#' @name prepSim
#' @title SCE preparation for \code{\link{simData}}
#' @description \code{prepSim} prepares an input SCE for simulation
#' with \code{muscat}'s \code{\link{simData}} function by
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{basic filtering of genes and cells}
#' \item{(optional) filtering of subpopulation-sample instances}
#' \item{estimation of cell (library sizes) and gene parameters
#' (dispersions and sample-specific means), respectively.}
#' }
#' @param x a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}.
#' @param min_count,min_cells used for filtering of genes; only genes with
#' a count > \code{min_count} in >= \code{min_cells} will be retained.
#' @param min_genes used for filtering cells;
#' only cells with a count > 0 in >= \code{min_genes} will be retained.
#' @param min_size used for filtering subpopulation-sample combinations;
#' only instances with >= \code{min_size} cells will be retained.
#' Specifying \code{min_size = NULL} skips this step.
#' @param group_keep character string; if \code{nlevels(x$group_id) > 1},
#' specifies which group of samples to keep (see details). The default
#' NULL retains samples from \code{levels(x$group_id)[1]}; otherwise,
#' if `colData(x)$group_id` is not specified, all samples will be kept.
#' @param verbose logical; should information on progress be reported?
#' @details For each gene \eqn{g}, \code{prepSim} fits a model to estimate
#' sample-specific means \eqn{\beta_g^s}, for each sample \eqn{s},
#' and dispersion parameters \eqn{\phi_g} using \code{edgeR}'s
#' \code{\link[edgeR]{estimateDisp}} function with default parameters.
#' Thus, the reference count data is modeled as NB distributed:
#' \deqn{Y_{gc} \sim NB(\mu_{gc}, \phi_g)}
#' for gene \eqn{g} and cell \eqn{c}, where the mean
#' \eqn{\mu_{gc} = \exp(\beta_{g}^{s(c)}) \cdot \lambda_c}. Here,
#' \eqn{\beta_{g}^{s(c)}} is the relative abundance of gene \eqn{g}
#' in sample \eqn{s(c)}, \eqn{\lambda_c} is the library size
#' (total number of counts), and \eqn{\phi_g} is the dispersion.
#' @return a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' containing, for each cell, library size (\code{colData(x)$offset})
#' and, for each gene, dispersion and sample-specific mean estimates
#' (\code{rowData(x)$dispersion} and \code{$beta.sample_id}, respectively).
#' @examples
#' data(sce)
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' ref <- prepSim(sce)
#' # nb. of genes/cells before vs. after
#' ns <- cbind(before = dim(sce), after = dim(ref))
#' rownames(ns) <- c("#genes", "#cells"); ns
#' head(rowData(ref)) # gene parameters
#' head(colData(ref)) # cell parameters
#' @author Helena L Crowell
#' @references
#' Crowell, HL, Soneson, C, Germain, P-L, Calini, D,
#' Collin, L, Raposo, C, Malhotra, D & Robinson, MD:
#' On the discovery of population-specific state transitions from
#' multi-sample multi-condition single-cell RNA sequencing data.
#' \emph{bioRxiv} \strong{713412} (2018).
#' doi: \url{}
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList estimateDisp glmFit
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData rowData<-
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export
prepSim <- function(x,
min_count = 1, min_cells = 10,
min_genes = 100, min_size = 100,
group_keep = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
.check_sce(x, req_group = FALSE)
is.numeric(min_cells), is.numeric(min_genes),
is.null(min_size) || is.numeric(min_size),
is.logical(verbose), length(verbose) == 1)
n_cells0 <- ncol(x)
if (is.null(group_keep)) {
if ("group_id" %in% colnames(colData(x))) {
group_keep <- levels(x$group_id)[1]
if (verbose) message(sprintf(paste(
"Argument `group_keep` unspecified;",
"defaulting to retaining %s-group samples."),
cells_keep <- x$group_id == group_keep
} else {
cells_keep <- seq_len(ncol(x))
} else {
group_keep %in% levels(x$group_id))
cells_keep <- x$group_id %in% group_keep
x <- .update_sce(x[, cells_keep])
# keep genes w/ count > `min_count` in at least `min_cells`;
# keep cells w/ at least `min_genes` detected genes
if (verbose) message("Filtering...")
genes_keep <- rowSums(counts(x) > min_count) >= min_cells
cells_keep <- colSums(counts(x) > 0) >= min_genes
if (verbose) message(sprintf(
"- %s/%s genes and %s/%s cells retained.",
sum(genes_keep), nrow(x), sum(cells_keep), n_cells0))
x <- x[genes_keep, cells_keep, drop = FALSE]
# keep cluster-samples w/ at least 'min_size' cells
if (!is.null(min_size)) {
n_cells <- table(x$cluster_id, x$sample_id)
n_cells <- .filter_matrix(n_cells, n = min_size)
if (ncol(n_cells) == 1)
stop("Current 'min_size' retains only 1 sample,\nbut",
" mean-dispersion estimation requires at least 2.")
if (verbose) message(sprintf(
"- %s/%s subpopulations and %s/%s samples retained.",
nrow(n_cells), nlevels(x$cluster_id),
ncol(n_cells), nlevels(x$sample_id)))
x <- .filter_sce(x, rownames(n_cells), colnames(n_cells))
# estimate gene/cell parameters
if (verbose)
message("Estimating gene and cell parameters...")
y <- DGEList(counts(x))
mm <- model.matrix(~ 0 + x$sample_id)
y <- estimateDisp(y, mm)
y <- glmFit(y, prior.count = 0)
# update row- & colData
x$offset <- c(y$offset)
rowData(x)$dispersion <- y$dispersion
betas <- paste0("beta.", levels(x$sample_id))
colnames(y$coefficients) <- betas
rowData(x)[, betas] <- y$coefficients
# return SCE
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