input"),
## help ##
if (help)
if (!checkFunctionAvailable("Muscle"))
stop("Muscle is not available via msa!")
params <- list(...)
##create a copy of the parameter list which is only used to
##avoid params which are not checked:
##after every check of a parameter, the parameter is deleted in the copy(!)
##if all parameter were checked, the copy finally should be empty...
##if not, there are additional parameters
paramsCopy <- lapply(params, function(x) TRUE)
##set names according to Biostrings
##set default values according to muscle_userguide3.8
##and check if the parameters are consistnt
## Common Parameters ##
# inputSeqs #
##check if input of inputSeqs has a valid form, stop if not;
##if inputSeq is a file name set Flag TRUE else FALSE
params[["inputSeqIsFileFlag"]] <- checkInputSeq(inputSeqs)
# type #
##Sequence type
##validation of type
type <- checkType(type, inputSeqs, "msaMuscle")
##check the profile score
##necessary, because default-values for gapOpening and gapExtension
##depending on used profile score;
##center, smoothScoreCeiling, minBestColScore and minSmoothScore too
temporaryHelp <- checkProfileScore(type, params)
params[["le"]] <- temporaryHelp[["le"]]
params[["sp"]] <- temporaryHelp[["sp"]]
params[["sv"]] <- temporaryHelp[["sv"]]
params[["spn"]] <- temporaryHelp[["spn"]]
# inputSeqs #
##transform the input Sequences to a string vector
inputSeqs <- transformInputSeq(inputSeqs)
# order #
order <- match.arg(order)
if (order == "input")
if (params[["inputSeqIsFileFlag"]])
stop("msaMuscle does not support order=\"input\" for reading\n",
"sequences directly from a FASTA file.")
else if (is.null(names(inputSeqs)) ||
length(unique(names(inputSeqs))) != length(inputSeqs))
warning("order=\"input\" requires input sequences to be named\n",
"uniquely! Assigning default names 'Seq1'..'Seqn'\n",
"to sequences.")
names(inputSeqs) <- paste0("Seq", 1:length(inputSeqs))
# cluster #
##Perform fast clustering of input sequences.
##Use the -tree1 option to save the tree.
if (identical(cluster, "default") || is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- "upgma"
} else {
possibleValues <- c("upgma", "upgmamax", "upgmamin",
"upgmb", "neighborjoining")
##check if cluster contains only one single value
if(length(cluster) != 1) {
stop("The parameter cluster contains more than one value!")
##check if cluster is of type character
if(!is.character(cluster)) {
stop("The parameter cluster should be a string!")
##make cluster more robust
cluster <- tolower(cluster)
##check, if input of parameter is valid
if (!(cluster %in% possibleValues)){
##create a string with all possible Values named text
text <- ""
text <- paste(possibleValues, collapse=", ")
stop("The parameter cluster only can have the values: \n", text)
# substitutionMatrix #
## Substitution matrix in NCBI or WU-BLAST format.
## If you specify your own matrix, you should also specify:
## -gapOpening <g>, -gapExtension <e> -center 0.0
## Note that <g> and <e> MUST be negative.
##protein & le => vtml_la
##protein & sp => PAM200
##protein & sv => vtml_sp
##dna|rna => nuc_sp
if (is.null(substitutionMatrix) ||
identical(substitutionMatrix, "default")) {
substitutionMatrix <- NULL;
##check if substitutionMatrix is a matrix
if ((!is.null(substitutionMatrix) && !is.matrix(substitutionMatrix)) ||
identical(mode(substitutionMatrix), "list"))
stop("The parameter substitutionMatrix should be a matrix!")
if (!is.null(substitutionMatrix))
headerNames <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
"S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
if (type == "protein")
reqNames <- headerNames
else if (type == "dna")
reqNames <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
reqNames <- c("A", "C", "G", "U")
rowPerm <- match(reqNames, rownames(substitutionMatrix))
if (any(
stop("substitutionMatrix does not contain all necessary rows")
colPerm <- match(reqNames, colnames(substitutionMatrix))
if (any(
stop("substitutionMatrix does not contain all necessary columns")
substitutionMatrix <- substitutionMatrix[rowPerm, colPerm]
if (type == "rna")
reqNames <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
auxMat <- matrix(0, length(headerNames), length(headerNames))
rownames(auxMat) <- headerNames
colnames(auxMat) <- headerNames
auxMat[reqNames, reqNames] <- substitutionMatrix
substitutionMatrix <- auxMat
if (!isSymmetric(substitutionMatrix))
stop("substitutionMatrix should be a symmetric matrix!")
if (any( || any( ||
stop("substitutionMatrix contains invalid values!")
params[["le"]] <- FALSE
params[["sv"]] <- FALSE
if (type == "protein")
params[["sp"]] <- TRUE
params[["spn"]] <- FALSE
params[["sp"]] <- FALSE
params[["spn"]] <- TRUE
paramsCopy[["le"]] <- NULL
paramsCopy[["sv"]] <- NULL
paramsCopy[["sp"]] <- NULL
paramsCopy[["spn"]] <- NULL
# gapOpening #
##The gap open score. Must be negative
##le: -2.9
##sp: -1439
##sv: -300
if (params$le) {
gapOpening <- checkGapOpening2(gapOpening, substitutionMatrix, 2.9)
else if (params$sp) {
gapOpening <- checkGapOpening2(gapOpening, substitutionMatrix, 1439)
else if (params$sv) {
gapOpening <- checkGapOpening2(gapOpening, substitutionMatrix, 300)
else if (params$spn) {
if (identical(type,"dna")) {
gapOpening <- checkGapOpening2(gapOpening, substitutionMatrix, 400)
if (identical(type,"rna")) {
gapOpening <- checkGapOpening2(gapOpening, substitutionMatrix, 420)
if (identical(type,"protein")) {
stop("If you use sequences of type \"protein\", \n",
"you can't use the parameter \"spn\"!")
##FIXME TODO: check default-Value for type=protein
# gapExtension #
##The gap extend score. Must be negative
##GapExtension only used if type=dna/rna
##type= "dna" => gapExtension=0
##type= "rna" => gapExtension=0
##type= "protein" 0> gapExtension=???
gapExtension <- checkGapExtension(gapExtension,
type, substitutionMatrix, 0, 0)
# maxiters #
##Maximum number of iterations
maxiters <- checkMaxiters(maxiters, 16, "msaMuscle")
# verbose #
##Write parameter settings and progress messages to log file
verbose <- checkVerbose(FALSE, verbose)
# anchorspacing #
##Minimum spacing between anchor columns
params[["anchorspacing"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("anchorspacing", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["anchorspacing"]] <- NULL
# center #
##Center parameter. Should be 0 or negative
##le=TRUE: -0.52
##spn=TRUE, type="rna": -300
##sp=TRUE or SV=TRUE or spn=TRUE and type="dna": 0
params[["center"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("center", params)
params[["center"]] <- checkNegativeParams("center", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["center"]] <- NULL
# cluster1 #
##Clustering method. cluster1 is used in iteration 1 and 2,
##cluster2 in later iterations.
posVal <- c("upgma", "upgmamax", "upgmamin", "upgmb", "neighborjoining")
params[["cluster1"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("cluster1", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["cluster1"]] <- NULL
# cluster2 #
##Clustering method. cluster1 is used in iteration 1 and 2,
##cluster2 in later iterations.
posVal <- c("upgma", "upgmb", "upgmamax", "upgmamin", "neighborjoining")
params[["cluster2"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("cluster2", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["cluster2"]] <- NULL
# diagbreak #
##Maximum distance between two diagonals that allows
##them to merge into one diagonal.
params[["diagbreak"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("diagbreak", params)
params[["diagbreak"]] <- checkPositiveParams("diagbreak", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diagbreak"]] <- NULL
# diaglength #
##Minimum length of diagonal
params[["diaglength"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("diaglength", params)
params[["diaglength"]] <- checkPositiveParams("diaglength", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diaglength"]] <- NULL
# diagmargin #
## Discard this many positions at ends of diagonal
params[["diagmargin"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("diagmargin", params)
params[["diagmargin"]] <- checkPositiveParams("diagmargin", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diagmargin"]] <- NULL
# distance1 #
##Distance measure for iteration 1.
if (type == "protein") {
posVal <- c("kmer6_6", "kmer20_3", "kmer20_4", "kbit20_3")
} else {
posVal <- c("kmer6_6", "kmer20_3", "kmer20_4", "kbit20_3", "kmer4_6")
##check, if input of distance1 is valid
if (!is.null(params[["distance1"]])) {
params[["distance1"]] <- checkIsValue("distance1", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["distance1"]] <- NULL
# distance2 #
##Distance measure for iterations 2, 3 ...
params[["distance2"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew(
"distance2", params, c("pctidkimura", "pctidlog"))
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["distance2"]] <- NULL
# hydro #
##Window size for determining whether a region is hydrophobic
params[["hydro"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("hydro", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["hydro"]] <- NULL
# hydrofactor #
##Multiplier for gap open/close penalties in hydrophobic regions
params[["hydrofactor"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("hydrofactor", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["hydrofactor"]] <- NULL
# in1 #
if (!is.null(params[["in1"]])) {
checkInFile("in1", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["in1"]] <- NULL
# in2 #
if (!is.null(params[["in2"]])) {
checkInFile("in2", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["in2"]] <- NULL
# maxhours #
##Maximum time to run in hours. The actual time may exceed
##the requested limit by a few minutes. Decimals are allowed,
##so 1.5 means one hour and 30 minutes.
params[["maxhours"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("maxhours", params)
params[["maxhours"]] <- checkPositiveParams("maxhours", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["maxhours"]] <- NULL
# maxtrees #
##Maximum number of new trees to build in iteration 2
params[["maxtrees"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("maxtrees", params)
params[["maxtrees"]] <- checkPositiveParams("maxtrees", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["maxtrees"]] <- NULL
# minbestcolscore #
##Minimum score a column must have to be an anchor
##sp=TRUE: 300.0
##sv=TRUE: 130.0
##spn=TRUE: 90.0
params[["minbestcolscore"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("minbestcolscore",
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["minbestcolscore"]] <- NULL
# minsmoothscore #
##Minimum smoothed score a column must have to be an anchor
##sp=TRUE: 125.0
##sv=TRUE: 40.0
##spn=TRUE: 90.0
params[["minsmoothscore"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("minsmoothscore",
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["minsmoothscore"]] <- NULL
# objscore #
##Objective score used by tree dependent refinement.
##sp=sum-of-pairs score.
##spf=sum-of-pairs score (dimer approximation)
##spm=sp for < 100 seqs, otherwise spf
##dp=dynamic programming score
##ps=average profile-sequence score
##xp=cross profile score
posVal <- c("dp", "ps", "sp", "spf", "spm", "xp")
params[["objscore"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("objscore", params, posVal)
#delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["objscore"]] <- NULL
# refinewindow #
##Length of window for -refinew
params[["refinewindow"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("refinewindow", params)
params[["refinewindow"]] <- checkPositiveParams("refinewindow", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["refinewindow"]] <- NULL
# root1 #
##Method used to root tree; root1 is used in iteration 1 and 2,
##root2 in later iterations
posVal <- c("pseudo", "midlongestspan", "minavgleafdist")
params[["root1"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("root1", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["root1"]] <- NULL
# root2 #
##Method used to root tree; root1 is used in iteration 1 and 2,
##root2 in later iterations
posVal <- c("pseudo", "midlongestspan", "minavgleafdist")
params[["root2"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("root2", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["root2"]] <- NULL
# smoothscoreceil #
##Maximum value of column score for smoothing purposes
##sp=TRUE: 200.0
##sv=TRUE: 90.0
##spn=TRUE: 999.0
checkNumericParamsNew("smoothscoreceil", params)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["smoothscoreceil"]] <- NULL
# smoothwindow #
##Window used for anchor column smoothing
params[["smoothwindow"]] <- checkIntegerParamsNew("smoothwindow", params)
params[["smoothwindow"]] <- checkPositiveParams("smoothwindow", params)
if (!is.null(params[["smoothwindow"]]) &&
params[["smoothwindow"]] %% 2 == 0) {
stop("The parameter smoothwindow must be odd!")
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["smoothwindow"]] <- NULL
##Constant used in UPGMB clustering. Determines the relative
##fraction of average linkage (SUEFF) vs. nearest-neighbor linkage
##(1 - SUEFF).
params[["SUEFF"]] <- checkNumericParamsNew("SUEFF", params)
##check, if input is between 0 and 1
params[["SUEFF"]] <- checkIntervalParamsNew("SUEFF", params, 0, 1)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["SUEFF"]] <- NULL
# tree1 #
##Save tree produced in first or second iteration to given
##file in Newick (Phylip-compatible) format
##not implemented yet
# tree2 #
##Save tree produced in first or second iteration to given
##file in Newick (Phylip-compatible) format
##not implemented yet
# usetree #
##Use given tree as guide tree.
##Must by in Newick (Phyip-compatible) format
##not implemented yet
# weight1 #
##Sequence weighting scheme. weight1 is used in iterations 1 and 2.
##weight2 is used for tree-dependent refinement.
##none=all sequences have equal weight.
##henikoff=Henikoff & Henikoff weighting scheme.
##henikoffpb=Modified Henikoff scheme as used in PSI-BLAST.
##clustalw=CLUSTALW method.
##threeway=Gotoh three-way method.
posVal <- c("none",
params[["weight1"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("weight1", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["weight1"]] <- NULL
# weight2 #
##Sequence weighting scheme. weight1 is used in iterations 1 and 2.
##weight2 is used for tree-dependent refinement.
##none=all sequences have equal weight.
##henikoff=Henikoff & Henikoff weighting scheme.
##henikoffpb=Modified Henikoff scheme as used in PSI-BLAST.
##clustalw=CLUSTALW method.
##threeway=Gotoh three-way method.
posVal <- c("none",
params[["weight2"]] <- checkSingleValParamsNew("weight2", params, posVal)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["weight2"]] <- NULL
# anchors #
##Use anchor optimization in tree dependent refinement iterations
if (!is.null(params[["anchors"]])) {
params[["anchors"]] <- checkLogicalParams("anchors", params, TRUE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["anchors"]] <- NULL
# brenner #
##Use Steven Brenner's method for computing the root alignment
params[["brenner"]] <- checkLogicalParams("brenner", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["brenner"]] <- NULL
# clw #
##Write output in CLUSTALW format
##not activated
##params[["clw"]] <- checkLogicalParams("clw", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["clw"]] <- NULL
# clwstrict #
##Write output in CLUSTALW format with the "CLUSTAL W (1.81)"
##header rather than the MUSCLE version.
##This is useful when a post-processing step is
##picky about the file header
##set by default!!!!
##not activated
##params[["clwstrict"]] <- checkLogicalParams("clwstrict", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["clwstrict"]] <- NULL
# core #
##Do not catch exceptions
if (!is.null(params[["core"]])) {
params[["core"]] <- checkLogicalParams("core", params, TRUE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["core"]] <- NULL
# diags #
##Use diagonal optimizations. Faster, especially for closely
##related sequences, but may be less accurate.
params[["diags"]] <- checkLogicalParams("diags", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diags"]] <- NULL
# diags1 #
##Use diagonal optimizations in first iteration
params[["diags1"]] <- checkLogicalParams("diags1", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diags1"]] <- NULL
# diags2 #
##Use diagonal optimizations in second iteration
params[["diags2"]] <- checkLogicalParams("diags2", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["diags2"]] <- NULL
# dimer #
##Use dimer approximation for the SP score
##(faster, slightly less accurate)
params[["dimer"]] <- checkLogicalParams("dimer", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["dimer"]] <- NULL
# group #
##Group similar sequences together in the output.
##This is the default. See also -stable.
##if (!is.null(params[["group"]])){
## params[["group"]] <- checkLogicalParams("group", params, TRUE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["group"]] <- NULL
# html #
##Write output in HTML format
##not implemented yet
##not activated
##params[["html"]] <- checkLogicalParams("html", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["html"]] <- NULL
# le #
##Use log-expectation profile score (VTML240).
##Alternatives are to use -sp or -sv.
##This is the default for amino acid sequences.
##param already checked within function checkProfileScore
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["le"]] <- NULL
# msf #
##Write output in MSF format (default is FASTA).
##Designed to be compatible with the GCG package.
##not implemented yet
##not activated
##params[["msf"]] <- checkLogicalParams("msf", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["msf"]] <- NULL
# noanchors #
##Disable anchor optimization. Default is -anchors
params[["noanchors"]] <- checkLogicalParams("noanchors", params, FALSE)
##check anchors <-> noanchors
if (!is.null(params[["anchors"]])){
##both positive
if (params[["anchors"]] && params[["noanchors"]]){
stop("The parameters anchors and noanchors \n",
"can't be positive at the same time!")
##both negative
if (!params[["anchors"]] && !params[["noanchors"]]){
stop("The parameters anchors and noanchors \n",
"can't be negative at the same time!")
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["noanchors"]] <- NULL
# nocore #
##Catch exceptions and give an error message if possible
params[["nocore"]] <- checkLogicalParams("nocore", params, FALSE)
##check core <-> nocore
if (!is.null(params[["core"]])){
##both positive
if (params[["core"]] && params[["nocore"]]){
stop("The parameters core and nocore \n",
"can't be positive at the same time!")
##both negative
if (!params[["core"]] && !params[["nocore"]]){
stop("The parameters core and nocore \n",
"can't be negative at the same time!")
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["nocore"]] <- NULL
# phyi #
##Write output in Phylip interleaved format
##not implemented yet
##not activated
##params[["phyi"]] <- checkLogicalParams("phyi", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["phyi"]] <- NULL
# phys #
##Write output in Phylip sequential format
##not implemented yet
##not activated
##params[["phys"]] <- checkLogicalParams("phys", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["phys"]] <- NULL
# profile #
##compute profile-profile alignment. Input alignments must be given
##using -in1 and -in2 options.
params[["profile"]] <- checkLogicalParams("profile", params, FALSE)
if (params[["profile"]]) {
if (is.null(params[["in1"]]) || is.null(params[["in2"]])) {
stop("The parameter profile needs the following parameters: \n",
"in1 and in2!")
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["profile"]] <- NULL
# refine #
##Input file is already aligned, skip first two iterations
##and begin tree dependent refinement.
params[["refine"]] <- checkLogicalParams("refine", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["refine"]] <- NULL
# refinew #
##Refine an alignment by dividing it into non-overlapping windows
##and re-aligning each window.
##Typically used for whole-genome nucleotide alignments.
params[["refinew"]] <- checkLogicalParams("refinew", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["refinew"]] <- NULL
# sp #
##Use sum-of-pairs protein profile score (PAM200). Default is -le
##param already checked within function checkProfileScore
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["sp"]] <- NULL
# spn #
##Use sum-of-pairs nucleotide profile score. This is the only option
##for nucleotides, and is therefore the default. The substitution scores
##and gap penalty scores are "borrowed" from BLASTZ.
##param already checked within function checkProfileScore
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["spn"]] <- NULL
# spscore #
##Compute alignment score of profile-profile alignment.
##Input alignments must be given using -in1 and -in2 options.
##These must be pre-aligned with gapped columns as needed,
##i.e. must be of the same length (have same number of columns).
params[["spscore"]] <- checkLogicalParams("spscore", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["spscore"]] <- NULL
# stable #
##Preserve input order of sequences in output file.
##Default is to group sequences by similarity (-group).
##The termgapshalflonger-parameter is not fully supported in version 3.8
##not activated
##params[["stable"]] <- checkLogicalParams("stable", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["stable"]] <- NULL
# sv #
##Use sum-of-pairs profile score (VTML240). Default is -le
##param already checked within function checkProfileScore
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["sv"]] <- NULL
# termgaps4 #
##Use 4-way test for treatment of terminal gaps.
##(Cannot be disabled in this version)
##The termgaps4-parameter is not fully supported in version 3.8
##not activated
##params[["termgaps4"]] <- checkLogicalParams("termgaps4", params, TRUE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["termgaps4"]] <- NULL
# termgapsfull #
##Terminal gaps penalized with full penalty
##The termgapsfull-parameter is not fully supported in version 3.8
##not activated
##params[["termgapsfull"]] <-
##checkLogicalParams("termgapsfull", params, FALSE)
##if (identical(params[["termgapsfull"]],TRUE)) {
## warning("The parameter termgapsfull is not fully
## supported in version 3.8")
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["termgapsfull"]] <- NULL
# termgapshalf #
##Terminal gaps penalized with half penalty
##The termgapshalf-parameter is not fully supported in version 3.8
##not activated
##params[["termgapshalf"]] <-
## checkLogicalParams("termgapshalf", params, TRUE)
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["termgapshalf"]] <- NULL
# termgapshalflonger #
##Terminal gaps penalized with half penalty if gap relative
##to longer sequence, otherwise with full penalty.
##The termgapshalflonger-parameter is not fully supported in version 3.8
##not activated
##params[["termgapshalflonger"]] <-
##checkLogicalParams("termgapshalflonger", params, FALSE)
##if (identical(params[["termgapshalflonger"]],TRUE)) {
## warning("The parameter termgapshalflonger is not fully supported
## in version 3.8")
##delete param in copy
##paramsCopy[["termgapshalflonger"]] <- NULL
# version #
##Write version string to stdout and exit
params[["version"]] <- checkLogicalParams("version", params, FALSE)
##delete param in copy
paramsCopy[["version"]] <- NULL
##check, whether there are additional parameters
##see line 24
if (length(paramsCopy) != 0){
stop("The following parameters are not known \n",
"(or have been specified",
"more often than once):\n ",
paste(names(paramsCopy), collapse=", ", sep=""))
inputSeqNames <- names(inputSeqs)
names(inputSeqs) <- paste0("Seq", 1:length(inputSeqs))
result <- .Call("RMuscle", inputSeqs, cluster, -abs(gapOpening),
-abs(gapExtension), maxiters, substitutionMatrix, type,
verbose, params, PACKAGE="msa")
out <- convertAlnRows(result$msa, type)
if (length(inputSeqNames) > 0)
if (order == "aligned")
perm <- match(names(out@unmasked), names(inputSeqs))
names(out@unmasked) <- inputSeqNames[perm]
perm <- match(names(inputSeqs), names(out@unmasked))
out@unmasked <- out@unmasked[perm]
names(out@unmasked) <- inputSeqNames
names(out@unmasked) <- NULL
standardParams <- list(gapOpening=gapOpening,
out@params <- c(standardParams, params)
out@call <- deparse(
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