# following reflects fact that se1.3M ExperimentHub element
# lacks rowData!
inSE = se1.3M()
okSE = se100k()
rowData(inSE) = rowData(okSE)
data("allGOterms", package="ontoProc")
clsupp = getCellOnto()
server = function(input, output) {
data("allGOterms", package="ontoProc")
output$def = renderTable( {
validate(need(input$secLevel, ""))
goinds = lapply(c(input$secLevel), function(x) agrep( x, allGOterms[,2] ) )
ll = sapply(goinds, length)
validate(need(sum(unlist(ll))>0, "no matches, please try another term"))
tabs = lapply(goinds, function(x) allGOterms[x,])
data.frame(subtype=input$secLevel , nterms=sapply(tabs,nrow))
} )
output$getSecLNum = renderText({
validate(need(input$topLevel, "select top level term"))
ss = secLevGen(input$topLevel, clsupp)
validate(need(!is.null(ss), "no subtypes; please choose another cell type above"))
allchoices = ss@cleanFrame[,"clean"]
paste(as.character(length(allchoices)), " second level options")
buildGOTab = reactive({
validate(need(input$secLevel, "select second order term"))
curinds = unlist(lapply(c(input$secLevel), function(x) agrep( x, allGOterms[,2] ) ) )
ll = sapply(curinds, length)
validate(need(sum(unlist(ll))>0, "no matches, please try another term"))
godtSetup = reactive({
tab = buildGOTab()
gotags = tab[,1]
oktags = keys(, keytype="GO")
gotags = intersect(gotags, oktags)
gtab = AnnotationDbi::select(, keys=gotags, keytype="GO", columns=c("ENSEMBL", "SYMBOL"))
allg = unique(gtab[,"SYMBOL"])
list(dataframe=gtab, genes=allg)
getData = reactive({
allg = godtSetup()$genes
featinds = match(allg, rowData(inSE)$symbol)
validate(need(length(featinds)>0, "no expression data for this subtype, please revise"))
showNotification(paste("acquiring ", input$nsamp, " records from HDF5 server"), id="acqnote")
dat=t(as.matrix(assay(finse <- inSE[na.omit(featinds),1:input$nsamp])))
list(finse=finse, data=dat)
output$counts = renderDataTable({
strs = getData()
dat = t(strs$data)
syms = make.names(rowData(strs$finse)$symbol, unique=TRUE)
dat = data.frame(gene=syms, rowmn=rowMeans(dat), rowsd=rowSds(dat), dat)
colnames(dat) = c("gene", "rowmn", "rowsd", as.character(1:input$nsamp))
if (ncol(dat)>200) dat= dat[,1:3]
output$pcs = renderPlot({
strs = getData()
data = strs$data
finse = strs$finse
if (input$trans == "log(x+1)") data = log(data+1)
syms = make.names(rowData(finse)$symbol, unique=TRUE)
colnames(data) = syms
pcs = prcomp(data)
suppressWarnings( # arrow warnings
biplot(pcs, xlabs=rep(".", nrow(data)), choices=c(input$pc1, input$pc2),
main=paste("# genes = ", nrow(finse), ", # cells = ", ncol(finse)))
output$godt = renderDataTable( godtSetup()$dataframe )
output$thedt = renderDataTable({
validate(need(input$topLevel, "select top level term"))
ss = secLevGen(input$topLevel, clsupp)
allchoices = ss@cleanFrame[,"clean"]
validate(need(input$secLevel, "select second order term"))
output$secLevUI = renderUI({
showNotification(paste("setting up"), id="setupnote")
validate(need(input$topLevel, "select top level term"))
ss = secLevGen(input$topLevel, clsupp)
validate(need(!is.null(ss), "no subtypes; please choose another cell type above"))
allchoices = ss@cleanFrame[,"clean"]
selectInput("secLevel", "Subtype", choices=unname(allchoices), size=4, multiple=TRUE,
selectize=FALSE, selected=c("dopaminergic neuron", "GABAergic neuron"))
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