
Defines functions hierarchyKNNcor currentClass cutree_iterative constructTree train_scClassifySingle train_scClassify

Documented in train_scClassify

#' Training scClassify model
#' @param exprsMat_train A matrix of log-transformed expression matrix of reference dataset
#' @param cellTypes_train A vector of cell types of reference dataset
#' @param tree A vector indicates the method to build hierarchical tree,
#' set as "HOPACH" by default.
#' This should be one of "HOPACH" and "HC" (using stats::hclust).
#' @param selectFeatures A vector indicates the gene selection method,
#' set as "limma" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI".
#' @param topN An integer indicates the top number of features that are selected
#' @param hopach_kmax An integer between 1 and 9 specifying the maximum number of
#' children at each node in the HOPACH tree.
#' @param pSig A numeric indicates the cutoff of pvalue for features
#' @param cellType_tree A list indicates the cell type tree provided by user.
#' (By default, it is NULL)
#' @param weightsCal A logical input indicates whether we need to
#' calculate the weights for the model.
#' @param parallel A logical input indicates whether the algorihms will run in parallel
#' @param BPPARAM  A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object
#' from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param verbose A logical input indicates whether the intermediate steps will be printed
#' @param returnList A logical input indicates whether the output will be class of list
#' @param ... Other input for predict_scClassify for the case when weights calculation
#' of the pretrained model is performed
#' @return list of results or an object of \code{scClassifyTrainModel}
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @examples
#' data("scClassify_example")
#' xin_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$xin_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_xin_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_xin_subset
#' trainClass <- train_scClassify(exprsMat_train = exprsMat_xin_subset,
#' cellTypes_train = xin_cellTypes,
#' selectFeatures = c("limma", "BI"),
#' returnList = FALSE
#' )
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @export

train_scClassify <- function(exprsMat_train,
                             tree = "HOPACH",
                             selectFeatures = "limma",
                             topN = 50,
                             hopach_kmax = 5,
                             pSig = 0.05,
                             cellType_tree = NULL,
                             weightsCal = FALSE,
                             parallel= FALSE,
                             BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                             verbose= TRUE,
                             returnList = TRUE,

  if (is.null(exprsMat_train) | is.null(cellTypes_train)) {
    stop("exprsMat_train or cellTypes_train or exprsMat_test is NULL!")

  # Matching the argument of the tree construction method
  tree <- match.arg(tree, c("HOPACH", "HC"), several.ok = FALSE)

  # Matching the argument of feature selection method
  selectFeatures <- match.arg(selectFeatures,
                              c("limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI"),
                              several.ok = TRUE)

  if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
    if (sum(unlist(lapply(cellTypes_train, length)) !=
            unlist(lapply(exprsMat_train, ncol))) != 0) {
      stop("Length of training cell types does not match with
           number of column of training expression matrix")
  }else {
    if (length(cellTypes_train) != ncol(exprsMat_train)) {
      stop("Length of training cell types does not match with
           number of column of training expression matrix")

  # To rename the train list if name is null (only when there are multiple training datasets)
  if ( "list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
    if (is.null(names(exprsMat_train))) {
      names(exprsMat_train) <- names(cellTypes_train) <-
              sep = "_")
    } else if (sum(names(exprsMat_train) == "") != 0) {
      names(exprsMat_train)[names(exprsMat_train) == ""] <-
        names(cellTypes_train)[names(cellTypes_train) == ""] <-
        paste("TrainData", which(names(exprsMat_train) == ""), sep = "_")

  # QC for the training data set

  if (any(c("matrix", "dgCMatrix") %in% is(exprsMat_train))) {

    zeros <- apply(exprsMat_train, 1, function(x) sum(x == 0)/length(x))
    minPctCell <- min(table(cellTypes_train)/length(cellTypes_train))
    exprsMat_train <- exprsMat_train[zeros <= max(1 - minPctCell, 0.95), ]
    if (verbose) {
      cat("after filtering not expressed genes \n")
  } else {
    for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(exprsMat_train))) {
      zeros <- apply(exprsMat_train[[train_list_idx]], 1,
                     function(x) sum(x == 0)/length(x))
      minPctCell <- min(table(cellTypes_train[[train_list_idx]])/length(cellTypes_train[[train_list_idx]]))
      exprsMat_train[[train_list_idx]] <- exprsMat_train[[train_list_idx]][zeros <= max(1 - minPctCell, 0.95), ]
    if (verbose) {
      cat("after filtering not expressed genes \n")
      print(lapply(exprsMat_train, dim))

  ### train_scClassify
  if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
    trainRes <- list()
    for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(exprsMat_train))) {
      trainRes[[train_list_idx]] <- train_scClassifySingle(exprsMat_train[[train_list_idx]],
                                                           tree = tree,
                                                           selectFeatures = selectFeatures,
                                                           topN = topN,
                                                           hopach_kmax = hopach_kmax,
                                                           pSig = pSig,
                                                           weightsCal = weightsCal,
                                                           parallel = parallel,
                                                           BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
                                                           verbose = verbose,
    names(trainRes) <- names(exprsMat_train)
  } else{

    trainRes <- train_scClassifySingle(exprsMat_train,
                                       tree = tree,
                                       selectFeatures = selectFeatures,
                                       topN = topN,
                                       hopach_kmax = hopach_kmax,
                                       pSig = pSig,
                                       cellType_tree = cellType_tree,
                                       weightsCal = weightsCal,
                                       parallel = parallel,
                                       BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
                                       verbose = verbose,

  # return the results
  if (returnList) {


  } else {
    if ("list" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
      trainClassList <- list()
      for (train_list_idx in seq_len(length(trainRes))) {
        trainClassList[[train_list_idx]] <- .scClassifyTrainModel(
          name = names(trainRes)[train_list_idx],
          cellTypeTree = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$cutree_list,
          cellTypeTrain = as.character(trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$cellTypes_train),
          features = names(trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$hierarchyKNNRes),
          model = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$hierarchyKNNRes,
          modelweights = trainRes[[train_list_idx]]$modelweights,
          metaData = S4Vectors::DataFrame())

      trainClassList <- scClassifyTrainModelList(trainClassList)
    } else {
      trainClassList <- .scClassifyTrainModel(
        name = "training",
        cellTypeTree = trainRes$cutree_list,
        cellTypeTrain = as.character(trainRes$cellTypes_train),
        features = names(trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes),
        model = trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes,
        modelweights = trainRes$modelweights,
        metaData = S4Vectors::DataFrame())




#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bplapply

train_scClassifySingle <- function(exprsMat_train,
                                   tree = "HOPACH",
                                   selectFeatures = "limma",
                                   topN = 50,
                                   hopach_kmax = 5,
                                   pSig = 0.05,
                                   cellType_tree = NULL,
                                   weightsCal = FALSE,
                                   parallel= FALSE,
                                   BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                                   verbose= TRUE,

  if (is.null(rownames(exprsMat_train))) {
    stop("rownames of the exprsMat_train is NULL!")

  if (is.null(rownames(exprsMat_train)) |
      sum(duplicated(colnames(exprsMat_train))) != 0) {
    stop("colnames of exprsMat_train is NULL or not unique")

  if (length(cellTypes_train) != ncol(exprsMat_train)) {
    stop("Length of training cell types does not match with
         number of column of training expression matrix")

  if (all(exprsMat_train %% 1 == 0)) {
    warning("exprsMat_train looks like a count matrix
            (scClassify requires a log-transformed normalised input)")

  # Matching the argument of the tree construction method
  tree <- match.arg(tree, c("HOPACH", "HC"), several.ok = FALSE)

  # Matching the argument of feature selection method
  selectFeatures <- match.arg(selectFeatures,
                              c("limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI"),
                              several.ok = TRUE)

  if (verbose) {
    print("Feature Selection...")

  # Select the features to construct tree
  tt <- doLimma(exprsMat_train, cellTypes_train)
  de <- Reduce(union, lapply(tt, function(t)
    rownames(t)[seq_len(max(min(50, sum(t$adj.P.Val < 0.001)), 30))]))

  if (verbose) {
    print(paste("Number of genes selected to construct HOPACH tree",

  if (is.null(cellType_tree)) {
    # Calculate the centroid matrix for tree
    # construction using selected features
    centroidMat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(unique(cellTypes_train), function(x)
      Matrix::rowMeans(as.matrix(exprsMat_train[de, cellTypes_train == x]))))

    colnames(centroidMat) <- unique(cellTypes_train)

    # Constructing the tree using selected tree method
    if (verbose) {
      print("Constructing tree ...")

    cutree_list <- constructTree(centroidMat,
                                 tree = tree,
                                 hopach_kmax = hopach_kmax,
                                 plot = verbose)

  } else {
    cutree_list <- cellType_tree

  if (verbose) {

  if (parallel) {
    hierarchyKNNRes <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(length(selectFeatures)),
                                                                feature = selectFeatures[ft],
                                                                topN = topN,
                                                                pSig = pSig,
                                                                verbose = verbose),
                                              BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
    names(hierarchyKNNRes) <- selectFeatures
    hierarchyKNNRes <- list()
    for (ft in seq_len(length(selectFeatures))) {

      if (verbose) {
        print(paste("=== selecting features by:", selectFeatures[ft], "===="))

      hierarchyKNNRes[[ft]] <- hierarchyKNNcor(exprsMat_train,
                                               feature = selectFeatures[ft],
                                               topN = topN,
                                               pSig = pSig,
                                               verbose = verbose)

    names(hierarchyKNNRes) <- selectFeatures

  trainRes <- list(hierarchyKNNRes = hierarchyKNNRes,
                   cutree_list = cutree_list,
                   cellTypes_train = cellTypes_train)

  if (weightsCal) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("=========  SelfTraining to calculate weight  ================= \n")

    selfTrainRes <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_train,
                                       trainRes  = trainRes,
                                       cellTypes_test = cellTypes_train,
                                       parallel = parallel,
                                       BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
                                       verbose = verbose,
                                       features = selectFeatures,
    trainRes$selfTrainRes <- selfTrainRes
    trainRes$modelweights <- getTrainWeights(selfTrainRes)


# Function to construct tree using HOPACH or HC

constructTree <- function(centroidMat,
                          tree = c("HOPACH", "HC"),
                          hopach_kmax = hopach_kmax,
                          plot= TRUE){

  tree <- match.arg(tree, c("HOPACH", "HC"), several.ok = FALSE)

  if (tree == "HOPACH") {

    res <- runHOPACH(data = t(centroidMat),
                     plot = plot,
                     kmax = hopach_kmax)
    cutree_list <- res$cutree_list

    distMat <- as.dist(1 - stats::cor(centroidMat))
    hc <- stats::hclust(distMat, method = "complete")
    # plot(hc)
    cutree_list <- cutree_iterative(hc, depth = 1)


# Cut the Hierarchical tree for each level
# depth here indicates the deep the tree is cut

cutree_iterative <- function(hc, depth = 1){

  height_sort <- sort(hc$height, decreasing = TRUE)
  cutree_list <- list()

  for (i in seq_len(sum(height_sort >=
                        height_sort[round(length(height_sort)*depth)]))) {
    cutree_list[[i]] <- cutree(hc, h = height_sort[i])

  # Last level is distinct number
  cutree_list[[length(cutree_list) + 1]] <- seq_len(length(hc$labels))
  names(cutree_list[[length(cutree_list)]]) <- hc$labels


currentClass <- function(cellTypes, cutree_res){
  cellTypes <- as.character(cellTypes)
  res <- cutree_res[cellTypes]

# Function to perform hierarchical feature selection

hierarchyKNNcor <- function(exprsMat,
                            feature = c("limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI"),
                            topN = 50,
                            pSig = 0.001,
                            verbose= TRUE){
  feature <- match.arg(feature, c("limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI"))
  numHierchy <- length(cutree_list)
  levelModel <- list()
  levelHVG <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(numHierchy)) {
    #Make sure not all same cluster
    if (length(unique(cutree_list[[i]])) != 1) {

      model <- list()
      hvg <- list()
      class_tmp <- currentClass(cellTypes, cutree_list[[i]])
      names(class_tmp) <- colnames(exprsMat)
      for (j in unique(cutree_list[[i - 1]])) {
        # print(paste("Group", j))
        trainIdx <- which(cellTypes %in% names(cutree_list[[i - 1]])[cutree_list[[i - 1]] == j])
        trainClass <- class_tmp[trainIdx]
        if (length(unique(trainClass)) != 1) {

          hvg[[j]] <- featureSelection(exprsMat[,trainIdx],
                                       feature = feature,
                                       topN = topN,
                                       pSig = pSig

          model[[j]] <- list(train = Matrix::t(exprsMat[na.omit(hvg[[j]]),
                                                        drop = FALSE]),
                             y = as.factor(trainClass))

          model[[j]] <- "noModel"
      levelHVG[[i]] <- hvg
      levelModel[[i]] <- model

  res <- list(model = levelModel, hvg = levelHVG)

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scClassify documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:08 p.m.