
Defines functions .getOverlaps getOverlaps

Documented in getOverlaps

# modification on git from copied files
getOverlaps <- function(coordinates, segments, overlapType = "overlapping", whichOverlaps = TRUE, ignoreStrand = FALSE, cl)
    overlaps <- c()
    if(ignoreStrand) {
      overlaps <- .getOverlaps(coordinates, segments, overlapType = overlapType, whichOverlaps = whichOverlaps, cl = cl)
    } else {
      for (ss in levels(strand(segments)))
        overlaps[which(strand(coordinates) == ss)] <- .getOverlaps(
                               coordinates = coordinates[which(strand(coordinates) == ss),],
                               segments = segments[which(strand(segments) %in% list(c("+", "*"), c("-", "*"), c("+", "-", "*"))[[which(c("+", "-", "*") == ss)]]),],
                               overlapType = overlapType, whichOverlaps = whichOverlaps, cl = cl)

.getOverlaps <- function(coordinates, segments, overlapType = "overlapping", whichOverlaps = TRUE, cl)
    if(missing(cl)) cl <- NULL
    if(overlapType == "overlapping") {
      segord <- order(as.factor(seqnames(segments)), start(segments), end(segments))
    } else if (overlapType == "contains") {
      segord <- order(as.factor(seqnames(segments)), end(segments), start(segments))
    } else if(overlapType == "within") {
      segord <- order(as.factor(seqnames(segments)), start(segments), end(segments))

    coordord <- order(as.factor(seqnames(coordinates)), start(coordinates), end(coordinates))
    seg <- segments[segord,, drop = FALSE]
    coord <- coordinates[coordord,, drop = FALSE]

    chrOverlaps <- lapply(seqlevels(coordinates), function(chr) {
      whchr <- which(seqnames(coord) == chr)
      chrcoord <- coord[whchr,, drop = FALSE]
      whseg <- which(seqnames(seg) == chr)
      chrseg <- seg[whseg,,drop = FALSE]

      if(length(chrcoord) == 0) return()
      if(length(chrseg) == 0 & !whichOverlaps) return(rep(FALSE, length(chrcoord)))
      if(length(chrseg) == 0 & whichOverlaps) return(rep(NA, length(chrcoord)))

      if(overlapType == "overlapping") {
        fIns <- cbind(findInterval(start(chrcoord) - 0.5, cummax(end(chrseg))) + 1,
                      findInterval(end(chrcoord) + 0.5, cummax(start(chrseg))))
      } else if (overlapType == "contains") {
        fIns <- cbind(findInterval(start(chrcoord) - 0.5, cummax(start(chrseg))) + 1,
                      findInterval(end(chrcoord), end(chrseg)))
      } else if(overlapType == "within") {
        fIns <- cbind(findInterval(end(chrcoord) - 0.5, cummax(end(chrseg))) + 1,
                      findInterval(start(chrcoord), start(chrseg)))
      if(!whichOverlaps & overlapType %in% c("overlapping", "contains"))
        return(chrOverlaps <- as.list(fIns[,2] >= fIns[,1]))          

      chrOverlaps <- list()
      chrOverlaps[1:length(chrcoord)] <- NA
      if(!whichOverlaps & overlapType == "within")
          coordCheck <- fIns[,1] <= fIns[,2]
          chrOverlaps[!coordCheck] <- FALSE
              rodseg <- chrseg[order(start(chrseg), -end(chrseg)),,drop = FALSE]
              chrOverlaps[which(coordCheck)[which(end(rodseg)[match(start(chrseg)[fIns[coordCheck,1]], start(rodseg))] >= end(chrcoord)[coordCheck])]] <- TRUE
          coordCheck <- is.na(chrOverlaps)
              rodseg <- chrseg[order(end(chrseg), start(chrseg)),, drop = FALSE]
              chrOverlaps[which(coordCheck)[which(start(rodseg)[match(end(chrseg)[fIns[coordCheck,2]], end(rodseg))] <= start(chrcoord)[coordCheck])]] <- TRUE
          coordCheck <- which(is.na(chrOverlaps))
          if(length(coordCheck) == 0) return(chrOverlaps)
        } else if(whichOverlaps & overlapType == "within") {
          coordCheck <- which(fIns[,1] <= fIns[,2])
        } else if(overlapType %in% c("overlapping", "contains"))
          chrOverlaps[fIns[,1] == fIns[,2]] <- segord[whseg[fIns[fIns[,1] == fIns[,2],1]]]
          coordCheck <- which(fIns[,1] < fIns[,2])

      if(length(coordCheck) > 0)
#              overlapsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
#              environment(clustAssign) <- overlapsEnv
              clusterExport(cl, c("fIns", "chrseg", "chrcoord", "segord", "whseg", "overlapType"), envir = environment())

          chkCoord <- chrcoord[coordCheck,,drop = FALSE]
          fIns <- fIns[coordCheck,, drop = FALSE]
          numwin <- ceiling(length(chkCoord) / min(50000, length(chkCoord)))
          ends <- round(quantile(end(chkCoord), probs = 1:numwin / numwin))
          windows <- data.frame(start = c(1, ends[-length(ends)] + 1), end = ends)

          for(ii in 1:nrow(windows))

              checkOverlaps <- function(co, whichOverlaps = TRUE)
                  start <- co[1]
                  end <- co[2]
                  rfIStart <- co[3]
                  rfIEnd <- co[4]
                  selseg <- rseg[rfIStart:rfIEnd,,drop = FALSE]
                  if(overlapType == "overlapping") {
                    return(segord[rwhseg[(rfIStart:rfIEnd)[end(selseg) >= start & start(selseg) <= end]]])
                  } else if(overlapType == "within") {
                    whichWithin <- start(selseg) <= start & end(selseg) >= end
                    if(whichOverlaps) {
                      if(any(whichWithin)) return(segord[rwhseg[(rfIStart:rfIEnd)[whichWithin]]]) else return(NA)
                    } else {
                      if(any(whichWithin)) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
                  } else if(overlapType == "contains") {
                    return(segord[rwhseg[(rfIStart:rfIEnd)[start(selseg) >= start & end(selseg) <= end]]])

              if(ii %% 100 == 0) message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
              wrcoord <- which(end(chkCoord) >= windows$start[ii] & end(chkCoord) <= windows$end[ii])
              rcoord <- chkCoord[wrcoord,, drop = FALSE]
              rfIns <- fIns[wrcoord,, drop = FALSE]
              adj <- min(rfIns) - 1

              rseg <- chrseg[min(rfIns):max(rfIns),, drop = FALSE]
              rwhseg <- whseg[min(rfIns):max(rfIns)]
              if(!is.null(cl) & length(rcoord) > 1)
                  clustRedSeg <- function(minseg, maxseg) {
                    rwhseg <- whseg[minseg:maxseg]
                    rseg <- chrseg[minseg:maxseg,,drop = FALSE]
                    assign("rseg", rseg, envir = .GlobalEnv)
                    assign("rwhseg", rwhseg, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#                  environment(checkOverlaps) <- overlapsEnv
#                  environment(clustRedSeg) <- overlapsEnv                  
                  clusterCall(cl, clustRedSeg, min(rfIns), max(rfIns))
                  apResult <- parApply(cl, cbind(start(rcoord), end(rcoord), rfIns - adj), 1, checkOverlaps, whichOverlaps = whichOverlaps)                  
                } else {
                  apResult <- apply(cbind(start(rcoord), end(rcoord), rfIns - adj), 1, checkOverlaps, whichOverlaps = whichOverlaps)

              if(whichOverlaps) {
                if(is.matrix(apResult)) apResult <- as.list(as.data.frame(apResult))
                chrOverlaps[coordCheck[wrcoord]] <- as.list(apResult)
              } else chrOverlaps[coordCheck[wrcoord]] <- apResult


      clusterEvalQ(cl, rm(list = ls()))

    overlaps <- list()
    for(chr in seqlevels(coord))
        whchr <- which(seqnames(coord) == as.character(chr))
        if(length(whchr) > 0)
          overlaps[coordord[whchr]] <- chrOverlaps[[which(levels(seqnames(coord)) == chr)]]        
        overlaps <- lapply(overlaps, function(x) if(all(is.na(x))) return(integer(0)) else return(x))        
      } else return(unlist(overlaps))

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segmentSeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:18 p.m.