
Defines functions rea

Documented in rea

#' REA: Rank EnrichmeNt Analysis
#' REA Calculates enrichment of groups of objects over a vector of values
#' associated to a population of objects
#' @param signatures a named vector, with values as signature values
#' (e.g. logFC) and names as object names (e.g. gene symbols)
#' @param groups a list of vectors of objects (e.g. pathways)
#' @param sweights weights associated to objects in the signature.
#' If NULL (default) all objects are treated according to the signature rank
#' @param gweights weights associated to association strength between each
#' object and each group. If NULL (default) all associations are treated equally
#' @param minsize integer. Minimum size of the groups to be analyzed. Default=1
#' @return A numeric vector of normalized enrichment scores
#' @examples
#' signatures<-setNames(-sort(rnorm(1000)),paste0('gene',1:1000))
#' set1<-paste0('gene',sample(1:200,50))
#' set2<-paste0('gene',sample(1:1000,50))
#' groups<-list(set1=set1,set2=set2)
#' obj<-rea(signatures=signatures,groups=groups)
#' obj
#' @export
rea <- function(signatures, groups, sweights = NULL,
                gweights = NULL, minsize = 1) {
    ### Remove small groups
    groups <- groups[sapply(groups, length) >=

    ### Treat single 'signature'
    if (is.null(nrow(signatures))) {
        signatures <- matrix(signatures,
                            length(signatures), 1,
                            dimnames = list(names(signatures),

    ### Generate dummy signature weights
    if (is.null(sweights)) {
        sweights <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(signatures),
                        ncol = ncol(signatures))
        dimnames(sweights) <- dimnames(signatures)
    if (!identical(dim(signatures), dim(sweights))) {
        stop("Signatures and Signature weights must be
    matrices of identical size")

    ### Generate dummy group weights
    if (is.null(gweights)) {
        gweights <- relist(rep(1, sum(sapply(groups,
                                            length))), skeleton = groups)

    ### Apply weights to group belonging
    wgroups <- gweights
    for (i in seq_len(length(wgroups))) {
        names(wgroups[[i]]) <- groups[[i]]

    ### Rank-transform columns
    ranks <- apply(signatures, 2, rank, na.last = "keep")
    ### Assign a 0 to signature weights where
    ### the signature was NA
    sweights[is.na(ranks)] <- 0
    ### 0-1 bound ranks
    boundranks <- t(t(ranks)/(colSums(!is.na(signatures)) +
    # Treat bound ranks as quantiles in a
    # gaussian distribution (0=-Inf, 1=+Inf)
    gaussian <- qnorm(boundranks)
    ### Deal with NAs
    gaussian[is.na(gaussian)] <- 0

    ### Apply signature weights to the
    ### normalized distribution
    gaussian <- gaussian * sweights

    ### Next, we see how each of the groups are
    ### behaving in these normalized signatures
    ### Create a boolean matrix with ngroup
    ### columns and signaturelength rows,
    ### indicating the matches
    matches <- sapply(wgroups, function(group,
                                        allElements) {
        hereMatches <- as.integer(allElements %in%
        names(hereMatches) <- allElements
        # Weigth by group belonging
        weightedMatches <- hereMatches
        weightedMatches[names(group)] <- weightedMatches[names(group)] *
    }, allElements = rownames(gaussian))
    # And then transpose it
    matches <- t(matches)

    # Number of matches per group
    groupmatches <- rowSums(matches)

    # Relative part of the signature that
    # matches
    relativematches <- matches/groupmatches

    # This trick will overweight massively
    # small groups with all their components
    # highly-ranked.  Extreme case is with a
    # group with one gene at the top

    # The core linear algebra operation. The
    # true magic of rea
    enrichmentScore <- relativematches %*%

    # Finally, every enrichment is
    # square-rooted to respect the criterion
    # of normality
    normalizedEnrichmentScore <- enrichmentScore *

    # Return output

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vulcan documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:15 p.m.