
Defines functions setDifferentialSplicingColumns getDifferentialSplicingColumns setDifferentialSplicingResetPaging getDifferentialSplicingResetPaging setDifferentialSplicingSurvival getDifferentialSplicingSurvival setDifferentialSplicingFiltered getDifferentialSplicingFiltered setDifferentialSplicing getDifferentialSplicing setDifferentialExpressionColumns getDifferentialExpressionColumns setDifferentialExpressionResetPaging getDifferentialExpressionResetPaging setDifferentialExpressionSurvival getDifferentialExpressionSurvival setDifferentialExpressionFiltered getDifferentialExpressionFiltered setDifferentialExpression getDifferentialExpression setLabelledPoints getLabelledPoints setSelectedPoints getSelectedPoints setZoom getZoom setHighlightedPoints getHighlightedPoints setGroups getGroups setClinicalMatchFrom getClinicalMatchFrom setURLtoDownload getURLtoDownload setAnnotationName getAnnotationName setAssemblyVersion getAssemblyVersion setSpecies getSpecies setGroupIndependenceTesting getGroupIndependenceTesting setCorrelation getCorrelation setICA getICA setPCA getPCA setInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache getInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache setInclusionLevels setNormalisedGeneExpression getGeneExpression getJunctionQuantification getSampleAttributes setSampleInfo getSubjectAttributes getSubjectId getClinicalData setActiveDataset setCategory print.geneList getGeneList setASevent setPrecision getPrecision setSignificant getSignificant setCores setAutoNavigation setDataTable setData setGlobal getGlobal setHidden getHidden

Documented in getAnnotationName getAssemblyVersion getClinicalData getClinicalMatchFrom getCorrelation getDifferentialExpression getDifferentialExpressionColumns getDifferentialExpressionFiltered getDifferentialExpressionResetPaging getDifferentialExpressionSurvival getDifferentialSplicing getDifferentialSplicingColumns getDifferentialSplicingFiltered getDifferentialSplicingResetPaging getDifferentialSplicingSurvival getGeneExpression getGeneList getGlobal getGroupIndependenceTesting getGroups getHidden getHighlightedPoints getICA getInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache getJunctionQuantification getLabelledPoints getPCA getPrecision getSampleAttributes getSelectedPoints getSignificant getSpecies getSubjectAttributes getSubjectId getURLtoDownload getZoom setActiveDataset setAnnotationName setASevent setAssemblyVersion setAutoNavigation setCategory setClinicalMatchFrom setCores setCorrelation setData setDataTable setDifferentialExpression setDifferentialExpressionColumns setDifferentialExpressionFiltered setDifferentialExpressionResetPaging setDifferentialExpressionSurvival setDifferentialSplicing setDifferentialSplicingColumns setDifferentialSplicingFiltered setDifferentialSplicingResetPaging setDifferentialSplicingSurvival setGlobal setGroupIndependenceTesting setGroups setHidden setHighlightedPoints setICA setInclusionLevels setInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache setLabelledPoints setNormalisedGeneExpression setPCA setPrecision setSampleInfo setSelectedPoints setSignificant setSpecies setURLtoDownload setZoom

## Functions to get and set globally accessible variables

#' @include utils.R
#' @importFrom shiny reactiveValues

# Global variable with all the data of a session
sharedData <- reactiveValues()

# Global variable to keep progress for CLI version
.hidden <- new.env()

#' Get or set hidden globally accessible elements
#' @return Getters return hidden globally accessible data, whereas setters
#' return \code{NULL} as they are only used to modify the state of hidden
#' elements
#' @keywords internal
getHidden <- function() .hidden$elem

#' @rdname getHidden
#' @param val Value to attribute
setHidden <- function(val) .hidden$elem <- val

#' Get or set globally accessible elements
#' @param category Character: data category
#' @param ... Arguments to identify a variable
#' @param sep Character to separate identifiers
#' @note Needs to be called inside a reactive function
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @return Getters return globally accessible data, whereas setters return
#' \code{NULL} as they are only used to modify the Shiny session's state
#' @keywords internal
getGlobal <- function(category=getCategory(), ..., sep="_") {
    sharedData[[paste(category, ..., sep=sep)]]

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param value Value to attribute to an element
setGlobal <- function(category=getCategory(), ..., value, sep="_") {
    sharedData[[paste(category, ..., sep=sep)]] <- value

#' Get global data
#' @return Variable containing all data of interest
#' @keywords internal
getData <- reactive(sharedData$data)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param data List of data frame or matrix to set as data
setData <- function(data) setGlobal("data", value=data)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param name Character: data table name
setDataTable <- function(name, value, category=getCategory())
    sharedData$data[[category]][[name]] <- value

#' @rdname getGlobal
getAutoNavigation <- reactive(sharedData$autoNavigation)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param auto Boolean: enable automatic navigation of browser history?
setAutoNavigation <- function(auto) setGlobal("autoNavigation", value=auto)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getCores <- reactive(sharedData$cores)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param integer Integer: value of the setting
setCores <- function(integer) setGlobal("cores", value=integer)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning
getSignificant <- function() {
    if (isRunning()) reactive(sharedData$significant)()
    else return(3)

#' @rdname getGlobal
setSignificant <- function(integer) setGlobal("significant", value=integer)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @importFrom shiny isRunning
getPrecision <- function() {
    if (isRunning()) reactive(sharedData$precision)()
    else return(3)

#' @rdname getGlobal
setPrecision <- function(integer) setGlobal("precision", value=integer)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @keywords internal
getASevents <- reactive({
    psi <- getInclusionLevels()
    if (!is.null(psi)) {
        choices <- sort(rownames(psi))
        names(choices) <- parseSplicingEvent(choices, char=TRUE, data=psi)
        attr(choices, "eventData") <- getSplicingEventData(psi)
        choices <- preserveAttributes(choices)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @keywords internal
getASevent <- reactive(sharedData$event)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param event Character: alternative splicing event
#' @param data Matrix or data frame: alternative splicing information
setASevent <- function(event, data=NULL) {
    if (!is.null(data)) {
        attr(event, "eventData") <- getSplicingEventData(data)
    setGlobal("event", value=event)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getEvent <- getASevent

#' @rdname getGlobal
setEvent <- setASevent

#' @rdname getGlobal
getGenes <- reactive({
    genes <- NULL

    # Retrieve genes from gene expression
    geneExpr <- getGeneExpression()
    if (!is.null(geneExpr)) {
        original <- unique(unlist(lapply(geneExpr, rownames)))
        genes    <- gsub("\\|.*", "", original) # Process TCGA gene symbols
        unknown  <- genes == "?"
        genes[unknown] <- original[unknown]

    # Retrieve genes based on AS events
    ASevents <- getASevents()
    if (!is.null(ASevents)) {
        parsed <- parseSplicingEvent(ASevents)
        if (!is.null(parsed$gene)) genes <- c(unlist(parsed$gene), genes)

    if (!is.null(genes)) {
        genes   <- unique(genes)
        # Show unknown genes last
        unknown <- gsub("\\|.*", "", genes) == "?"
        genes   <- c(genes[!unknown], genes[unknown])
    genes <- genes[genes != ""]

#' Get curated, literature-based gene lists
#' Available gene lists:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\strong{Sebestyen et al., 2016}: 1350 genes encoding RNA-binding
#'   proteins, 167 of which are splicing factors}
#' }
#' @param genes Vector of characters: intersect lists with given genes (lists
#' with no matching genes will not be returned)
#' @family functions for data grouping
#' @return List of genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getGeneList()
getGeneList <- function(genes=NULL) {
    prepareCitation <- function(attr) {
        if (length(attr$Author) == 1)
            authors <- attr$Author[[1]]
            authors <- paste(attr$Author[[1]], "et al.")

        title   <- attr$`Article Title`
        journal <- attr$Journal
        year    <- attr$Date
        volume  <- attr$Volume
        issue   <- attr$Issue
        pages   <- attr$Pages

        sprintf("%s (%s). %s. %s, %s(%s), %s",
                authors, year, title, journal, volume, issue, pages)

    # Sebestyen et al. 2016
    rbps     <- readFile("Sebestyen_et_al_2016.RDS")
    rbpSF    <- rbps$`RNA-binding proteins that are splicing factors`
    rbpNonSF <- rbps$`RNA-binding proteins that are not splicing factors`
    sebestyen2016 <- list(
        "Human RNA-binding protein splicing factors"=rbpSF,
        "Human RNA-binding proteins"=sort(c(rbpSF, rbpNonSF)))
    attr(sebestyen2016, "citation") <- prepareCitation(attributes(rbps))

    res <- list("Sebestyen et al. 2016"=sebestyen2016)

    # Intersect with genes
    if (!is.null(genes)) {
        for (item in seq(length(res))) {
            citation <- attr(res[[item]], "citation")
            res[[item]] <- lapply(res[[item]], intersect, genes)
            res[[item]] <- Filter(length, res[[item]])
            attr(res[[item]], "citation") <- citation
        res <- res[sapply(res, length) != 0]
    class(res) <- c("geneList", class(res))
    if (length(res) == 0) res <- NULL

#' @export
print.geneList <- function(x, ...) {
    object <- x
    for (set in names(object)) {
        cat(sprintf(set), fill=TRUE)
        for (item in names(object[[set]])) {
            ll <- object[[set]][[item]]
            sample <- 4
            genes <- paste(head(ll, n=sample), collapse=", ")
            if (length(ll) > sample) genes <- paste0(genes, ", ...")
            cat(sprintf("  -> %s [%s genes]: %s",
                        item, length(ll), genes), fill=TRUE)
        cat("Source:", attr(object[[set]], "citation"), fill=TRUE)

        consoleWidth <- options("width")
        cat(paste(rep("=", consoleWidth), collapse=""), fill=TRUE)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getCategories <- reactive(names(getData()))

#' @rdname getGlobal
getCategory <- reactive(sharedData$category)

#' @rdname getGlobal
setCategory <- function(category) setGlobal("category", value=category)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getCategoryData <- reactive(
    if(!is.null(getCategory())) getData()[[getCategory()]])

#' @rdname getGlobal
getActiveDataset <- reactive(sharedData$activeDataset)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param dataset Character: dataset name
setActiveDataset <- function(dataset) setGlobal("activeDataset", value=dataset)

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param attrs Character: name of attributes to retrieve (if \code{NULL}, the
#' whole dataset is returned)
getClinicalData <- function(attrs=NULL) {
    clinical <- getCategoryData()[["Clinical data"]]
    attrs <- attrs[attrs != ""]
    if (!is.null(attrs)) {
        cols <- lapply(attrs, grep, colnames(clinical), fixed=TRUE)
        cols <- unique(unlist(cols))
        if (length(cols) > 0) {
            clinical <- clinical[ , cols, drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            clinical <- NULL

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSubjectId <- function() {
    clinical <- getClinicalData()
    if ( !is.null(clinical) ) {
        return( rownames(clinical) )
    } else {

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSubjectAttributes <- function() {
    clinical <- getClinicalData()
    if ( !is.null(clinical) ) {
        subjectAttrs <- colnames(clinical)
        attr(subjectAttrs, "default") <- attr(clinical, "show")
    } else {

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSampleInfo <- reactive(getCategoryData()[["Sample metadata"]])

#' @rdname getGlobal
setSampleInfo <- function(value, category = getCategory())
    setDataTable("Sample metadata", value, category)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSampleId <- reactive({
    sampleInfo <- getSampleInfo()
    if ( !is.null(sampleInfo) ) {
        sampleId <- rownames(sampleInfo)
    } else {
        sampleId <- NULL
    sampleId <- unique(c(sampleId, colnames(getInclusionLevels()),
                         unlist(lapply(getGeneExpression(), colnames))))

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSampleAttributes <- function() {
    sampleInfo <- getSampleInfo()
    if ( !is.null(sampleInfo) ) {
        sampleAttrs <- colnames(sampleInfo)
        attr(sampleAttrs, "default") <- attr(sampleInfo, "show")
    } else {

#' @rdname getGlobal
getJunctionQuantification <- function(category=getCategory()) {
    if (!is.null(category)) {
        data <- getData()[[category]]
        match <- sapply(data, attr, "dataType") == "Junction quantification"
        if (any(match)) return(data[match])

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param item Character: name of specific item to retrieve (if \code{NULL}, the
#' whole list is returned)
#' @param EList Boolean: return gene expression datasets as \code{EList} if
#' possible or as data frames?
getGeneExpression <- function(item=NULL, category=getCategory(), EList=FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(category)) {
        data <- getData()[[category]]
        match <- sapply(data, attr, "dataType") == "Gene expression"
        if (any(match)) {
            df <- data[match]
            if (!is.null(item)) {
                res <- df[[item]]
                if (!EList && is(res, "EList")) {
                    # Convert EList object to data frame
                    res <- inheritAttrs(data.frame(res), res)
            } else if (!EList) {
                # Convert EList objects to data frames
                res <- lapply(data[match], function(i) {
                    if (is(i, "EList")) data.frame(i) else i

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param geneExpr Data frame or matrix: normalised gene expression
setNormalisedGeneExpression <- function(geneExpr, category=getCategory()) {
    ns  <- names(getData()[[category]])
    num <- gsub("Gene expression \\(normalised.*?([0-9]*).*\\)", "\\1", ns)
    num <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(num))

    if (any(!is.na(num))) {
        num <- max(num, na.rm=TRUE)
        num <- paste0(" ", num + 1)
    } else if ("Gene expression (normalised)" %in% ns) {
        num <- " 1"
    } else {
        num <- ""
    ns <- sprintf("Gene expression (normalised%s)", num)
    setDataTable(ns, geneExpr, category)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getInclusionLevels <- reactive(getCategoryData()[["Inclusion levels"]])

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param incLevels Data frame or matrix: inclusion levels
setInclusionLevels <- function(incLevels, category=getCategory()) {
    ASevent <- isolate(getASevent())
    if(!is.null(ASevent) && !ASevent %in% rownames(incLevels)) setASevent(NULL)
    setDataTable("Inclusion levels", incLevels, category)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache <- function(category=getCategory()) {
    getGlobal(category, "incLevelsSummaryStatsCache")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param cache List of summary statistics
setInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache <- function(cache, category=getCategory()) {
    setGlobal(category, "incLevelsSummaryStatsCache", value=cache)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getPCA <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "PCA")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param pca \code{prcomp} object (principal component analysis)
setPCA <- function(pca, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "PCA", value=pca)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getICA <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "ICA")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param ica Object containing independent component analysis
setICA <- function(ica, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "ICA", value=ica)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getCorrelation <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "correlation")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param correlation \code{prcomp} object (correlation analyses)
setCorrelation <- function(correlation, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "correlation", value=correlation)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getGroupIndependenceTesting <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "groupIndependenceTesting")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param groupIndependenceTesting Object containing group independence testing
#' results
setGroupIndependenceTesting <- function(groupIndependenceTesting,
                                        category=getCategory()) {
    setGlobal(category, "groupIndependenceTesting",

#' @rdname getGlobal
getSpecies <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "species")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param species Character: species
setSpecies <- function(species, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "species", value=tolower(species))

#' @rdname getGlobal
getAssemblyVersion <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "assemblyVersion")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param assembly Character: assembly version
setAssemblyVersion <- function(assembly, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "assemblyVersion", value=assembly)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getAnnotationName <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "annotName")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param annotName Character: annotation name
setAnnotationName <- function(annotName, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "annotName", value=annotName)

#' @rdname getGlobal
getURLtoDownload <- function() getGlobal("URLtoDownload")

#' @rdname getGlobal
#' @param url Character: URL links to download
setURLtoDownload <- function(url) setGlobal("URLtoDownload", value=url)

#' Get or set clinical matches from a given data type
#' @inherit getGlobal
#' @param dataset Character: data set name
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @keywords internal
getClinicalMatchFrom <- function(dataset, category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, dataset, "clinicalMatch")

#' @rdname getClinicalMatchFrom
#' @param matches Vector of integers: clinical matches of dataset
setClinicalMatchFrom <- function(dataset, matches, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, dataset, "clinicalMatch", value=matches)

#' Get or set groups
#' @inherit getGlobal
#' @param type Character: type of groups (either \code{Patients},
#' \code{Samples}, \code{ASevents} or \code{Genes})
#' @param complete Boolean: return all the information on groups (\code{TRUE})
#' or just the group names and respective indexes (\code{FALSE})?
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @keywords internal
getGroups <- function(type=c("Patients", "Samples", "ASevents", "Genes"),
                      complete=FALSE, category=getCategory()) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type %in% c("Patients", "Samples") )
        groups <- getGlobal(category, "sampleGroups")
    else if (type %in% c("ASevents", "Genes"))
        groups <- getGlobal(category, "ASeventGroups")

    # Return all data if requested
    if (complete) return(groups)

    # Check if data of interest is available
    if (!type %in% colnames(groups)) return(NULL)

    # If available, return data of interest
    g <- groups[ , type, drop=TRUE]
    if (length(g) == 1) names(g) <- rownames(groups)

    # Return colour lookup table for groups
    if ("Colour" %in% colnames(groups)) {
        colour <- groups[ , "Colour", drop=TRUE]
        colour <- setNames(unlist(colour), names(colour))
        attr(g, "Colour") <- colour

#' @rdname getGroups
#' @param groups Matrix: groups of dataset
setGroups <- function(type=c("Patients", "Samples", "ASevents", "Genes"),
                      groups, category=getCategory()) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type %in% c("Patients", "Samples") )
        type <- "sampleGroups"
    else if (type %in% c("ASevents", "Genes"))
        type <- "ASeventGroups"

    setGlobal(category, type, value=groups)

# Plot points or regions --------------------------------------------------

#' Get or set points or regions for plots
#' @inherit getGlobal
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @keywords internal
getHighlightedPoints <- function(id, category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, id, "highlighted")

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
#' @param events Integer: index of events
setHighlightedPoints <- function(id, events, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, id, "highlighted", value=events)

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
#' @param id Character: identifier
getZoom <- function(id, category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, id, "zoom")

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
#' @param zoom Integer: range of X and Y coordinates for zooming
setZoom <- function(id, zoom, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, id, "zoom", value=zoom)

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
getSelectedPoints <- function(id, category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, id, "selected")

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
setSelectedPoints <- function(id, events, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, id, "selected", value=events)

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
getLabelledPoints <- function(id, category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, id, "labelled")

#' @rdname getHighlightedPoints
setLabelledPoints <- function(id, events, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, id, "labelled", value=events)

# Differential expression --------------------------------------------------

#' Get or set differential expression' elements for a data category
#' @inherit getGlobal
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @keywords internal
getDifferentialExpression <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "differentialExpression")

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
#' @param differential Data frame or matrix: differential analyses table
setDifferentialExpression <- function(differential, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "differentialExpression", value=differential)

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
getDifferentialExpressionFiltered <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "differentialExpressionFiltered")

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
setDifferentialExpressionFiltered <- function(differential,
    setGlobal(category, "differentialExpressionFiltered", value=differential)

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
getDifferentialExpressionSurvival <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "differentialExpressionSurvival")

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
#' @param survival Data frame or matrix: differential analyses' survival data
setDifferentialExpressionSurvival <- function(survival, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "differentialExpressionSurvival", value=survival)

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
getDifferentialExpressionResetPaging <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "diffExpressionResetPaging")

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
#' @param reset Character: reset paging of differential analyses table?
setDifferentialExpressionResetPaging <- function(reset, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "diffExpressionResetPaging", value=reset)

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
getDifferentialExpressionColumns <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "diffExpressionCols")

#' @rdname getDifferentialExpression
#' @param columns Character: differential analyses' column names
setDifferentialExpressionColumns <- function(columns, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "diffExpressionCols", value=columns)

# Differential splicing ---------------------------------------------------

#' Get or set differential splicing' elements for a data category
#' @inherit getGlobal
#' @family functions to get and set global variables
#' @keywords internal
getDifferentialSplicing <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "differentialSplicing")

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
#' @param differential Data frame or matrix: differential analyses table
setDifferentialSplicing <- function(differential, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "differentialSplicing", value=differential)

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
getDifferentialSplicingFiltered <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "differentialSplicingFiltered")

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
setDifferentialSplicingFiltered <- function(differential,
    setGlobal(category, "differentialSplicingFiltered", value=differential)

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
getDifferentialSplicingSurvival <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "diffSplicingSurv")

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
#' @param survival Data frame or matrix: differential analyses' survival data
setDifferentialSplicingSurvival <- function(survival, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "diffSplicingSurv", value=survival)

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
getDifferentialSplicingResetPaging <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "diffSplicingResetPaging")

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
#' @param reset Character: reset paging of differential analyses table?
setDifferentialSplicingResetPaging <- function(reset, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "diffSplicingResetPaging", value=reset)

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
getDifferentialSplicingColumns <- function(category=getCategory())
    getGlobal(category, "diffSplicingCols")

#' @rdname getDifferentialSplicing
#' @param columns Character: differential analyses' column names
setDifferentialSplicingColumns <- function(columns, category=getCategory())
    setGlobal(category, "diffSplicingCols", value=columns)

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