
pvcaBatchAssess <-
function (abatch, batch.factors, threshold)
	theDataMatrix <- exprs(vsn2(abatch, verbose=FALSE))
	dataRowN <- nrow(theDataMatrix)
	dataColN <- ncol(theDataMatrix)

	########## Center the data (center rows) ##########
	theDataMatrixCentered <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = dataRowN, ncol = dataColN)
	theDataMatrixCentered_transposed = apply(theDataMatrix, 1, scale, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
	theDataMatrixCentered = t(theDataMatrixCentered_transposed)

	########## Compute correlation matrix &  Obtain eigenvalues ##########

	theDataCor <- cor(theDataMatrixCentered)
	eigenData <- eigen(theDataCor)
	eigenValues = eigenData$values
	ev_n <- length(eigenValues)
	eigenVectorsMatrix = eigenData$vectors
	eigenValuesSum = sum(eigenValues)
	percents_PCs = eigenValues /eigenValuesSum 

	##	Getting the experimental information
	expInfo <- pData(abatch)[,batch.factors]
	exp_design <- as.data.frame(expInfo)
	expDesignRowN <- nrow(exp_design)
	expDesignColN <- ncol(exp_design)

	########## Merge experimental file and eigenvectors for n components ##########

	my_counter_2 = 0
	my_sum_2 = 1
	for (i in ev_n:1){
		my_sum_2  = my_sum_2 - percents_PCs[i]
		if ((my_sum_2) <= threshold ){
			my_counter_2 = my_counter_2 + 1


	if (my_counter_2 < 3){
		pc_n  = 3
	}else {
		pc_n = my_counter_2 

	## pc_n is the number of principal components to model

	pc_data_matrix <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = (expDesignRowN*pc_n), ncol = 1)
	mycounter = 0
	for (i in 1:pc_n){
		for (j in 1:expDesignRowN){
			mycounter <- mycounter + 1
			pc_data_matrix[mycounter,1] = eigenVectorsMatrix[j,i]

	AAA <- exp_design[rep(1:expDesignRowN,pc_n),]
	Data <- cbind(AAA,pc_data_matrix)

	####### Edit these variables according to your factors #######

	variables <-c (colnames(exp_design))
	for (i in 1:length(variables))
		Data$variables[i] <- as.factor(Data$variables[i] )

	########## Mixed linear model ##########
	op <- options(warn = (-1)) 
	effects_n = expDesignColN  + choose(expDesignColN, 2) + 1
	randomEffectsMatrix <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = pc_n, ncol = effects_n)

	##	Get model functions
	model.func <- c()
	index <- 1

	##	level-1
	for (i in 1:length(variables))
		mod = paste("(1|", variables[i], ")",   sep="")
		model.func[index] = mod
		index = index + 1

	##	two-way interaction
	for (i in 1:(length(variables)-1))
		for (j in (i+1):length(variables))
			mod = paste("(1|", variables[i], ":", variables[j], ")",   sep="")
			model.func[index] = mod
			index = index + 1

	function.mods <- paste (model.func , collapse = " + ")

	##	Get random effects	#

	for (i in 1:pc_n){
		y = (((i-1)*expDesignRowN)+1)
		funct <- paste ("pc_data_matrix", function.mods, sep =" ~ ")
                Rm1ML <- lmer( funct ,
                              REML = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, na.action = na.omit)
                randomEffects <- Rm1ML
                randomEffectsMatrix[i,] <- c(unlist(VarCorr(Rm1ML)),resid=sigma(Rm1ML)^2)
	effectsNames <- c(names(getME(Rm1ML,"cnms")),"resid")

	########## Standardize Variance ##########
	randomEffectsMatrixStdze <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = pc_n, ncol = effects_n)
	for (i in 1:pc_n){
		mySum = sum(randomEffectsMatrix[i,])
		for (j in 1:effects_n){
			randomEffectsMatrixStdze[i,j] = randomEffectsMatrix[i,j]/mySum	

	########## Compute Weighted Proportions ##########

	randomEffectsMatrixWtProp <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = pc_n, ncol = effects_n)
	for (i in 1:pc_n){
		weight = eigenValues[i]/eigenValuesSum
		for (j in 1:effects_n){
			randomEffectsMatrixWtProp[i,j] = randomEffectsMatrixStdze[i,j]*weight

	########## Compute Weighted Ave Proportions ##########

	randomEffectsSums <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = effects_n)
	randomEffectsSums <-colSums(randomEffectsMatrixWtProp)
	totalSum = sum(randomEffectsSums)
	randomEffectsMatrixWtAveProp <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = effects_n)

	for (j in 1:effects_n){
		randomEffectsMatrixWtAveProp[j] = randomEffectsSums[j]/totalSum 	
	return(list(dat=randomEffectsMatrixWtAveProp, label=effectsNames))

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