# load packages
# generate toy dataset
seed <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%s"))
x <- .toySCE()
x <- x[, x$group_id != "g3"]
nk <- length(kids <- x$cluster_id)
ns <- length(sids <- x$sample_id)
ng <- length(gids <- x$group_id)
test_that(".check_args_mmDS()", {
y <- x; class(y) <- "x"
y <- x; assayNames(y) <- "x"
expect_error(mmDS(x, "x"))
expect_error(mmDS(x, 100))
expect_error(mmDS(x, covs = "x"))
expect_error(mmDS(x, method = "x"))
expect_error(mmDS(x, method = "vst", vst = "x"))
for (u in c("verbose", "dup_corr", "trended", "bayesian", "blind", "REML"))
for (v in list("x", 1, c(TRUE, TRUE))) {
w <- list(x = x); w[[u]] <- v
expect_error(, w))
test_that("mmDS() - filtering", {
expect_error(mmDS(x, n_cells = Inf))
ks <- sample(kids, 2)
ks <- as.character(ks)
cs <- x$cluster_id %in% ks
ls <- rowSums(assay(x[, cs]))
o <- order(ls, decreasing = TRUE)
gs <- rownames(x)[o][seq_len(5)]
y <- computeLibraryFactors(x[gs, cs])
y <- y[, sizeFactors(y) > 0]
z <- mmDS(y, n_threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
expect_setequal(names(z), ks)
expect_true(all(vapply(map(z, "gene"),
function(u) all(u == gs), logical(1))))
expect_true(all(vapply(ks, function(k)
all(z[[k]]$cluster_id == k), logical(1))))
y <- x[gs, cs]; metadata(y) <- list()
y$group_id <- NULL; expect_error(mmDS(y))
# randomly select 'n_de' genes & bump counts for group 2
n_de <- 5; g2 <- gids == "g2"
de_gs <- sample(rownames(x), n_de)
assay(x[de_gs, g2]) <- (assay(x[de_gs, g2])+1)*5
test_that("mmDS-utils", {
cs <- x$cluster_id == kids[1]
gs <- c(de_gs, sample(setdiff(rownames(x), de_gs), 5))
for (fun in paste0(".mm_", c("dream", "dream2", "vst"))) {
# currently not passing;
# either there's a bug I cannot find
# or the toydata is too simplistic
# c("poisson", "hybrid", "nbinom"))) {
y <- get(fun)(x[gs, cs], n_threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
expect_is(y, "data.frame")
expect_identical(rownames(y), gs)
top <- order(y$p_adj.loc)[seq_len(n_de)]
expect_setequal(rownames(y)[top], de_gs)
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