
# test_helperFunctions.R:  This file contains all RUnit tests for functions in helperFunctions.R.
# author: Frank Kramer <>
# This is released under GPL-2.
# Documentation was created using roxygen

test_unfactorize <- function() {
	#df1 with factor levels
	df1 = data.frame(num=c(1,2,3,4,5), string=c("one","two","three","four","five"), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
	#df2 without factors
	df2 = data.frame(num=c(1,2,3,4,5), string=c("one","two","three","four","five"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	#check that factors are correctly stripped off data.frames
	checkEquals(rBiopaxParser:::unfactorize(df1), df2)


test_isOfNamespace <- function() {
	#check that namespace is correctly identified
	checkTrue( rBiopaxParser:::isOfNamespace(classname="bp:control",namespace="bp") )

test_addns <- function() {
	#check that namespace is correctly added
	checkEquals( "bp:control", rBiopaxParser:::addns("control","bp") )

test_stripns <- function() {
	#check that namespace is correctly stripped
	checkEquals( "control", rBiopaxParser:::stripns("bp:control") )

test_addhash <- function() {
	#check that hash is correctly added
	checkEquals( "#id1", rBiopaxParser:::addhash("id1") )

test_striphash <- function() {
	#check that hash is correctly stripped
	checkEquals( "id1", rBiopaxParser:::striphash("#id1") )

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rBiopaxParser documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:21 p.m.