Man pages for trackViewer
A R/Bioconductor package with web interface for drawing elegant interactive tracks or lollipop plot to facilitate integrated analysis of multi-omics data

addArrowMarkAdd arrow mark to the figure at a given position
addGuideLineAdd guide lines to the tracks
browseTracksbrowse tracks
browseTracks-shinyShiny bindings for browseTracks
coverageGRcalculate coverage
geneModelFromTxdbPrepare gene model from an object of TxDb
geneTracktrack from TxDb
getCurTrackViewportGet current track viewport
getGeneIDsFromTxDbget gene ids by genomic location
getLocationget genomic location by gene symbol
gi2trackconvert GInteractions to track object
gieStaincolor sheme for the schema for Chromosome Band (Ideogram)
gridPlotplot GRanges metadata
GRoperatorGRanges operator
ideogramPlotplot ideogram with data
importBamReading data from a BAM file
importDataReading data from a BED or WIG file to RleList
importScoreReading data from a BED or WIG file
loadIdeogramload ideogram from UCSC
optimizeStyleOptimize the style of plot
parse2GRangesparse text into GRanges
parseWIGconvert WIG format track to BED format track
plotGInteractionsplot GInteractions
plotGRangesplot GRanges data
plotIdeoplot ideogram
plotOneIdeoplot ideogram with data for one chromosome
pos-classClass '"pos"'
trackList-classList of tracks
trackStyle-classClass '"trackStyle"'
trackViewer-packageMinimal designed plotting tool for genomic data
trackViewerStyle-classClass '"trackViewerStyle"'
viewGeneplot tracks based on gene name
viewTracksplot the tracks
xscale-classClass '"xscale"'
yaxisStyle-classClass '"yaxisStyle"'
trackViewer documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 2 a.m.