
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
opts_chunk$set(out.extra='style="display:block; margin: auto"', fig.align="center", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, knitr.table.format = "markdown")
assign("depthtrigger", 60,

## ----init, echo=F-------------------------------------------------------------

template_row <- data.table(alias = "TH", pop = "+-"
                          , parent = "cd3", dims = "cd4,cd8"
                          , gating_method = "mindensity", gating_args = ""
                          , collapseDataForGating = "TRUE", groupBy = "4"
                          , preprocessing_method = "", preprocessing_args = ""

## ----A+/-(before), echo = F, results = "asis"---------------------------------
	this_row <- copy(template_row)	
	this_row[, pop := "+/-"]
	this_row[, alias := "*"]
	this_row[, dims := "cd4"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----A+/-(after), echo = F, results = "asis"----------------------------------
      kable(openCyto:::.preprocess_row(this_row)[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----A+B+(before), echo = F, results = "asis"---------------------------------
	this_row <- copy(template_row)	
	this_row[, pop := "+-"]
	this_row[, alias := "T helper"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----A+B+(after), echo = F, results = "asis"----------------------------------
      kable(openCyto:::.preprocess_row(this_row)[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----A+/-B+/-(before), echo = F, results = "asis"-----------------------------
	this_row <- copy(template_row)	
	this_row[, pop := "+/-+/-"]
	this_row[, alias := "*"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----A+/-B+/-(after), echo = F, results = "asis"------------------------------
      kable(openCyto:::.preprocess_row(this_row)[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----multiPop(before), echo = F, results = "asis"-----------------------------
	this_row <- copy(template_row)	
	this_row[, pop := "*"]
	this_row[, alias := "CD4,CD8"]
	this_row[, gating_method := "curv2gate"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----multiPop(after), echo = F, results = "asis"------------------------------
      kable(openCyto:::.preprocess_row(this_row)[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----multiPop_noExpand(before), echo = F, results = "asis"--------------------
	this_row[, alias := "*"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----multiple_parents, echo=F, results='asis'---------------------------------
	this_row[, alias := "IL2+"]
  this_row[, pop := "+"]
  this_row[, parent := "cd4,cd8"]
  this_row[, dims := "IL2"]
  this_row[, gating_method := "refGate"]
  this_row[, gating_args := "cd3/IL2+"]
	kable(this_row[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----multiple_parents_expand, echo=F, results='asis'--------------------------
kable(openCyto:::.split_multi_parents(this_row)[, 1:6, with = F])

## ----finalizer, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
assign("depthtrigger", 3,

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openCyto documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.