
Defines functions createNucReadsFromNucMap syntheticNucReadsValidation syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation

Documented in createNucReadsFromNucMap syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation syntheticNucReadsValidation

#' @title Parameter validation for the \code{\link{syntheticNucMapFromDist}}
#' function
#' @description Validate that all values passed to the function are formated
#' for the \code{\link{syntheticNucMapFromDist}} function.
#' @param wp.num a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' (non overlapping) nucleosomes.
#' @param wp.del a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of well-positioned
#' nucleosomes to remove to create uncovered regions.
#' @param wp.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance
#' of the starting position of the sequences associated with well-positioned
#' nucleosomes. This parameter introduces some variation in the starting
#' position of the sequences describing a nucleosome.
#' @param fuz.num a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of fuzzy
#' nucleosomes. Those nucleosomes can overlap other well-positioned or
#' fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' @param fuz.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance of the fuzzy
#' nucleosomes. This variance
#' can be different than the one used for the well-positioned
#' nucleosome reads.
#' @param max.cover a positive \code{integer}, the maximum coverage for one
#' nucleosome. The final coverage
#' can have a higher value than \code{max.cover} since reads from differents
#' nucleosomes can be overlapping.
#' @param nuc.len a non-negative \code{integer}, the nucleosome length.
#' @param len.var a non-negative \code{integer}, the variance of the
#' distance between a forward read and its paired reverse read.
#' @param lin.len a non-negative \code{integer}, the length of the DNA
#' linker DNA.
#' @param rnd.seed a single value, interpreted as an \code{integer}, or
#' \code{NULL}. If a \code{integer} is given, the value is used to set the seed
#' of the random number generator. By fixing the seed, the generated results
#' can be reproduced.
#' @param as.ratio a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE},  a synthetic naked DNA
#' control map is created and the ratio between it and the nucleosome coverage
#' are calculated. It can be used to simulate hybridization ratio data, like
#' the one in Tiling Arrays. Both control map and calculated ratio are
#' returned.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' nucleoSim:::syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation(wp.num = 20, wp.del = 2,
#' wp.var = 3, fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 5, max.cover = 100, nuc.len = 147,
#' len.var = 4, lin.len = 40, rnd.seed = 201, as.ratio = FALSE)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{nucleoSim:::syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation(wp.num = -1,
#' wp.del = 2, wp.var = 3, fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 5, max.cover = 100,
#' nuc.len = 147, len.var = 4, lin.len = 40, rnd.seed = 201, as.ratio = FALSE)}
#' \dontrun{nucleoSim:::syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation(wp.num = 20,
#' wp.del = 2, wp.var = -3, fuz.num = 10, fuz.var = 5, max.cover = 100,
#' nuc.len = 147, len.var = 4, lin.len = 40, rnd.seed = 201, as.ratio = FALSE)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
syntheticNucMapFromDistValidation <- function(wp.num, wp.del, wp.var, fuz.num,

    if (!(isSingleInteger(wp.num) || isSingleNumber(wp.num)) ||
            wp.num < 0) {
        stop("wp.num must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(wp.del) || isSingleNumber(wp.del)) ||
            wp.del < 0) {
        stop("wp.del must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(wp.var) || isSingleNumber(wp.var)) ||
            wp.var < 0) {
        stop("wp.var must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(fuz.num) || isSingleNumber(fuz.num)) ||
            fuz.num < 0) {
        stop("fuz.num must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(fuz.var) || isSingleNumber(fuz.var)) ||
            fuz.var < 0) {
        stop("fuz.var must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(max.cover) || isSingleNumber(max.cover)) ||
            max.cover < 1) {
        stop("max.cover must be a positive integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(nuc.len) || isSingleNumber(nuc.len)) ||
            nuc.len < 1) {
        stop("nuc.len must be a positive integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(len.var) || isSingleNumber(len.var)) ||
            len.var < 0) {
        stop("len.var must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!(isSingleInteger(lin.len) || isSingleNumber(lin.len)) ||
            lin.len < 0) {
        stop("lin.len must be a non-negative integer")

    if (!is.null(rnd.seed) &&
            !(isSingleInteger(rnd.seed) || isSingleNumber(rnd.seed))) {
        stop("rnd.seed must be NULL or an integer")

    if (!is.logical(as.ratio)) {
        stop("as.ratio must be a logical value")


#' @title Subsection of parameter validation for identical parameters between
#' \code{syntheticNucReadsFromMap} and \code{syntheticNucReadsFromDist}
#' functions.
#' @description Validate that identical values passed to both
#' \code{syntheticNucReadsFromMap} and \code{syntheticNucReadsFromDist}
#' functions are correctly formatted.
#' @param read.len a positive \code{integer}, the length of each of the
#' paired-end reads.
#' @param offset a non-negative \code{integer}, the number of bases used to
#' offset all nucleosomes and reads. This is done to ensure that all
#' nucleosome positions and read alignment are of positive values.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' nucleoSim:::syntheticNucReadsValidation(read.len = 40, offset = 100)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{nucleoSim:::syntheticNucReadsValidation(read.len = 0, offset = 100)}
#' \dontrun{nucleoSim:::syntheticNucReadsValidation(read.len = 30, offset = -1)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
syntheticNucReadsValidation <- function(read.len, offset)
    ## Validate that offset is a positive integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(read.len) || isSingleNumber(read.len)) ||
            read.len <= 0) {
        stop("read.len must be a positive integer")

    ## Validate that offset is a non-negative integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(offset) || isSingleNumber(offset)) ||
            offset < 0) {
        stop("offset must be a non-negative integer")


#' @title Create a synthetic nucleosome reads from a synthetic nucleosome map
#' @description Generate a synthetic nucleosome map using a synthetic
#' nucleosome map.
#' @param map a \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucMap"
#' @param read.len the length of each of the paired-end reads. Default = 40.
#' @param offset the number of bases used to offset all nucleosomes and reads.
#' This is done to ensure that all nucleosome positions and read alignment
#' are of positive values.
#' @param call the function call.
#' @return an \code{list} of \code{class} "syntheticNucReads" containing the
#' following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call} the matched call.
#' \item \code{dataIP} a \code{data.frame} with the chromosome name, the
#' starting and ending positions and the direction of all forward
#' and reverse reads for all well-positioned and fuzzy nucleosomes.
#' \item \code{wp} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the
#' well-positioned nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads
#' associated to each one.
#' \item \code{fuz} a \code{data.frame} with the positions of all the fuzzy
#' nucleosomes, as well as the number of paired-reads associated to each one.
#' \item \code{paired} a \code{data.frame} with the starting and ending
#' positions of the reads used to generate the paired-end reads.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic map with 30 well-positioned nucleosomes, 5 fuzzy
#' ## nucleosomes and 6 deleted nucleosomes using a Student distribution
#' ## with a variance of 10 for the well-positioned nucleosomes,
#' ## a variance of 15 for the fuzzy nucleosomes and a seed of 1335
#' map_call <- call("syntheticNucMapFromDist", wp.num = 30, wp.del = 6,
#' wp.var = 10, fuz.num = 5, fuz.var = 15, rnd.seed = 1335,
#' distr = "Student")
#' syntheticMap <- eval(map_call)
#' syntheticReads <- nucleoSim:::createNucReadsFromNucMap(syntheticMap,
#' read.len = 40, offset = 1000, call = map_call)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
createNucReadsFromNucMap <- function(map, read.len, offset, call) {

    ## Extract reads to create a dataframe
    syn.reads <- as.data.frame(map$syn.reads)

    ## Get number of reads present in dataframe
    nreads <- nrow(syn.reads)

    ## Add an offset to the read positions
    syn.reads$start <- syn.reads$start + offset
    syn.reads$end   <- syn.reads$end   + offset

    # Store read paired information
    paired <- data.frame(rep("chr_SYNTHETIC", nreads),
    colnames(paired) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "ID")

    # Order paired reads by starting position
    paired <- paired[order(paired$start), ]

    ## Create dataset with forward and reverse reads for all nucleosomes
    ## Forward and reverse reads are generated from read paired information
    ## using the read.len parameter
    dataIP <- data.frame(rep("chr_SYNTHETIC", 2 * nreads),
                                as.integer(syn.reads$end - read.len)),
                            c(as.integer(syn.reads$start + read.len),
                            c(rep("+", nreads), rep("-", nreads)),
                            c(seq_len(nreads), seq_len(nreads)))
                        colnames(dataIP) = c("chr", "start", "end",
                                                "strand", "ID")

    # Order reads by starting position
    dataIP <- dataIP[order(dataIP$start), ]
    rownames(dataIP) <- seq_len(nrow(dataIP))

    # Create data.frame with well-positioned nucleosomes shifted by offset
    # value
    space <- round(map$nuc.len/2)
    wp <- data.frame(map$wp.starts + offset + space, map$wp.nreads)
    colnames(wp) <- c("nucleopos", "nreads")

    # Create data.frame with fuzzy nucleosomes shifted by offset value
    fuz <- data.frame(map$fuz.starts + offset + space, map$fuz.nreads)
    colnames(fuz) <- c("nucleopos", "nreads")

    # Create returned result list
    result <- list(call = call, dataIP = dataIP, wp = wp, fuz = fuz,
                        paired = paired, nuc.len = map$nuc.len)

    # Return a list marked as an syntheticNucReads class
    class(result) <- "syntheticNucReads"

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nucleoSim documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:50 p.m.