#' @title Ploting peptide measurements
#' @description Creates a peptide faceted ggplot2 plot of the value in
#' \code{measure_col}
#' vs \code{order_col} (if `NULL`, x-axis is simply a sample name order).
#' Additionally, the resulting plot can also be colored either by batch factor,
#' by quality factor (e.g. imputated/non-imputed) and, if needed, faceted by
#' another batch factor, e.g. an instrument.
#' If the non-linear curve was fit, this can also be added to the plot, see
#' functions specific to each case below
#' @inheritParams proBatch
#' @param feature_name name of the selected feature (e.g. peptide) for
#' diagnostic profiling
#' @param geom whether to show the feature as points and/or connect by lines
#' (accepted values are: 1. \code{point}, \code{line} and
#' \code{c('point', 'line')})
#' @param protein_name name of the protein as defined in \code{ProteinName}
#' @param irt_pattern substring used to identify iRT proteins in the column
#' 'ProteinName'
#' @param spike_ins name of feature(s), typically proteins that were spiked in
#' for control
#' @param vline_color color of vertical lines, typically separating
#' different MS batches in ordered runs;
#' should be `NULL` for experiments without intrinsic order
#' @param ylimits range of y-axis to plot feature-level trends
#' @param fit_df data frame output of \code{adjust_batch_trend_df} to be plotted
#' with the line
#' @param fit_value_col column in \code{fit_df} where the values for fitting
#' trend are found
#' @return ggplot2 type plot of \code{measure_col} vs \code{order_col},
#' faceted by \code{feature_name} and (optionally) by \code{batch_col}
#' @examples
#' single_feature_plot <- plot_single_feature(feature_name = "46213_NVGVSFYADKPEVTQEQK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, example_sample_annotation,
#' qual_col = NULL)
#' #color measurements by factor, related to order (MS_batch)
#' plot_single_feature(feature_name = "46213_NVGVSFYADKPEVTQEQK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, example_sample_annotation,
#' qual_col = NULL, color_by_batch = TRUE, batch_col = 'MS_batch')
#' #color measurements by factor, with order-unrelated factor
#' single_feature_plot <- plot_single_feature(feature_name = "46213_NVGVSFYADKPEVTQEQK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, example_sample_annotation,
#' qual_col = NULL, color_by_batch = TRUE, batch_col = 'Diet', geom = 'point',
#' vline_color = NULL)
#' #saving the plot
#' \dontrun{
#' single_feature_plot <- plot_single_feature(feature_name = "46213_NVGVSFYADKPEVTQEQK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, example_sample_annotation,
#' qual_col = NULL, filename = 'test_peptide.png',
#' width = 28, height = 18, units = 'cm')
#' }
#' #to examine peptides of a single protein:
#' peptides_of_one_protein_plot <- plot_peptides_of_one_protein (
#' protein_name = "Haao", peptide_annotation = example_peptide_annotation,
#' protein_col = "Gene", df_long = example_proteome,
#' sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' order_col = 'order', sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
#' batch_col = 'MS_batch')
#' #saving the peptides of one protein
#' \dontrun{
#' peptides_of_one_protein_plot <- plot_peptides_of_one_protein (
#' protein_name = "Haao", peptide_annotation = example_peptide_annotation,
#' protein_col = "Gene", df_long = example_proteome,
#' sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' order_col = 'order', sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
#' batch_col = 'MS_batch',
#' filename = 'test_protein.png', width = 14, height = 9, units = 'in')}
#' #to illustrate spike-ins:
#' spike_in_plot <- plot_spike_in(spike_ins = "BOVINE_A1ag",
#' peptide_annotation = example_peptide_annotation, protein_col = 'Gene',
#' df_long = example_proteome, sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
#' plot_title = "Spike-in BOVINE protein peptides")
#' #to illustrate iRT peptides:
#' irt_plot <- plot_iRT(irt_pattern = "iRT",
#' peptide_annotation = example_peptide_annotation,
#' df_long = example_proteome, sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' protein_col = 'Gene')
#' #illustrate the fitting curve:
#' special_peptide = example_proteome$peptide_group_label == "10231_QDVDVWLWQQEGSSK_2"
#' loess_fit_70 <- adjust_batch_trend_df(example_proteome[special_peptide,],
#' example_sample_annotation, span = 0.7)
#' fitting_curve_plot <- plot_with_fitting_curve(feature_name = "10231_QDVDVWLWQQEGSSK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' fit_df = loess_fit_70, plot_title = "Curve fitting with 70% span")
#' #with curves colored by the corresponding batch:
#' fitting_curve_plot <- plot_with_fitting_curve(feature_name = "10231_QDVDVWLWQQEGSSK_2",
#' df_long = example_proteome, sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation,
#' fit_df = loess_fit_70, plot_title = "Curve fitting with 70% span",
#' color_by_batch = TRUE, batch_col = 'MS_batch')
#' @name feature_level_diagnostics
#' @export
#' @rdname feature_level_diagnostics
plot_single_feature <- function(feature_name, df_long,
sample_annotation = NULL,
sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
measure_col = 'Intensity',
feature_id_col = 'peptide_group_label',
geom = c('point', 'line'),
qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL,
batch_col = 'MS_batch',
color_by_batch = FALSE,
color_scheme = 'brewer',
order_col = 'order',
vline_color ='red',
facet_col = NULL,
filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA,
units = c('cm','in','mm'),
plot_title = NULL,
theme = 'classic',
ylimits = NULL){
#to ensure that missing measurements are NAs (to make them disconnected)
#df_long = df_long %>% complete(!!!syms(c(feature_id_col, sample_id_col)))
#reduce df to measurements of selected features
plot_df = df_long %>%
filter(!!(sym(feature_id_col)) %in% feature_name)
#Check the consistency of sample annot. sample IDs and measur.table sample IDs
plot_df = check_sample_consistency(sample_annotation, sample_id_col, plot_df,
batch_col, order_col, facet_col)
#Defining sample order for plotting
sample_order = define_sample_order(order_col, sample_annotation, facet_col,
batch_col, plot_df,
sample_id_col, color_by_batch)
order_col = sample_order$order_col
plot_df = sample_order$df_long
#Ensure that batch-coloring-related arguments are defined properly
if(!(batch_col %in% names(plot_df))){
stop('batches cannot be colored as the batch column or sample ID column
is not defined, check sample_annotation and data matrix')
} else {
if (color_by_batch){
warning('batches cannot be colored as the batch column is defined as
NULL, continuing without colors')
color_by_batch = FALSE
#For order definition and subsequent faceting, facet column has to be in the
#data frame
if ( !(facet_col %in% names(plot_df))){
stop(sprintf('"%s" is specified as column for faceting, but is not present
in the data, check sample annotation data frame',
if (!is.null(batch_col)){
batch_vector <- sample_annotation[[batch_col]]
is_factor = is_batch_factor(batch_vector, color_scheme)
#Main plotting function
gg = ggplot(plot_df,
aes_string(x = order_col, y = measure_col))
if (identical(geom, 'line')){
gg = gg + geom_line(color = 'darkgrey', size = .3,
aes_string(group = batch_col))
if (identical(geom, 'point')){
gg = gg + geom_point()
if (identical(geom, c('point', 'line'))){
if (is.null(batch_col) || !is_factor){
gg = gg + geom_point() +
geom_line(color = 'black', alpha = .7, linetype = 'dashed')
} else {
gg = gg + geom_point() +
geom_line(color = 'black', alpha = .7, linetype = 'dashed',
aes_string(group = batch_col))
#Add coloring for "inferred" measurements / imputed (requant) values, marked
#in `color_by_col` with `color_by_value` (e.g. `m_score` and `2`)
col_data = plot_df %>%
filter(!!( == qual_value)
gg = gg + geom_point(data = col_data,
aes_string(x = order_col, y = measure_col),
color = 'red', size = 1, shape = 8)
#add colors
gg = color_by_factor(color_by_batch = color_by_batch,
batch_col = batch_col, gg = gg,
color_scheme = color_scheme,
sample_annotation = plot_df,
fill_or_color = 'color')
if(!is.null(qual_col) && !is.null(color_by_batch) && color_by_batch){
warning('coloring both inferred values and batches may lead to confusing
visualisation, consider plotting separately')
#wrap into facets, if several features are displayed
#split into facets
if (length(feature_name) > 1){
gg = gg + facet_grid(reformulate(facet_col, feature_id_col),
scales = 'free')
} else {
gg = gg + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", facet_col)),
scales = 'free_x')
} else {
if (length(feature_name) > 1){
gg = gg + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", feature_id_col)),
scales = 'free_y')
#add vertical lines, if required (for order-related effects)
if (!is.null(batch_col) && is_factor){
gg = add_vertical_batch_borders(order_col, sample_id_col, batch_col,
facet_col, plot_df, gg)
#Add plot title
gg = gg + ggtitle(plot_title)
#Add the theme
if (!is.null(theme) && theme == 'classic'){
gg = gg + theme_classic()
} else{
message("plotting with default ggplot theme, only theme = 'classic'
#Change the limits of vertical axes
gg = gg +
#Rotate x axis tick labels if the filenames, not numeric order, is displayed
if (!is.numeric(plot_df[[order_col]])){
plot_df[[order_col]] = factor(plot_df[[order_col]],
levels = unique(plot_df[[order_col]]))
gg = gg +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = .5))
#Move the legend to the upper part of the plot to save the horizontal space
if (length(unique(plot_df[[order_col]])) > 30 && color_by_batch && is_factor){
gg = gg + theme(legend.position="top")
#save the plot
save_ggplot(filename, units, width, height, gg)
#' @export
#' @rdname feature_level_diagnostics
plot_peptides_of_one_protein <- function(protein_name,
peptide_annotation = NULL,
protein_col = 'ProteinName',
df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
measure_col = 'Intensity',
feature_id_col = 'peptide_group_label',
geom = c('point', 'line'),
qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL,
batch_col = 'MS_batch',
color_by_batch = FALSE,
color_scheme = 'brewer',
order_col = 'order',
vline_color ='red',
facet_col = NULL,
filename = NULL,
width = NA, height = NA,
units = c('cm','in','mm'),
plot_title = sprintf('Peptides of %s protein',
theme = 'classic'){
if (!is.null(peptide_annotation)){
peptides = peptide_annotation %>%
filter((!!sym(protein_col)) == protein_name) %>%
pull(!!sym(feature_id_col)) %>% unique()
peptides = peptides[peptides %in% df_long[[feature_id_col]]]
} else {
peptides = df_long %>%
filter((!!sym(protein_col)) == protein_name) %>%
pull(feature_id_col) %>% unique()
gg = plot_single_feature(peptides, df_long = df_long,
sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
measure_col = measure_col,
feature_id_col = feature_id_col,
geom = geom,
qual_col = qual_col,
qual_value = qual_value,
batch_col = batch_col,
color_by_batch = color_by_batch,
color_scheme = color_scheme,
order_col = order_col,
vline_color = vline_color,
facet_col = facet_col,
plot_title = plot_title,
theme = theme)
#save the plot
save_ggplot(filename, units, width, height, gg)
#' @export
#' @rdname feature_level_diagnostics
plot_spike_in <- function(spike_ins = 'BOVIN', peptide_annotation = NULL,
protein_col = 'ProteinName',
df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
measure_col = 'Intensity',
feature_id_col = 'peptide_group_label',
geom = c('point', 'line'),
qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL,
batch_col = 'MS_batch',
color_by_batch = FALSE, color_scheme = 'brewer',
order_col = 'order',
vline_color = 'red',
facet_col = NULL,
filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA,
units = c('cm','in','mm'),
plot_title = sprintf('Spike-in %s plots', spike_ins),
theme = 'classic'){
if(protein_col %in% names(df_long)){
spike_in_peptides = df_long %>%
filter(grepl(spike_ins, !!sym(protein_col))) %>%
pull(feature_id_col) %>% as.character() %>% unique()
} else{
if (!is.null(peptide_annotation)){
if(protein_col %in% names(peptide_annotation)){
spike_in_peptides = peptide_annotation %>%
filter(grepl(spike_ins, !!sym(protein_col))) %>%
pull(feature_id_col) %>% as.character() %>% unique()
df_long = df_long %>%
filter(!!sym(feature_id_col) %in% spike_in_peptides) %>%
inner_join(peptide_annotation, by = feature_id_col)
} else {
spike_in_peptides = spike_ins
if(!is.null(protein_col) && !(protein_col %in% names(df_long))){
stop('Protein column %s is not found in the data. Check peptide annotation
or main data table', protein_col)
gg = plot_single_feature(feature_name = spike_in_peptides,
df_long = df_long,
sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
measure_col = measure_col,
feature_id_col = feature_id_col,
geom = geom,
qual_col = qual_col, qual_value = qual_value,
batch_col = batch_col,
color_by_batch = color_by_batch,
color_scheme = color_scheme,
order_col = order_col,
facet_col = facet_col,
plot_title = plot_title,
theme = theme)
#save the plot
save_ggplot(filename, units, width, height, gg)
#' @export
#' @rdname feature_level_diagnostics
plot_iRT <- function(irt_pattern = 'iRT',
peptide_annotation = NULL,
protein_col = 'ProteinName',
df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
measure_col = 'Intensity',
feature_id_col = 'peptide_group_label',
geom = c('point', 'line'),
qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL,
batch_col = 'MS_batch',
color_by_batch = FALSE, color_scheme = 'brewer',
order_col = 'order',
vline_color = 'red',
facet_col = NULL,
filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA,
units = c('cm','in','mm'),
plot_title = 'iRT peptide profile',
theme = 'classic'){
if (!is.null(peptide_annotation)){
df_long = df_long %>%
merge(peptide_annotation, by = feature_id_col)
iRT_peptides = df_long %>%
filter(grepl(irt_pattern, !!sym(protein_col))) %>%
pull(feature_id_col) %>% unique()
gg = plot_single_feature(feature_name = iRT_peptides,
df_long = df_long,
sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
measure_col = measure_col,
feature_id_col = feature_id_col,
geom = geom,
qual_col = qual_col, qual_value = qual_value,
batch_col = batch_col,
color_by_batch = color_by_batch,
color_scheme = color_scheme,
order_col = order_col,
vline_color = vline_color,
facet_col = facet_col,
plot_title = plot_title,
theme = theme)
#save the plot
save_ggplot(filename, units, width, height, gg)
#' @export
#' @rdname feature_level_diagnostics
plot_with_fitting_curve <- function(feature_name,
fit_df, fit_value_col = 'fit',
df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
sample_id_col = 'FullRunName',
measure_col = 'Intensity',
feature_id_col = 'peptide_group_label',
geom = c('point', 'line'),
qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL,
batch_col = 'MS_batch',
color_by_batch = FALSE,
color_scheme = 'brewer',
order_col = 'order',
vline_color = 'grey',
facet_col = NULL,
filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA,
units = c('cm','in','mm'),
plot_title = sprintf("Fitting curve of %s
collapse = ' ')),
theme = 'classic'){
if(length(feature_name) > 10){
warning("Visualisation of individual features can be suboptimal,
consider exploring no more than 5 features at a time")
#Plotting single features as usually (only batch coloring, if specified, is on
#fitting-curve layer)
gg = plot_single_feature(feature_name = feature_name, df_long = df_long,
sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
measure_col = measure_col,
feature_id_col = feature_id_col,
geom = geom,
qual_col = qual_col, qual_value = qual_value,
batch_col = batch_col,
color_by_batch = FALSE, color_scheme = NULL,
order_col = order_col,
vline_color = vline_color,
facet_col = facet_col,
plot_title = plot_title,
theme = theme)
fit_df = fit_df %>%
filter(!!(sym(feature_id_col)) %in% feature_name)
if (!is.null(sample_annotation)){
fit_df = check_sample_consistency(sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
df_long = fit_df,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
batch_col = batch_col,
order_col = order_col, facet_col = facet_col)
fit_df = define_sample_order(order_col = order_col,
sample_annotation = sample_annotation,
df_long = fit_df,
sample_id_col = sample_id_col,
facet_col = facet_col, batch_col = batch_col,
color_by_batch = color_by_batch)$df_long
if(color_by_batch && !is.null(batch_col)){
batch_vector <- sample_annotation[[batch_col]]
n_batches <- length(unique(batch_vector))
is_factor = is_batch_factor(batch_vector, color_scheme)
stop('coloring by fitting curve possible only for the batch factors
corresponding to curve-fitting batches. Change color_by_batch = F
to see the curves without colors or batch_col to the right
batch factor')
gg = gg + geom_line(data = fit_df,
aes_string(y = fit_value_col, x = order_col,
group = batch_col,
color = batch_col), size = 1.25)
gg = add_color_scheme_discrete(color_scheme, n_batches,
fill_or_color = 'color',
gg = gg, batch_col = batch_col)
} else {
gg = gg + geom_line(data = fit_df,
aes_string(y = fit_value_col, x = order_col,
group = batch_col),
color = 'red', size = 1.25)
#save the plot
save_ggplot(filename, units, width, height, gg)
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