# Copyright (C) 2018 Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, Hu Feng He,Peng Zhang, Xiaohua Xie, Cédric Sueur
# This file is part of Animal Network Toolkit Software (ANTs).
# ANT is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ANT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
#' @title Extracts statistical measures of interest in Generalized Linear Mixed Models
#' @description Performs Generalized Linear Mixed Models tests
#' @param ant an output of ANT function \code{} with random factor stated, or output of ANT 'met' categories functions in which output of ANT functions \code{perm.ds.focal}, \code{perm.ds.grp} or \code{} where multiple matrices have been used.
#' @param formula two-sided linear formula object describing both the fixed-effects and random-effects part of the model, with the response on the left of a ~ operator and the terms, separated by + operators, on the right. Random-effects terms are distinguished by vertical bars (|) separating expressions for design matrices from grouping factors. Two vertical bars (||) can be used to specify multiple uncorrelated random effects for the same grouping variable. (Because of the way it is implemented, the ||-syntax works only for design matrices containing numeric (continuous) predictors; to fit models with independent categorical effects, see dummy or the lmer_alt function from the afex package.).
#' @param family a GLM family, see \code{\link{glm}} and \code{\link{family}}.
#' @param oda the original data frame of associations when argument ant is obtained with perm.ds.grp or perm.ds.focal ANT functions.
#' @param progress a boolean indicating the visualization of the permutation process.
#' @param odf the original data frame
#' @param ... Extra arguments for \code{lmer} or \code{glmer} function only.
#' @details GLMM with permutation data.
#' @return Returns a list of 3 elements :
#' \itemize{
#' \item An object of class \code{\link{merMod}} (more specifically, an object of subclass lmerMod or glmerMod), for which many methods are available (e.g. methods(class="merMod")).
#' \item A data frame if the estimates of the permuted models.
#' \item A vector of integers indicating the permutations that returned model errors or warnings (e.g. model convergence issues) and for which new permutations were done.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{lmer}} or \code{\link{glmer}}
#' @author Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez. <- function(ant, formula, family, oda = NULL, progress = TRUE, odf, ...) {
tmp <- NULL
if (is.character(family)) {
fam <- family
else {
if (attributes(family)$class == "family") {
family <- family
fam <- family$family
else {
stop("Argument family is not a character or a family function.")
if (attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT data stream group sampling multiple matrices") {
if (is.null(oda)) {
stop("Argument oda cannot be NULL when argument ant is obtained with perm.ds.grp or perm.ds.focal ANT functions")
if (fam == "gaussian") {
# Parametrisation in case of error or warning -------------------------------------------------
# finding node metrics to permute in case of warning or error along GLMM on permuted data
arguments <- all.vars(formula)
metrics <- c(
"degree", "outdegree", "indegree", "strength", "outstrength", "instrength", "affinityB", "affinity", "affinityW",
"disparity", "indisparity", "outdisparity", "eigenB", "eigenU", "outeigen", "ineigen", "eigenW", "eigen", "lpB",
"lpW", "reach", "riB", "riW", "ri"
target.metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% arguments]
# Removing node metrics from original data frame
odf <- odf[, -c(df.col.findId(odf, target.metrics))]
# Finding scan and control factor to redo data stream permutation
Scan <- attributes(ant)$scan
ctrlf <- attributes(ant)$ctrlf
method <- attributes(ant)$method
# GLMM along permutations ------------------------------------------
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$new.perm <- 0
tmp.env$gbi <- NULL
tmp.env$error <- NULL
if (progress) {
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam, ...) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", i, "\r")
attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.grp(family = "gaussian", new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, method = method, ctrlf = ctrlf, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf = ctrlf, method = method, fam = fam, ...)
else {
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam, ...) {
attr(oda, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.grp(family = "gaussian", new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, method = method, ctrlf = ctrlf, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan = Scan, ctrlf = ctrlf, method = method, fam = fam, ...)
if (fam != "gaussian") {
# Parametrisation in case of error or warning -------------------------------------------------
# finding node metrics to permute in case of warning or error along GLMM on permuted data
arguments <- all.vars(formula)
metrics <- c(
"degree", "outdegree", "indegree", "strength", "outstrength", "instrength", "affinityB", "affinity", "affinityW",
"disparity", "indisparity", "outdisparity", "eigenB", "eigenU", "outeigen", "ineigen", "eigenW", "eigen", "lpB",
"lpW", "reach", "riB", "riW", "ri"
target.metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% arguments]
# Removing node metrics from original data frame
odf <- odf[, -c(df.col.findId(odf, target.metrics))]
# Finding scan and control factor to redo data stream permutation
Scan <- attributes(ant)$scan
ctrlf <- attributes(ant)$ctrlf
method <- attributes(ant)$method
# GLMM along permutations ------------------------------------------
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$new.perm <- 0
tmp.env$gbi <- NULL
tmp.env$error <- NULL
if (progress) {
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, family, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", i, "\r")
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.grp(family = family, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, method = method, ctrlf = ctrlf, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
result <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, family, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam, ...)
else {
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, family, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam, ...) {
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.grp(family = family, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, formula = formula, Scan = Scan, method = method, ctrlf = ctrlf, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
result <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, family, odf, oda, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, method, fam, ...)
permuted <-"rbind", permuted)
result <- list("permutations" = permuted, "errors" = tmp.env$error)
attr(result, "class") <- "ant glmm parallel"
attr(result, "family") <- paste(family)
attr(result, "formula") <- format(formula)
if (attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT data stream focal sampling multiple matrices") {
if (is.null(oda)) {
stop("Argument oda cannot be NULL when argument ant is obtained with perm.ds.grp or perm.ds.focal ANT functions")
if (fam == "gaussian") {
# Parametrisation in case of error or warning -------------------------------------------------
# finding node metrics to permute in case of warning or error along GLMM on permuted data
arguments <- all.vars(formula)
metrics <- c(
"degree", "outdegree", "indegree", "strength", "outstrength", "instrength", "affinityB", "affinity", "affinityW",
"disparity", "indisparity", "outdisparity", "eigenB", "eigenU", "outeigen", "ineigen", "eigenW", "eigen", "lpB",
"lpW", "reach", "riB", "riW", "ri"
target.metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% arguments]
# Removing node metrics from original data frame
odf <- odf[, -c(df.col.findId(odf, target.metrics))]
# Finding scan and control factor to redo data stream permutation
focal <- attributes(ant)$focal
ctrl <- attributes(ant)$ctrl
alters <- attributes(ant)$alters
index <- attributes(ant)$method
# GLMM along permutations ------------------------------------------
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$new.perm <- 0
tmp.env$gbi <- NULL
tmp.env$gbi2 <- NULL
tmp.env$error <- NULL
if (progress == TRUE) {
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrl, alters, index, fam, ...) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
attr(odf, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = d, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.focal.glmm(family = family, formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, gbi2 = tmp.env$gbi2, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
tmp.env$gbi2 <- r[[3]]
result <- r[[4]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula = formula, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
else {
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrl, alters, index, fam, ...) {
attr(odf, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = d, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.focal.glmm(family = family, formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, gbi2 = tmp.env$gbi2, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
tmp.env$new.perm <- r[[1]]
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, r[[1]])
tmp.env$gbi <- r[[2]]
tmp.env$gbi2 <- r[[3]]
result <- r[[4]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula = formula, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
if (fam != "gaussian") {
# Parametrisation in case of error or warning -------------------------------------------------
# finding node metrics to permute in case of warning or error along GLMM on permuted data
arguments <- all.vars(formula)
metrics <- c(
"degree", "outdegree", "indegree", "strength", "outstrength", "instrength", "affinityB", "affinity", "affinityW",
"disparity", "indisparity", "outdisparity", "eigenB", "eigenU", "outeigen", "ineigen", "eigenW", "eigen", "lpB",
"lpW", "reach", "riB", "riW", "ri"
target.metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% arguments]
# Removing node metrics from original data frame
odf <- odf[, -c(df.col.findId(odf, target.metrics))]
# Finding scan and control factor to redo data stream permutation
focal <- attributes(ant)$focal
ctrl <- attributes(ant)$ctrl
alters <- attributes(ant)$alters
# GLMM along permutations ------------------------------------------
new.perm <- 0
new.oda <- NULL
er <- NULL
if (progress == TRUE) {
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, family, progress = TRUE, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrl, alters, new.perm, new.oda, fam, ...) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
attr(odf, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = d, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
er <- c(er, attributes(d)$permutation)
cat(" Processing permutation ", attributes(d)$permutation, " resampling", "\r")
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.focal.glmm(family = family, formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, gbi2 = tmp.env$gbi2, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
new.perm <- r[[1]]
new.oda <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula, family, progress = TRUE, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, new.perm = new.perm, new.oda = new.oda, fam = fam, ...)
else {
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, family, progress = TRUE, odf, oda, target.metrics, focal, ctrl, alters, new.perm, new.oda, fam, ...) {
attr(odf, "permutation") <- 0
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = d, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
# redo a permutation on raw data
er <- c(er, attributes(d)$permutation)
cat(" Processing permutation ", attributes(d)$permutation, " resampling", "\r")
# Giving to the original data frame of individual characteristics (odf) the permutation number where error or warning were found
attr(odf, "permutation") <- attributes(d)$permutation
# redo.ds.grp.first return 3 elements: 1) permutation index, 2) permuted data frame of associations 3) glmm estimates
r <- redo.ds.focal.glmm(family = family, formula = formula, new.perm = tmp.env$new.perm, gbi = tmp.env$gbi, gbi2 = tmp.env$gbi2, oda = oda, odf = odf, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, index = index, fam = fam, ...)
new.perm <- r[[1]]
new.oda <- r[[2]]
result <- r[[3]]
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula, family, progress = TRUE, odf = odf, oda = oda, target.metrics = target.metrics, focal = focal, ctrl = ctrl, alters = alters, new.perm = new.perm, new.oda = new.oda, fam = fam, ...)
permuted <-"rbind", permuted)
result <- list("permutations" = permuted, "errors" = tmp.env$error)
attr(result, "class") <- "ant glmm parallel"
attr(result, "family") <- paste(family)
attr(result, "formula") <- format(formula)
if (attributes(ant)$ANT == "ANT node label permutation with random factors") {
if (fam == "gaussian") {
# Test along the list of permutation data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (progress) {
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$error <- NULL
ctrl <- attributes(ant)$rf
labels <- attributes(ant)$labels
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, progress, ctrl, odf, labels, ...) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation, "\r")
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(tmp@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation)
while (all(test) != TRUE) {
newdf <- perm.redo(df = odf, labels = labels, ctrl = ctrl)
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lmer(formula = formula, data = newdf, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, progress = TRUE, ctrl = ctrl, odf = odf, labels = labels, ...)
else {
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$error <- NULL
ctrl <- attributes(ant)$rf
labels <- attributes(ant)$labels
permuted <- lapply(seq_along(ant), function(i, ant, formula, progress, ctrl, odf, labels, ...) {
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = ant[[i]], ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(ant[[i]])$permutation)
while (all(test) != TRUE) {
newdf <- perm.redo(df = odf, labels = labels, ctrl = ctrl)
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::lmer(formula = formula, data = newdf, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, ant = ant, formula, progress = TRUE, ctrl = ctrl, odf = odf, labels = labels, ...)
if (fam != "gaussian") {
# Test along the list of permutation data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (progress == TRUE) {
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$error <- NULL
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, family, ctrl, labels, odf, ...) {
cat(" Processing permutation : ", attributes(d)$permutation, "\r")
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = d, family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
while (all(test) != TRUE) {
newdf <- perm.redo(df = odf, labels = labels, ctrl = ctrl)
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = newdf, family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula = formula, family = family, ctrl = ctrl, labels, odf, ...)
else {
tmp.env <- new.env()
tmp.env$error <- NULL
permuted <- lapply(ant, function(d, formula, family, ctrl, labels, odf, w, ...) {
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = d, family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
if (all(test) != TRUE) {
tmp.env$error <- c(tmp.env$error, attributes(d)$permutation)
while (all(test) != TRUE) {
newdf <- perm.redo(df = odf, labels = labels, ctrl = ctrl)
r <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = newdf, family = family, ...))), error = identity)
if (isS4(r)) {
test <- c(!is(r, "error"), !is(r, "warning"),r@optinfo$conv$opt == 0, length(r@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) == 0, length(r@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
if (is(r, "error")) {
test <- FALSE
if (is(r, "warning")) {
test <- FALSE
r <- summary(r)$coefficients[, 1]
}, formula = formula, family = family, ctrl = ctrl, labels, odf, ...)
permuted <-"rbind", permuted)
result <- list("permutations" = permuted, "errors" = tmp.env$error)
attr(result, "class") <- "ant glmm parallel"
attr(result, "family") <- paste(fam)
attr(result, "formula") <- format(formula)
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